Sunday, February 26, 2012

Adam Sandler Gets 11 Razzie Nominations

I liked when the Razzies were held before the Academy Awards. Now just nominations are announced and the winners not revealed until April Fools Day. Meh. By then everyone will be over award season and won't care. If they had done that in the past they would never have scored Sandra Bullock getting her award for worst actress the night before her Academy Award win. She was in town and available and it worked. A month after the Academy Awards that year she was in hiding. Don't change a good thing. Anyway, Adam Sandler set a record by getting 11 nominations which span three different movies and a bunch of categories. Jennifer Aniston and Katie Holmes were also nominated for movies in which they starred with Sandler.


  1. Big Daddy is his only movie that I describe as a favorite of mine. I guess that one works for me because he plays the straight guy to all of the other crazier characters that are way more funny than he can ever be.

    And true about Sandra B. It made me love her even more when she accepted her Razzie.

  2. Katie looks horrid in that picture. Yowza.

    I love The Waterboy. lol

  3. It's all about Happy Gilmour for me :)

  4. My 11 year old son begged me to see this stupid movie but I said heck no. When your movies appeal only to young boys, you need to reassess your career.

    I liked the Wedding Singer and Mr. Deeds, mostly because John Turturro is amazing in anything.

    I also liked when Halle Berry showed up to get her Razzie for Catwoman. I am not a fan of hers, but that was pretty cool.

  5. Waterboy was good because of Kathy Bates and Henry Winkler.

  6. He deserves the Razzie, I'd rather watch Hillbilly Handfishing (that's a real show, I just found out!) than 90% of his movies.

  7. My 15 year old son loves anything with Adam Sandler. I think his age group is the target audience. I find him hit or miss.

  8. He really does deserve this. I love his older stuff, but I can't get on board with this Jack and Jill business.

  9. Just go With It was actually really funny. I wasn't expecting much and was pleasantly surprised.

  10. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Boy Katie Holmes just married the career right out of her didn't she. She had potential too.

  11. Katie married the pretty out too. When she did All My Sons and realized that her marriage was fake at the same time, she never totally recovered.

  12. I was watching Go not too long ago and Katie was once attractive and entertaining. I had almost forgotten. She looks so dead inside now like her soul got sucked out of her.

  13. Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston both need to fall off, they're both leftovers from the 90's.

  14. Words cannot describe how crapp I find Adam Sandler. He's just all kinds of awful to me honestly. Never have gotten the draw. I fact I think a Razzie is too good for him.
    "Pieces of April was good and she went down me". Anyone here think she has never seen TC nekkid enough to make a kid?
