Monday, February 27, 2012

Angelina Jolie's Right Leg

Well, she did it. In an Oscar ceremony where she was not even nominated but her husband was, presenter, weekly cracker eater and proving heroin doesn't kill all that fast, Angelina Jolie took over the spotlight and made sure everyone paid attention to her. Or at least her right leg. Over and over again. It got to be so bad that the guys who won from The Descendants even mocked Angelina. But you know what? With the exception of calling it the most boring show of all time and wondering if Jennifer Lopez showed a little something extra on the red carpet, this is all anything is discussing.


  1. You would think bisquik bombing Seacrest would get more play.

  2. that was the weirdest thing. I kept thinking, "what the hell?" It didn't look like a remotely natural pose. And she looks EMACIATED. It's gone into her face now.

  3. She is just unbearable. Yeah, she's gorgeous, but her self-adoration is just...ugh. The way she tossed her head back and chuckled as she stuck out that spindly leg made me want to vomit all over my T.V. set.

    She's only great if she's playing someone crazy, anyway. Go figure.

    And I think that Brad actually CAN act, and DOES have range, but is he fucking hydrophobic? Is he a rabid dog or something? Has he showered at ALL within the past year?

    I was pretty sick of Brangelina before, but now I'm just laughing my ass off at them.

  4. When I first saw this, I thought the guy was Tebow-ing. It was only later when reading all the comments, did I realize he was mocking Angelina.

    And Vicki - I totally agree with you. What happened to E's coverage on the red carpet - did Ryan storm off, because honestly, I wasn't expecting an hour's worth of panel discussions?

  5. well said @Ida totally agree with you.

  6. @ surfer - from what I understand, ABC had a contractual agreement to be the sole network to broadcast the last half hour of the red carpet prior to the show. As much as I like Sasha Baron Cohn (sp?), I didn't like his schtick and Ryan was definitely NOT pleased.

  7. Also, as much as I love Angelina, she doesn't have nice enough legs to pull that off. She's way too thin to show her boney knees like that.

  8. I think this stunt really might of hurt SBC. People don't seem to be too amused with him. Did anyone see him in the audience? I was wondering if the Academy kicked him out for that stunt on the carpet after they gave him the OK to go in character.

  9. First, I would like to say Ms Cool and I called it with the black dress and red lipstick. Do we get an award? *snark*

    Second, seriously can anyone doubt anymore that there is something wrong with this woman? She fell off the crazy tree and got hung up on every branch on the way down. In fact, I think her leg is one of those branches. I know her arms are.

    Third, I missed it when it happened. I am so sad now.

    Good Morning everyone!

  10. "This is me posing casually! I am totally normal! I'm posing casually! In the same pose! Every time! Totally normal! And casual!"

  11. Anyone else thing the whole SBC/Ryan S was set up? I do. Seacrest's reactions were just too tame overall, and his faux shock was not at all convincing.

  12. Thanks Audrey - I didn't know that.

    I was wondering if I had missed something, because suddenly they were focused on the panel, and there didn't seem to be any acknowledgment that they were no longer interviewing on the carpet.

  13. Moose, I wondered the same thing - but remember, Ryan is a pro, and they were live, so I doubt he was about to start swearing. But he did look really pissed to me. And then not long after, he seemed to disappear. So I couldn't help but wonder if he had stormed off.

  14. Ryan later tweeted something about wishing he had brought a back up jacket because of moments like those. He didn't sound amused by it either.

  15. OMG, I totally didn't make the connection that the guy from the Descendants was mocking AJ... I just thought he was posing obscenely with his new trophy.

  16. I just realized that's the dean from Community.

  17. If the whole SBC Bisquick spill was staged, then Gaycrest whould have had a change of outfit ready (but I really doubt that he would even be into this since they're on such a time crunch). Plus, if you see him interviewing JHo later, she questions him over the powder all over his shoes and jacket- and later even brushes some of it off. So yeah, sounds like it wasn't planned and being live tv, one has to maintain decorum. As much as RS annoys me (notice how the actors are REALLY pleased to be interviewed by Billy Bush, but kinda yawn in order to do their obligatory coverage with RS), SBC was inappropriate for doing this to someone.

  18. I didn't watch the show ( I have it on the DVR and I'll probably fast forward through it tonight), but I went on social media on my phone at some point duirng the evening, and all anyone was talking about was how skinny AJ looked. And today, seeing the pictures, I know what they were talking about. She actually looks ill at this point. On top of her general smugness thats she has suffered from for the past few years.

    When I saw the leg pictures, I couldn't help thinking she was high. Just feeling a little extra groovy right then and stuck a twig out?

  19. I am so sick of Flubber Lips antics. She is tiresome and her schtick gets old. Why doesn't she just walk into the Oscars naked with a big tatooed sign on her belly saying "Get it here".

  20. Anonymous7:52 AM

    What Discoflux said, a million times over. That pose is ridiculous.

  21. We occasionally clicked on the AAs while channel surfing and happened to land there when AJ was on. My husband, who can't remember names and isn't interested in gossip asked who she was and when I told him, asked if she had cancer or something - she reminded him of when he was on chemo 20 years ago for Hodgkins. That's how bad a disinterested person thought she looked.

  22. I thought she was just having a little fun with the dress.

    More importantly - Bret from FoTC and Dean Pelton won Oscars!

  23. I love Jim Rash! I feel really stupid because I had no idea he was making fun of AJ - I just thought he was doing some sort of odd gesture. In retrospect, that is hilarious and pretty ballsy. I wonder if she knew at the time.

    She doesn't look any skinnier to me than she usually does, but maybe it's just that I really don't care. And yes, Ida - I so agree about BP. Why can't he take a shower once in a while? It's so, so gross.

  24. I think it is a bit too easy to say the RS/SBC was staged. If you look at SBC history he sets up situations but nothing is staged with the people in it. Look at all the people that tried to sue him when he did Borat for making them look like villiage idiots.

    So it's not that it was staged, it just wasn't very funny or the right place to do it. Not that it would ever stop SBC from not doing it.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. If she hadn't already, AJ just jumped the shark.

  27. So everyone from Clooney's movie made fun of AJ! That would have been worth seeing. Poor thing. She really should clean up for all those kids.

  28. This is funny:

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I kept thinking to myself what is she doing, the pose was so affected, and then to keep repeating it beyond bizarre...and that greasy make-up YUK

  31. Like I said last night, I haven't seen Angie act this wacky since she was with Billy Bob. She was buzzing on something. I saw a someone interviewing her on the red carpet and she was definitely feeling good. Her arms are horrible.

  32. Someone interviewed her on the red carpet? I thought it was odd that ABC and Seacrest didn't interview her. I figure she was high as a kite.

    Oh, and Enty? No one in my house is talking about her leg. We're talking about SBC. And JLo's aeroslip. And Marky Mark's junky hunch.

  33. Now we have an end to Tebowing, I think Angie just made a new one and that writer was the first to do it. What shall we call it?

    Angelina looked beautiful! She wasn't acting like a robot last night, that was a nice change of pace.

  34. im ok with angie meaning she annoys me at times but maybe not as much as the other heffas in hollywood. However i do think she looks super skinny and eith drunk or high. But whateva!

  35. EmEyeKay, let's call it desperate grandstanding.

  36. @seachica, she hates seacrest and was totally rude to him at golden globes. She was sooo wasted that she thought she could pull off that act and everyone would think she was gorgeous. That is how wasted she was.

    Not a good look, it is like a 6th grader trying to do what they think is a model pose.

  37. Angies life will not end well. She is going to catch an overdose sooner than latrr and Brad will end up caring for all those kids by himself. Mark my words

  38. Ashlea, ITA. Those poor kiddies. That will be heartbreaking.

  39. Brad will never be by himself, never ever ever.

  40. I was actually surprised she had a sense of humor. She was sincerely laughing when Will Farrel and Zach Galalkadaldajkf were in front of them with the cymbals.

  41. @seachica, HA HA HA HA! You're awesome!

    I forgot to mention earlier - last night I read that she had done the pose during the Oscar rehearsals and that everyone had laughed. So maybe it's a joke that the rest of the world isn't in on? (insert Angie = joke comments here)

  42. I love how Kneepads was lapping it up last night as being "sexy and sassy." Unless that's the new code for "blatant attention whoring."

  43. I think we should call it the Angelega.

  44. She looked awful last night, the dress was nice and she still has a beautiful face but she looks emaciated, no woman looks good with twig arms.
    She is either very seriously ill or she is using.

  45. I LOVED that guy posing onstage in pic 4!

  46. Considering she never poses like this, it was an odd choice for the evening. She is a beautiful woman, but damn girl eat something. At least it was only a leg, Jlo had to have "accidental" nip slippage in order to capitalize on the night. Between Angelina's leg and JLo's nip, once again the ones who actually deserved some coverage are out of luck.

  47. Yes, I totally thought something was off the moment she began speaking/reading the teleprompter and stumbling on the words and really had to focus to form the sentences.
    Then when she made extra sure to pose like that and shook her head back and laughed Cruella deVille style- I definitely felt a knee jerk reaction that she was on something.

    HOWEVER. When she posed like that and sort of planted her foot down and just fucking OWNED that pose and stared straight into the camera, cocked her hip, shook her hair back, and started reading the lines, I thought it was wack-a-doo but also really powerful and strong. And I have a soft spot for women who can own their strength, even in odd moments like this. So eh, she gets a free pass from me here~

  48. According to the last TedC blind she's on synthetic heroin

  49. I thought the mocking was a lil bit childish since she was standing right behind them. She's a beautiful woman and I hope she gets some help for the sake of her children if for no other reason.

  50. Interesting comment that she did it during rehearsals. And it was extremely weird and awkward, I seriously think she did it on purpose (HOW MUCH ATTENTION IS ANGIE'S RIGHT LEG GETTING RIGHT NOW?!?!!??!)

    In other news, thanks for that image link above, I have posted that to my Facebook. : )

  51. @Jasmine - your second 'graph - that's how I felt, too.

    Ya'll, TMZ has some pictures that show how skinny her arms are. They're awful, skeleton thin. I keep saying "she's not that skinny!" but - I take it back. Crow, digesting.

  52. @MonstersInc: so do I! He pulled off the pose, whereas Angie's leg would've looked better in a stocking, or hidden. I thought for the first time ever that she didn't look all that hot. Something def not right with her last night.
    If it was satire, or parody, or a joke: it didn't work.
    Why was Steve Jobs in the in memoriam segment?

  53. @Jackie - how about "Angelegging"?

  54. EmEyeKay: and the camera ADDS ten pounds? Yikes!

  55. Megley, I didn't watch but probably because of Pixar.

    Angelina has been pretty for 6 years and 20 pounds. She looks like death.

  56. I think Angelina was pranking Brad and George or something.

    it was too weird to be real.

    It was a joke, right?

  57. @MISCH
    How is synthetic heroine any different from the real stuff?
    I think heroine use would explain why she looks so thin, I'm surprised more people aren't calling her out on it since LeeAnne Rimes and Kate Bosworth constantly get picked on for being to skinny and they look healthy compared to Angelina.

  58. Angelina looked like either somebody dared her to do that all evening or she was f--'d up. Her eyes looked more cray-cray than usual. She does own her hotness,though.

    And I am glad it wasn't only me who thought J Lo's boob was peeking out.

    And noone mentioned Emma Stone! She was the best part! She looked great and I thought she was really funny! First time at the Oscars!!

  59. ^I agree with all of you about her looking so unhealthy. I believe she is on the synth heroin and that she was fucked up last night as well.

  60. I have seen Angie in many interviews, and she has sounded perfectly normal. But last night, she caught the last bus to crazytown! I think the pose was supp to funny, but since we werent in on it, it just seemed odd. And why so shiny? And she always been thin, but now needs medical intervention I think. And something was off about her face- she didnt look like herself. I like her and I hope to god its not drugs.

  61. Did anyone notice when Angelina walked out onto the stage, the slit was so high on the side of her dress, you could see a brief crotch shot when the fabric in her skirt kicked forward? I was like, "Whoa!" wondering if those in the front couple of rows got an eyeful. But then she started with that stupid leg thing and I was really like, "WTF?" However, when the guy posed like her after taking his award, I thought that was one of the best moments of the event. Totally ballsy since she was still up there and he got quite a few laughs from it I recall, too!

  62. Lainey is calling it "Jolie-ing"

  63. It can never be said the woman doesn't know how to draw attention to herself.

  64. I wonder if we go back to "carpet poses" of a few celebs if we wouldn't find Jennifer Aniston or Stacey Keibler or even Megan Fox doing that alot. I am starting to suspect she was making fun of someone and it backfired.


    there were several of Jennifer Aniston at the Oscars(?) in a long black dress posing with her leg out. I posted a link showing Angie in the dress from the year before. Interesting if it were an inside joke between her and Jennifer. LOL

  66. Ok, Ted C's blind item about synthetic heroin is most likely referring to Subutex and/or Suboxone (buprenorphine). It's a semi-synthetic substance widely used as long term replacement therapy for opioid dependency. It's usually used for 4-6 weeks in order to lesson the detox/withdrawal systems associated with opiates. However, it can EASILY be abused by taking too strong a dose or staying on it for a long time.... Lotta info I wish I wasn't aware of (my ex has been abusing Subutex for about 3 years) but I could IMMEDIATELY spot the signs when seeing Angie last night. Imo she has an eating disorder as well. Sorry for the long post but I felt an explanation was warranted.

    1. Thanks for posting this, I'm sorry about your ex though.

  67. Don't know the difference in the drug, only that it's administered by a doctor.

  68. She was interviewed last night by some E! Correspondent that I had never seen before. It was on the E! After party. Ross Matthews stated that because she was running late, new boy w/a decent broadcasting voice caught her just as she was headed inside & Ryan was already gone...??Made me wonder if she and Brad arrived seperately, but then I saw a blurb from another red carpet interview that she and Brad did together (and this was mid-carpet). I don't remember who interviewed them though. I like her, hate to think she is on drugs, but yeah, the leg thing seemed a bit pretentious!

  69. In case it isn't obvious in my above post, I meant hasn't been pretty not has.

    I wish we could edit.

  70. Sorry about your ex, MLE. Opiates, synthetic or not, are a hell of a drug.

  71. Angie's leg was a bit too much, one pose would have been okay..but multiple times come on that's when it started being desperate scream for attention. I laughed so hard when I realized what the writer was doing. My husband thought he was paying homage to Captain Morgan, she was stoned, at least she wasn't hanging all over Brad and he wasn't muttering about having sex in the limo.

  72. Enty posted the wrong picture, for a very brief second or two both of the writers on the end were doing the pose. It was hysterical.

    Even Lea Michele thought Angie's posing was over the top. ;)

    Kudos to Angie for not using fake spray tan like every other woman in the room, but my goodness the sight of her arms makes me want to right a check to the Hollywood Food Bank or whoever it is that feeds Industry starlets.

  73. The best part of all this is her leg has its own Twitter account.

  74. I heard it's already started a Twitter war with Jenifer Aniston's right leg and it's following JLo's nipple.

  75. Her bony hips are going to be out of joint from her crazy posturing last night. I get doing the pose a couple of times for the camera, but doing it on stage the whole time, hand on hip, was a little silly.

    Our Angie is crazy skinny. I didn't think her leg looked too bad (though the real test would be seeing the top of her thigh) but her arms are twig-like, her hair is cleverly arranged to hide her clavicles, and her head looks huge. Her hair appears to be a bit dull and thinning. She's still gorgeous but for how much longer?

  76. I have no idea what was up with that pose... or the dress for that matter, I mean it was boring (and velvet, ew) except the slit and who it was on... but I am definitely sure she was high as a kite last night. More so than normal. I have never thought she quit using heroin. Or doctor prescribed synthetic heroin (or both). If abused/overused to get high the synthetic stuff does the EXACT same thing chemically as what you buy on the street, except it comes from CVS. And added bonus, it makes you have no appetite! Hang in there MLE, I know how you feel, I have been around a bit of that myself too, which is why it seems so so obvious to me w AJ.

  77. Anonymous12:44 PM

    She's still richer, more fabulous and exponentially more attractive than 99.999% of the entire world's population. She still wins.

  78. I just have to say... she looks so silly standing like that! I get that she is trying to show off the cut of her dress and her leg, but her stance looks RIDICULOUS!

  79. Wait, where was there a J Lo nip slip? I did yell at my TV/husband "Is her nipple about to make an appearance?!" but I didn't actually see it.

    I thought AJ looked very pretty and loved the dress, but when she got ready to present, I thought she was about to do a side lunge or something. It was a sexy fail. I thought maybe based on that odd laugh she gave, she realized it at that moment? She did seem a little off...

  80. IMO JLo wanted a re-play of her green dress from years ago (the Grammys? anyone?)She's very self conscious about her appearance; I wouldn't doubt she make sure at least a millimeter of aureola was scheduled to appear. Got us talking about her, didn't it?

    Now that I've taken a closer look at AJ's dress, I really like it -- but it would have photographed better and flattered more if it were navy blue or even a wine color.

  81. Her hair looked so wispy and arranged to hide thinning spots or extensions.

    LOVE that Jim Rash won for The Descendants! I can't wait for Community to come back.

  82. I used to like Angie but she has to face the fact that she has a serious addtion issue. For the sake of the kids she should seek help, that big lump of a stoned boyfriend is no help. He’s too stoned to tell what day it is. Hope there are plenty of nannies that can meet all the kids’ needs. Angie and Brad have looked like hammered shit for ages. They both need to face up to the obvious signs of substance abuse, noone else gets a free pass like this pair.

  83. You're right, billybob. Just say no to math. :P

  84. OMG I thought I was being original with "Angelega"....NOT

    And somewhere out there, Jennifer Aniston is having a hard time controlling giggling fits.

  85. "Why was Steve Jobs in the in memoriam segment?"

    Because his technology has done huge things for the movie industry.

  86. Brad Pitt will never be alone and will never have to raise his kids alone. They are hands on parents which means each kid has only one nanny.
    Can you imagine being the woman he dates after Angie? His girlfriends will probably mysteriously disappear and reappear as bloodless deflated corpses.
    The leg, it was LOL worthy, and as much as we mock it, shes 2nd in internet induced fapping, right behind Jlo and her barely there dresses. I think reading more into it, like that its proof shes crazy, well, shes crazy, and needs to eat something but the leg was just funny.
    SBC, dude you need to grow up. Talk about attention whoring. If it wasnt for AJs leg taking some of the sting off, you would have lots of hate coming your way.

  87. M wrote: Did anyone notice when Angelina walked out onto the stage, the slit was so high on the side of her dress, you could see a brief crotch shot when the fabric in her skirt kicked forward? I was like, "Whoa!" wondering if those in the front couple of rows got an eyeful.

    If THAT is the case, maybe she kept her leg out to keep the dress from "hanging open." I know I have had to sit or stand differently than usual when a new outfit didn't behave the way I expected it to. Once I had to keep my arms crossed to avoid gapping in front of people when I realized a button had gone AWOL after my arrival. I'm sure Angelina had never worn her Oscar dress before and it may have looked great in the mirror, and then she went out in public... Maybe the dress threatened to expose her unless she filled the gap with her leg. One possibility.

  88. So, to summarize, if this was intentional and she thought she was being provocative, yay on Jim Rash making her grandstanding hilarious. If this was what she had to do to stay decent in a dress that wanted to gap embarassingly, boo on Jim Rash for having NO IDEA what it's like for a woman to try look glamourous when all men have to do is find a tuxedo.

  89. As a Jolie hater, the whole incident makes me uncomfortable. I feel guilty making fun of her for this. It's too easy -- it's like shooting fish in a barrel. Fish that are all greasy and keep sticking their fins out in really awkward attention-grabbing postures.

  90. Maybe she just wanted to start the hokey pokey and noone else would dance with her....stick your right leg in...stick your right leg out...
    :) She's a grandstanding idiot.

  91. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Angelina finally made clear on literally a global stage how much of a cunt she is. That Jim Rash has to pretend from now til the end of time that he wasn't calling out her attention-whoring ass is a bit unfortunate.

  92. Jim Rash can pretend all he wants, but he we know better...I think there's something going on with Angie & Brad, like maybe they are finally bored with each other.

  93. P.S
    You all have to go over to Michael K at Dlisted to see the photo's he had made of Angie's leg...they are a roit..

  94. Again with the right leg sticking out. She looked ridiculous. Too much try.

  95. (In addition to the leg issue...)

    Angelina had trouble with her lines when she first started talking, don't know if it was just her or the teleprompter.'

    When I first saw her, her hair color freaked me. I don't like it that light.
