Monday, February 20, 2012

Adele Says She Will Spit In Her Dad's Face If She Sees Him

I don't know if Adele knows this is the cold and flu season. At this time of the year you really want to keep your spitting into other people's faces kind of at a minimum. Oh, and be sure to wash your hands regularly. In her interview to Elle, Adele says that if she sees her dad she will spit in his face because he sold a story about how he split with Adele's mother. Adele says she was going to to have a relationship with her dad until the story came out and that she was really upset that he said Adele cannot keep a guy probably because of him and the way he treated her mom while they were married.

"There's consequences other than just getting a bit of f---ing money that lasts you half a year. It blows my mind. 'I love her so much.' [he told the rag] Really? Why are you telling me that through a newspaper? If I ever see him I will spit in his face."


  1. she has a point. Tacky to do that through selling a story to the press.

  2. Wonder if her dad knows Jon Voight?

    Adele is a bad ass, and now she's a bad ass with 6 Grammy awards. I wouldn't mess with her.

  3. i really, really, wish I was friends with her, she is pretty funny. This is a funny interview with her and Alan Carr who are good mates.

  4. timebob, agreed! her songs will make you cry, but seeing an interview with her will make you howl with laughter!

  5. ^You all speak the truth!

  6. "I'm learning about tax stuff at the moment with my accountant-pffft. I use the NHS, I can't use public transport any more, doing what I do, I went to a state school, I'm mortified to have to pay 50 percent. Trains are always late, most state schools are shit and I've gotta give you like four million quid, are you 'avin a laugh? When I got my tax bill in from 19 I was ready to go and buy a gun and randomly open fire. -Adele

    This is why I love her. Haha.

  7. I can see my daughter saying this.

    Adele is just a little too grounded to put up with that type of crap. Good for her

  8. So many people misunderstood that quote. She wasn't complaining about her taxes, she was complaining about her inefficient government not spending her tax money wisely. Awesome.

  9. timebob- THANKS so much for that link- that was so funny and it's interesting to watch her in an interview one week before 21 came out.

    Btw- I WISH I could rock matte red lipstick like her in this pic- jesus she's gorgeous~

  10. Good for her, she is very grounded and natural, just LOVE her!

  11. Jasmine, you should search "Adele wardrobe malfunction" on YouTube.

  12. Stay strong girl...

  13. I've just become a fan of hers, really since the Grammy's. I hadn't heard one of her songs all the way through until then, but I have to say, she's kinda doing the exact same thing her dad did.
    Life is too short, I hope she finds a way to connect to him before she is 50-years-old and he is on his death bed and she thinks wow, I coulda had 25 years with him.
    I read the Daily Mail about this exact story probably 3 days ago, and there were a hell of a lot of pictures of her with him throughout her life. He seemed to be a part of her life more than these interviews make it seem.

  14. Maja- HAHAHAHAHA

    Thanks love, that was brilliant!
    Love her description of what happened: Her dress blew up and was sort of hullahooping around her neck and she was buck naked underneath?! lolol. And then at the end when she says she's getting kind of sweaty re-telling the story...great sense of humor. That self-deprecation will serve her verrrryy well in this buisness.

  15. I absolutely love her and want to hug her. And her voice is stunning.

  16. @FS:

    Yes! Exactly! So many people misunderstood her taxes quote and thought she was bitching about having to pay taxes.

    I don't mind paying taxes but it drives me crazy when I see how my tax money is being used so inefficiently. Adele was right on - I love her and hope she's someone that stays around.

  17. Good for Adele. The only time I would ever want to see my father's face would be in a morgue photo to identify him.
    The thing is Princess, it depends on what you value in life, and your morality. I value my honour, and my mother's. To associate with the man who honoured nothing would tarnish that. I admire Adele having standards and living up to them.

  18. Don't blame her at all.

  19. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Adele is the shit in every way. Love her.
