Saturday, February 25, 2012

Academy Awards Live Blogging

During the Academy Awards I will be blogging live on the site and on my Twitter which will show up on my Facebook. Be sure to follow me on Twitter if you will not be around online. The link is over to the right--------->

I will do the final hour of the pre-show too.


  1. enty is really working the social media. Love it!

    can't wait to shoot the shit tomorrow with everyone!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The link to twitter right below the "Don't die alone...." ad, got it :/

  4. I just asked if you were doing this in the Marky Mark post. Nice timing. 4 1/2 hours of Oscar snark. Rest up.

  5. What will be your beverage of choice, Enty? Vodka and a low cal mixer will help you to keep to the diet while enjoying the festivities.

    Anyone have a new adult beverage concoction that they will be sporting tomorrow night? Alcohol ideas are always welcome!

    We have a movie theater in town that serves food and alcohol. They change up the drink menu, but now they have a bloody mary - served with bacon! This bloody mary with bacon thing is all the rage, at least here in NOLA.

  6. This may sound weird but I add Kahlua to my vanilla flavored pretein shakes. Yummy and I get about 30 grams per 10 oz. I love "meal replacements"

  7. Yay! I missed the grammy's, but I won't miss this one for anything in the world.

    And yum, those shakes sound good, Parker. I'd better check my stock of liquor - my favorite is amarula, which I now want to try in a shake or smoothie.

  8. Sounds like fun, but I think we need a drinking game to celebrate tomorrow too. Any suggestions?

  9. @Parker - that's a great idea! I wonder what it would be like to use a Slim Fast shake with alcohol. Could be dangerous. Those things get me amped up. But I guess it couldn't be worse than making a drink with Redbulls.

  10. Protein drinks are a great idea to add booze to! They fill you up and women typically don't get enough protein in their diets. I add protein powder to my morning cereal to make it more well balanced and I don't get hungry for lunch too soon.
    Tomato juice based drinks are good too but look for lower sodium juice, not good to retain water when you don't have to :)

  11. @AndrewBW - Billy Crystal will most likely be in rare form. Drink every time he looks right in the camera and makes one of his stupid faces. 'Cause you know that's going to happen many times. Just an idea.

  12. I use Muscle milk powder while I'm home and mix it with milk instead of water, and the prepared bottles while I'm out. No alcohol there but the taste brings bck memories. MM is the best tasting vanilla on the market right now and goes well in my ice cream mchine too ;-). This will be the BEST OSCARS EVER!

  13. Anonymous2:14 PM

    What happened to Rita? She requested the thread for the Golden Globes. I don't think I ever read anything of hers since.

  14. I think Rita burned herself out. You have to pace yourself.

  15. I had fun on the Emmy comments so I will be here for the Oscars too! I will have to get some champagne and pomegranate juice.

  16. Yay!
    I couldn't keep up with the Grammy comments, but enjoyed reading them later.
    I'll be there with my vodka and sugar free pink lemonaide!

    BTW, Coconut vodka with pink lemonaide is AWESOME!

  17. What's wrong with good old fashioned vodka and irn bru or jack n cola? Man you people are hard to please :p x

  18. You are right, Rita hasn't been around since the GGs. There was a bit of drama surrounding her right before regarding her posting being just overwhelming. Too much, too fast, too brazen. It was turning into "The Rita Show" around here. My guess would be is that she still reads but just doesn't post.

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  20. Just talked to Rita the other day! She's around.

    Don't know if I can keep up with the Oscars, the Golden Globes kicked my !@#. Plus, I'm still on pain meds. If I remember right (and chances of that are slim), the game was drink every time the camera went to Angie.

  21. @Parker Nosey, Thanks for the 'heads up' re vanilla Muscle Milk. Do you know who makes a good chocolate or mocha flavor?

    Thank you, in advance, for your time and advice!

  22. Where's Rita? The Golden Globes were fun.

    My vote for the drinking game word is "Uggie."

    Hasta manana.

  23. Ugh, Enty, I hate Twitter! I monitor my account for you, but am glad it updates your FB page... I enjoy interacting with other readers there :)

  24. Black Cat - I have the "Don't die alone... 100% free dating site" ad, too. I guess they think we are cheap spinsters?

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  26. Anonymous8:54 AM

    If there's a drinking game can I just substitute the booze with bong hits? If yes.. I'm in!

  27. Rickatoo, cheap yes, spinster no :)

  28. @Alicia - I like the way you think!

  29. @EmEyeKay - How do you end up talking to people outside the posting? I always wondered that. I know of a few people who have because good friends in real life from this page but I never could figured out how they found each other off the boards.

    Not that its something I would do necessarily, again because of who I am, I just wondered. Some of the NYC people or other industry insiders I often feel may be people I know. Not as in am friends with but as in cordially say hi when we see each other out. But its so hard to tell real identities.

  30. bahhh. become* not because. BECOME good friends. wine... oscar party... on my phone.... blah lol

  31. Bnl, I've met a lot of CDANers through facebook, probably mostly through Enty's page. Another way to find people is if their blogger profiles have an email address or their own blog. Once or twice I've posted my email in the comments and asked someone to email me so we could chat. You could set up a fake email to go with this account if you wanted to chat with people, and then eventually you might trust some of them enough to reveal your true identity.

  32. Also, even though it's against facebook's rules to have a fake name account, a gazillion people do it anyway, and they rarely crack down on anyone unless someone reports them for something offensive, so you could set up a CDAN related account if you want to talk with people that way.

  33. Thanks Moosh - Appreciate the info. I'll have to think about that.

  34. btw - my email is just

    doesn't give away my identity since it is a "fake" email just to post on here since the friend's who's blogger account i was using took her blogger name back to do some blogging. it doesn't give away my name or anything, but I'd be up for making some off CDAN blog friends.
