Sunday, February 12, 2012

And He Is Way Cheaper Than Samantha Ronson


  1. It still blows my mind that anyone hires Samantha Ronson to "DJ" - besides being hideous looking, she looks like the sourest person on Earth, and really has no talent whatsoever. Pretending to push a mixing button throughout every song that you play from your ipod plugged into your macbook is something a 4-year-old could do.

  2. He's much more cute than Sam too!

    He looks like he smells better than her as well - she always looks homeless.

    And @Princess - not just a 4 year old, but a dog can do it too!

  3. What a cutie! Lilo's ardent love, stalking of Sam always made me question her eyesight.

  4. That was so adorable! I'm glad Enty is posting funny videos this morning.

  5. What a cute little frenchie..

  6. He's cheaper and much much better looking than SamRo. Probably has a better personality too.

  7. So, it's a cute dog being a 'dj'...that's not the kind of 'gossip' I come here for. What is this site turning into? Too many "human" (and canine) interest stories these days. Not that there's anything wrong with being a canine. ;)

  8. I've grown to expect one cute animal video gossip experience here each day. It's a good thing. It's happy stuff. It brightens my day. My otherwise mind numbing greed infused day populated by brain dead zombies who can barely find their way into work each day without help from a gps device.
