Adele Says She Is Taking 5 Years Off
Want to know what a record company or manager hates to hear? That their 6 time Grammy award winning singer wants to take the next five years off from singing and recording and touring so she can spend time with her boyfriend. Well, that is what Adele told Vogue. She says she plans on taking the next for or five years off because otherwise she will f**k up her relationship. I don't believe her and they probably caught her being silly or in a bad moment because if she walks away it would be very tough to get back in the game. Yes, she has a great voice but you need to keep on being out there. You need to have your face and your voice out there and tour constantly. Will she want to give all of that up? I do think that because Katy Perry was on tour the entirety of her 18 month marriage that probably had something to do with the breakup. It is tough to be away from someone for 17 of 18 months. It is estimated that in the 18 months they were married, Russell and Katy spent 45 days together. That is nothing.