Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Adam Levine And Anne V Could Be Finished

Two breakup stories back to back. I hate breakups around Valentine's Day. I do think that the time in between New Years and Valentine's is big for breakups. Still though, when you breakup right before and then end up eating box after box of Banquet tv dinners in front of the television while watching a marathon of Dirty Jobs on Valentine's night, you can feel kind of sad. From personal experience though let me tell you that you get used to it after a few years.

Anyway, The NY Post says that Adam and Levine and Anne V have split. Apparently she did the splitting because he was really sad and depressed at some Superbowl parties he attended and for once in his life did not hit on a single woman. Do you think she finally discovered that his whole a-holiness was not just an act but really how he is?


  1. Good. More Adam for me. :)

  2. He may be an A-hole, but boy is damned sexy too

  3. I'm embarrassed to admit that I find him incredibly attractive, but good lord, I do.

  4. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Oh no! Oh wait. I. Don't. Care.

  5. I don't think he has stayed in any relationship for more then a year or two then moves on to the next best thing.

  6. I am equally ashamed that I find him sexy. Like, do bad things to me but in a good way sexy.

  7. He's a serial womanizer/cheater and she can have anyone she wants too so this comes as no surprise. His loss.

  8. Didn't he hook up with Jessica Simpson around the time she was still married? Or, at least I remember hearing that rumor.

  9. She looks like she was made in the same femmebot factory as Rosie Huntington-Boringly.

    Yeah. I hate his band, but he could get it.

  10. Anonymous8:02 AM

    maybe its his, sniffle sniffle, yoga habit. You know the "yoga habit" that's taken him from thin to bony, and makes one as hyper as a cat on a hot tin roof? No, I do't find him hot. Way too thin and the falsetto voice that's higher than my 4 year old nephews is a major turn off. Now blake shelton....meow!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Heard about the yoga from a co workers daugher who auditoned.for the voice

  12. @ Patty-yes he did. I heard that rumor also and she left the Marmont wearing his shirt.

  13. Kimberly that was funny hahaha

  14. hate his band, love his face...

  15. If Adam would just lay in bed and not speak. I could really like that

  16. Nothing about this guy does it for me. I don't find him attractive & his vibrato (?) drives me insane. 'Moves Like Jagger' sealed his coffin as far as I'm concerned.

  17. Love his band. Too bad he's a serial cheat. That doesn't bode well for anyone who wants a relationship with him.

    His girlfriend is beautiful but in that swimsuit model cookie cutter kind of way. At this year's Victoria's Secret fashion show all the blonde models looked alike. Even after Adam kissed her on the runway, I couldn't tell her apart from the other blondes. Gorgeous, yes. Distinctive, no.

  18. I have a theory about noncommittal guys and the holidays: They disappear right after Halloween and reappear on February 15.

    That coincides with the four biggest breakup days of the year, not including birthdays, of course: Thanksgiving, Christmas (I don't wanna meet the family! She'll think we're serious!!!OMG!), New Year's, and of course, the upcoming hearts and fucking wilted flowers day.

    VDay is fun for me now because I love buying little gifts for my kids. I told the husband to stop buying me flowers years ago. It was nice the first couple of years we were together. Now, buy me a big Hershey bar, and I'm happy.

  19. I don't find him attractive, and it would make sense if he had a coke habit. He's just a typical douchebag. Nothing to get excited about.

  20. Not a fan of his band or him, I really don't like the sleeve tats on him, Becks, or Jessee James. Not a classy look. His face is rather bland & I think he's too thin.

  21. This dude is a trip. He probably was the inspiration for Michael Fassbender's role in Shame.

  22. Adam Levine just grosses me out. I can't stand his voice.

    Now... I'm not saying that the Adam Levine of maybe last year when he was seriously buff wouldn't be able to pick drunk me up in a bar, but it'd have to be about 5 minutes before i was call-911-because-this-woman-is-not-responding-to-stimuli drunk.

  23. Anonymous11:32 AM

    @discoflux...he has lost quite a bit of weight since songs about jane, and.his Voice is.higher too

  24. I despise myself for it, but I love that "Moves Like Jagger" song. And yeah...I'd do him a little.

  25. I feel filthy just admitting all that.

  26. He is hot as fuck.
    And his music video "Misery" where Kate is slinging him around, holy shit that was hot. I'm a happily married straight gal, but I wanted in on that threesome.

  27. I think he's hot but only know one song from his band. I don't listen to the radio.

    I broke up with a guy on Valentine's Day. He was a complete dick and was jerking me around so I told him to get lost.

  28. He just doesn't do it for me....

    And Valentine's Day is WAY overrated.
