Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bethenny Frankel Will Probably Almost Die Again For Her Next Trick

For six months, Bethenny Frankel has tried everything to get the public to like her. She has tried the whole lost at sea thing and pretended that she was lucky to be alive. That all turned out to be a hoax. Oh, she wanted everyone to be thrilled for her about the sale of her company but she lied about how much she sold it for and also about the ingredients of her beverages. Then, there was earlier this week when she said she had a miscarriage at 8 weeks that left her devastated. When no one responded with an outpouring of love for her she now has resorted to telling everyone she has a hole in her heart and her esophagus. I think anyone who has watched her show or relationship with her husband and in-laws could tell you she has a hole in her heart, but the esophagus thing is new. She says that her esophagus thing was a result of the antibiotic doctors gave her for the miscarriage. Combining two tragedies is not going to be enough for Bethenny to get people to like her. In the words of Ferris Bueller, I think Bethenny is going to have to cough up a lung for people to actually like her.


  1. I find her annoying which makes her unlikeable.

    Just go live your life with your family. We don't need to see it all on our TVs.

  2. I don't give a rats ass about her but I wonder: why is she working so hard to get people's sympathy? (and why is she apparently rotting from the inside out, lol)

  3. Anonymous6:44 AM

    You can get a hole in your esophagus from purging due to bulimia as well....just sayin

    1. That was my first thought too.

  4. I like her. Hate her in laws.

  5. Janzy that is what I was thinking too.

  6. and coke attacks the heart muscle.

    You can see by those chimpmunk cheeks she is bulemic.

  7. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I do enjoy the embarrassing lengths these people will go to to get attention but I have to admit, she'll never get much out of me. I see her drinks in the liquor store and like Jessica Simpson's shoes, I won't part with a dime of my money if I think it's going to them in anyway.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Bethenny looks like every Canadian in South Park. I feel like if she opened her mouth wide enough her hinge would snap and half her head would fall onto her back.

    tldr; keeping it sexy, reality tv!

  10. I like her...a lot actually. I watched this last night and I don't care what anyone thinks. We're kindred spirits sans the money.

  11. Bitch, spare me..........

  12. Was thinking the same as @Janzy.

  13. The only time I've seen her in anything was when she was a chef on Martha Stewart's apprentice. What happened to that career? She seems so desperate for attention and needs therapy.

  14. I'm feeling lazy right now, so can someone explain to me the cheek/jaw thing and bulimia? I heard about that a while ago discussing her but I can't remember. Is it just the act of purging so much makes your jaw expand...or something?

    I don't hate her. I used to like her more, but she does wear you down after a while. But she's not a stupid girl, and there are WAY too many stupid people on reality TV who make millions for being stupid. At least she came up with an idea on her own and built it from the ground up. So I can't fault her for that. Not saying she's a nice person, I just appreciate people who have brains.

  15. There are plenty of people who really like her, including myself. I think she would be a bit exhausting to be around 24/7, but I think she is very smart and many women can relate to her on a personal level.

  16. i like bethanny but she does need therapy due to her past and this sounds like a desperate try for attention. Still like her!

  17. I think the jaw thing is due to glands swelling due to a lot of vomiting in bulimics.

    She looks deathly in this pic, whatever her deal is.

    We knew an older man who died from complications of a torn esophagus after vomiting just once, because he had been on a lot of Prednisone which had thinned his tissues and membranes.

  18. I'm impartial to her. I do think she can be funny but that's probably because she's alot like me. No nonsense and sarcastic.

    But I don't get why Enty always writes these posts about how no one likes her. Like she's Heidi Montag. TONS of people like Bethenney. That's why she got her own show. Well that and because she's besties with Andy Cohen. But still. She was always the big NYC Housewives stand out favorite. I think its fine if Enty hates her, but don't act like everyone else does too.

    And i STILL think all the lying about how much she made and the indgredients was blown out of proportion. SHE never even said how much the company sold for. RAMONA did.

  19. Isn't she filthy rich? Can't she just buy people to like her?

  20. I love her, I think she's hysterical!

  21. Bnl1016: re earlier (way) post about being familiar with SB, wondering if you are with BB as well? Thought we might know some mutual people or even each other. 

  22. I might like her is she cleaned my house for a year.

  23. @yawnathon - I believe I have met BB at an after party in NYC, but just in passing. I'm friendly with the management, initials are JT and HG.

    But it also depends if you are talking BB as in relation or BPB as in musician.

  24. Bulimics have Lymph nodes, Salivary glands and Parotid glands swell. Sialadenosis, swelling of salivary glands, causes chipmonk cheeks and the widening of jaw which gives a square-ish look. Have to vomit several times a day for swelling to occur and chipmunk cheeks can go away over time, though in rare cases can be a permenant effect.

  25. I have certain people in my life who are like this. Just one hardship after another. And the next one always pops up as soon as the previous one starts to ebb out. Some people just can't live without the concern of others.

  26. @Bnl1016: I should've been more specific, BDB the musician.

  27. @yawnathon - Met him yes. At a folk festival a couple years back since he does stuff under the same management team occasionally. I'm not friendly with him though the way I am with SB & crew. But I listen to his stuff, regardless of which name its released under. Even some of the more osbsure stuff. But he woudln't know me from a hole in the wall.

  28. I'm not a fan at all, but I will say that ended up with a hole in my esophagus from tetracycline; the pill can get stuck in the folds & will eat right through the surface. Whether or not that's the case here...meh. It is plausible.

  29. Honestly, my 1st thought @ that picture of her was:

    She reminds me too much of an old "friend" I had...Narcissistic. Charming & funny, but deep down too narcissistic to ever really be a good friend. When the chips were down, she was only looking out for herself.

    She hid it, like Bethenny does, behind a mask of endearing self-deprecation. I saw too many people unfortunately confide in her, only to end up betrayed by her when she moved on to the next bigger & better friend...

  30. There is a diagnosis for her: she is a Malingerer. What a twat.

  31. I watch her show (more b/c I think Jason is really cute), but I'm so over her whole "I'm a 'tell it like it is'/serious business person who grew up without a family"!

  32. Eh, still like her.
