Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Amazing Race Producer Poisoned To Death In Africa

Jeff Rice has been a producer for Amazing Race as recently as this season. Over the weekend in Uganda he, along with his assistant were mugged in Uganda. After refusing to give up their belongings the pair were poisoned. No one is exactly sure though because Rice was found dead in his hotel room and his assistant is in a coma and no one is sure whether she will live. Rice was married and has two children ages 7 and 1. It is also unclear whether he was working in Uganda for the Amazing Race production team or for one of his projects. Very strange. How do you poison someone while you are mugging them?


  1. You have been a little over-obsessed with death lately, Enty. Everything okay at home? O_o

  2. Perhaps it was a poison dart or they injected them? So sad.

  3. Other sites are reporting a possible cocaine OD

  4. That does sound like a much more plausible scenario.

  5. If anyone caught Alcatraz this week, the nutjob poisoned people by stabbing them with a knife that had been dipped in the crushed bugs.

    But firebug - how would that explain what happened to his assistant?

  6. Anonymous9:38 AM

    @surfer, perhaps they were doing coke together.

  7. I was mugged in Dublin, Ireland 10 years ago. The guys put a syringe to my neck after leaving an a.t.m. Threatened to inject me w/ heroin or just put an air bubble in my jugular. I obviously gave up my $$. Effing scary as hell. Heard this was fairly common at the time...

  8. That's awful, MLE.

    It will be interesting to find out what the real cause of death was. And I hope the assistant recovers.

  9. this is just odd, let's file this one under "Weird and Scary as Hell"

  10. Wow MLE, that is terrible! Glad you made it out safe.

  11. something in the milk ain't clean.. I really hope his assitant pulls through. Hopefully she can shed some light on the situation. How would he end up back at the hotel and then die? If they injected him you'd think it would be fast acting, Dexter style... Cray.
    @MLE Holy scary!! Glad you're ok.

  12. My question is, if he is dead and the woman that was with him is in a coma, how can they surmise that it was a mugging/poisoning? Were there witnesses? I think the family has quickly come out with the poisoning story but I'm not sure what they're basing it upon. Sadly, probably an OD or tainted drugs.

  13. Yeah how would anyone know they had been mugged and how did they end up dead in their hotel rooms after? More details are needed to make a decision on this one.

  14. I know it sounds terribly juvenile and unsophisticated, but THIS is why Africa totally freaks me out.

    I have no desire to go there (North Africa excluded).

  15. Yep, you do sound terribly juvenile and unsophisticated, Hunter. And a couple of other things, too. Especially with MLE's awful First World story above. You did read that, didn't you?

  16. It is very possible they mentioned the mugging to someone or there were witnesses. The only thing I can think of is a slow-acting poison injected into them with a hypodermic needle.
    Nothing is worth holding onto when your life may be in danger. Possessions are replaceable, lives aren't.

  17. The version CNN reported this morning said they both OD'd on cocaine. They didn't mention anything about them being mugged.
