Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Adele Flips The Bird On The Brit Awards

Adel won all the big awards at the Brit Awards, but it did not stop host James Corden cutting her off during her big acceptance speech so he could introduce Blur. You know, because they had a hit back in the early 90's and Adele is so yesterday. Adele did not take kindly to being cut off and flipped the bird to the cameras. At least James asked politely if he could cut her off. In the US, we just play music and get progressively louder until you are just talking to yourself. Kind of like how Gary Busey lives his life. Apparently Adele is also engaged and a Brit Award looks like someone stole a player from a Foosball table.


  1. good for her, I thought how they drowned out the foo fighters at the Grammys was disrespectful also.

  2. She seems to be a bit of a loose cannon, no?

  3. She seems to be a bit of a loose cannon, no? And that award puts the "cheese" in cheesy!

  4. She is one spunky lass! I love that about her! She sings with this amazing voice and looks so regal up on stage, but when she's "herself" she's just this spunky, cockney accented girl.

    That said-it is a bit of a double-standard if we don't hold her to the same level as M.I.A. at the Super Bowl. When that happened at the Super Bowl, people lost their shit! But it seems as though everyone is on Team Adele on this one.

    That said, at least Adele had a good reason. I am not what or who M.I.A. was flipping off.

  5. Ice Angel you really can't compare the two. One was in England the other is America.

    One is all about music and the other is the holy grail of football. Americana on top of Americana.

    MIA was just trying to get some attention to herself and upstage Madonna. She flipped off the audience, and F her for that.

    Adele was just being herself and flipping off the host for cutting her off. Not the audience.

    Two different worlds with two different reasons.

  6. @timebob-thanks for the perspective. Because I really do love Adele and will continue to do so!

  7. I would like to add to timebob's comment (brilliant btw) that MIA being foriegn at a very American event also sent people's teeth on edge. It didn't bother me, but I know several people who were ticked that she did that at an American Iconic (? really?) event. Frankly, I think there are far worse things but whatever.

  8. I love her more every day..

  9. that makes me kind of sad. she is so lovely and so talented, that it's cringe-worthy to see behavior that is so crass. i expect that from a miley or a rihanna, not adele. i had her on the same graciousness scale as the taylor swift types. i guess i was wrong.

  10. @Pookie-I was kind of thinking along the same lines at first as well, but on the other hand, I do like that she is fiesty. So I do concede I am a bit at odds about this.

    I guess the biggest difference to me is that I feel that MIA's was a planned and staged stunt she pulled to get attention.

    Adele did it as a quick response for an unacceptable treatment by the show producers.

    That said-it should be a 100% hard and fast rule that you NEVER cut off a speech by a winner of one of the top winners at an awards show. If you want to stay on time, cut off the the guy who won Best Assistant Cinematography for a Foreign Short Film or something like that! The show is about the big winners and that is what everyone wants to see.

    I remember when they cut off Julia Roberts in her accetance speech when winning her Oscar. Whether you love her or hate her, it is unacceptable to treat someone like that in their shining moment.

  11. Its a gesture that is so beyond overused I just don't even understand how people care about it anymore. I honestly, and i know this is a little nutty, but I find wagging a finger in a scolding type manner way more disrespectful and cringe-worthy then the bird. They cut off her mic, no one would hear her tell them to f off so she made her point.
    But I do love how even when they cut people off the Brits are still bumbley and polite about it!

  12. IceAngel, i hear you...but there is a such thing as being feisty while keeping it classy. and idk, maybe my expectations of her shouldn't have been so high. totally my bad. it's an awards show, for pete's sake, not courtside at the knicks. i think it's tacky to infinity.

    no comment regarding mia. she's the ultimate bottom-feeder, no matter what side of the pond.

  13. She's English. They're all quite crass. And what timebob said--It's because it's Europe. They don't give two shits if they curse/flip the bird on TV or anywhere else. I always bring this back to when I was living in Paris and for months would walk past a 10-foot-tall ad of a completely nude woman, full frontal, on my way to the metro. Can't remember what the ad was for--a skin cream or something--but I remember seeing bush every single day. And in Spain they have pretty much full on porn on regular TV at night. More like a talk show with regular nudity and sex. They're much more lax over there regarding language and profanity! I miss it.

  14. I like her, but she *is* being a little much for me lately. Hmmmm, we'll see.

  15. @Jolene all due respect but yes sexual mores are different in Europe and the UK than in America, but to call all English people quite crass is kind of a huge and unfounded assumption/cultural stereotype. Like all Americans are idiots.

    Also do think its bs to not compare this to M.I.A. We don't know who M.I.A. was flipping off or if it as planned or not, the point is it was on a hugely televised event. That kids watch. I don't know how watched the Brit Awards are but, I don't think it matters who the gesture is directed at, I think its the gesture being seen on highly watched TV that is the problem. Why it's ok for Adele and not for M.I.A.... don't get it....

    Also is there something about M.I.A I don't know, she always seemed like a great, super original artist and musician to me, why is she a bottom-feeder? Bc of the Superbowl thing? Seriously curious.

  16. @RenoBlondee-I agree. She is starting to turn me off a little bit. I'm not offended, however there is something about Adele I can't quite define that is irking me lately.

  17. Well they cut her off so fast too, the applause of her first Thank Yous hadn't even really calmed down. I mean literally all she had said at that point was how proud she was to be Brit and there flying the British flag with the crowd and BOOM they cut her off.

    She could have pulled a Taylor Swift and been the weepy victim but THANK GOD FOR ADELE and we don't have to go through that hellish passive-agressive "you're mean, and pathetic, and a liar" ugly ugly UGLY AS SIN bullshit sugar-coated grotesqueness. Just give the finger straight up.

  18. So is flipping off a thing in England like it is here? I thought them throwing up 2 fingers (like a backwards peace sign) was the same as "the bird" is to us. Is that something different?

    Also Blur is still together?

  19. I don't like Adele and Blur was huge back in the 90s in England--biggest band in the country. So don't dis Blur, Enty.

  20. Anonymous10:09 AM

    i hope taylor sniff has gotten over her "small" coke addiction. she's tanya tucker 2.0 in the making. gracefulness my ass.

  21. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Good to know I'm not the only one who doesn't like her.

  22. Looks like Adele isn't afraid to wear the same dress twice. That takes nerve.

  23. whoa @Amy what's up w that?? Seriously? Swifty likes the coke?

    And @Krab so agree love Blur love Damon Albarn don't diss them ENTY just bc Adele is popular this instant.

  24. That is one ugly ass award, it reminds me of a lawn jockey.

  25. I clicked on this wondering how many "ooohh, I just looove her" type of comments I would find, and sure enough, quite a few.

    Adele has a nice voice and a few catchy tunes.

    But she is also crude and vulgar - in behavior as well as language.

    For some reason, some people seem to think that being crass and swearing a lot is synonymous with being honest, direct, "no nonsense" and down to earth.

  26. Okay @Izahart...SOME English people are quite crass. Better? Good.

  27. Anonymous6:03 AM

    I have no idea why.Adele Annoys the crap out of me butt she does., maybe it it is her smoking.

  28. Who cares. She did it for a reason (which most people are guilty of), not because she was looking for attention like M.I.A. I think it was just an initial (and human) reaction on her part. I say "You Go Girl!!! Flip away."
