Adele Says She Will Spit In Her Dad's Face If She Sees Him
I don't know if Adele knows this is the cold and flu season. At this time of the year you really want to keep your spitting into other people's faces kind of at a minimum. Oh, and be sure to wash your hands regularly. In her interview to Elle, Adele says that if she sees her dad she will spit in his face because he sold a story about how he split with Adele's mother. Adele says she was going to to have a relationship with her dad until the story came out and that she was really upset that he said Adele cannot keep a guy probably because of him and the way he treated her mom while they were married.
"There's consequences other than just getting a bit of f---ing money that lasts you half a year. It blows my mind. 'I love her so much.' [he told the rag] Really? Why are you telling me that through a newspaper? If I ever see him I will spit in his face."