Saturday, February 25, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

November 23, 2011

This actress is B list for now. When her crap show goes off the air on that almost network, then I fully expect to see her at a comfortable D. She is the star of the show. Well, at least has the most name recognition. Reason? Shrewd. So shrewd. Dated a B list gay movie actor when he was scorching hot and in a huge couple of movies so got in a lot of pap photos. Although they tried to have sex once or twice, it never really worked out, but what she did learn was how to tie him to the bed and beat him with a paddle. He loved it. Turns out, she loved doing it. Her new boyfriend? A C list actor, maybe B- if you are a fan. They had nothing in common and she was tired of him hitting on her. Then one day he started talking about what he liked in bed. Same thing as the other actor, but this time she does not have to beard.

AnnaLynne McCord


  1. Didnt she date Kellan Lutz?! this might just be the key to a ted blind.

  2. Wow Enty, thanks for the reveal!

    Yes, she dated Kellan. Way to officially out him! He's one of the Twilight blinds, right? I don't pay attention to those.

  3. 3 people guessed this one all at the same time. Love that. Thanks for the reveal. :)

  4. Paddle beatings... o_O

    Lol... I only know this creature exists because of this blog (same with a bunch of the usual blog subjects).

    I remember reading (here) about her fake dating some flavor of the month actor, but I can't remember who either...

  5. Whose the 2nd guy that was hittin on her??

  6. and here we all thought Jackson Rathbone was the gay one. Red velvet suit be dammed! He is straight and having a baby with his girlfriend.

    If Kellen is gay, he seems like he will live in the closet forever.

  7. Dominic Purcell for the new paddle boy?

  8. @EmEyeKay - that would be him!

  9. I thought she was pretty good on Nip/Tuck

  10. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Love this reveal! Juicy stuff :-)

  11. Damn. I wonder if this is the face she makes when she beats them:

  12. Um, even I now think Ent is defintely violating his "no outing" policy. Come on, Ent, how is this NOT outing Lutz??

  13. Hahahahahaha! Oh, this is a juicy one, love it! Thanks, Enty!

  14. For some reason, I find this strangely hilarious. Heh.

  15. @Jason BE - Scareeeee!

  16. Candice - That is DEFINITELY the answer to a Ted blind. :) Thanks Enty!!

  17. I think Dominic Purcell is hot! Minus the moustache , loved him on prison break.

  18. ecua - I'm with you. Even though he's not directly outing him, it's still pretty obvious that this blind is pointing to Lutz.

  19. The thing that seems off to me about this is that even Ted (who says that almost everyone in Hollywood is gay) has said on numerous occasions that Kellan is straight. Is there anyone else she dated that could be the gay bf?

  20. The "actor" is probably Aaron O'connel. The model consider himself an actor. And is TOTALLY gay.

  21. Oooopps, nvrmnd. Passed over the "b-list" part.....

  22. How does that even come up in casual conversation?

  23. Which Ted C. Blind is this linked to? A few of you have mentioned that this answers the Ted C. Blind item?

    1. I think hes Terry Tush Trade. Ted has never definitively said whether it was a man or woman and pretty much only didnt not him and kristen stewart. Ted does say hes bi which might explain some things.

  24. Yeah, Ted always said Kellan is full on straight. Ted's full of it I think.

  25. So Dominic is saddled with a home-schooled religious Southern girl who gives a good spanking.

    Poor sap.

  26. If TED says Kellan is straight, Kellan may be straight. I don't think he's anywhere near B list either. So he COULD be the C list (B- if you are a fan) guy #2. if so, who did she date before Kellan?

  27. I don't get this. I KNOW someone who has slept with Kellen. And yes a female. JR IS the gay one.

    I wondered if there was someone before Kellen that we didn't really know about. Because describing Kellen as a C list actor, maybe B- if you were a fan (of Twilight that is) would make perfect sense. But I can't find anyone she dated before Kellen.

  28. What show host is done defending her boss over the latter's rumored sexuality? She hates mogul's significant other & might switch networks

    From Enty's twitter

    1. Rosie, with her boss being oprah?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Here's a link to the (3) people Annalynne is most famous for dating.

    Kellan Lutz relationship ended in June 2011. She started dating Dominic later in June 2011. The Blind Item was posted Noveember 23 2011. This makes Kellan the only possible B List actor for fans and C List actor for everyone else that she USED to date. I bet that one time, pictures of Kellan and her leaving a motel after staying overnight were released was one of the times she tried to have sex with him. But ended up spanking him instead.

    And the second one Aaron? No idea who he is so he's probably not B List and someone in the above comments already said he was a "model".

    I know that Ted C has many many Twilight-gay items and i bet a few are now solvable with this information.

    Though i also think he might be the one who is "impotent" due to steroids use. I mean, come on. Look at him.

  30. As much as i love Ted when it comes to Twilight you either have to believe him or Enty. he also denied rob sleeping with ashley greene which enty revealed. I personally believe the blogger who actually reveals items. & I seem to remember him hinting that their relationship was PR.

  31. For the twitter blind -I'm thinking Ryan Seacrest as the boss. Not sure who the host would be. Giuliana?

  32. Enty says, "Same thing as the other actor, but this time she does not have to beard." Wouldn't this mean that this time she is NOT bearding for a gay man, but instead actually dating a straight man who just likes it rough in bed? I think Kellan is straight, and I don't think that Enty has outed him here.
