Sunday, February 26, 2012

Academy Award Live Blog Pre-Game

I will be back about 4pm Pacific Time. Maybe earlier, maybe later depending on my level of drinking at lunch and if I need a nap or not. I'm hoping for a nice long slow drink level that lasts from noon to midnight, but, you never know. Meanwhile, enjoy this space for all your pre-game activities and the ballot above which I found on the Moviefone site because I'm too lazy to make my own.


  1. Ellen has been writing some short, but hilarious, posts on moviefone. Worth checking out.

  2. Ha, I notice that Tree of Life was voted for Best Cinematography. It was on TMN last night. My first thought watching it was, "Was the director shooting for a best cinematography nom, or was he just really, really high when he filmed this?" Very disjointed movie with lots of milk-in-water-type effects. I couldn't watch the whole thing.

  3. I just turned on the E! pre-show. I have a soccer game to go to and will be back with the champagne and a carpet picnic!

  4. I had been looking forward to Tree of Life but gosh it wasn't at all what I expected. I was bawling my eyes out at the beginning and was bewildered at the "artsy" bits.
    I didn't understand the "story" either. I felt it was sort of trying to be a little like 2001: A Space Odessy but not as entertaining.

  5. Enty, have u thought about AA? We like u and want to keep u around!

  6. I'm popping a bottle open should make this enjoyable, as well has ease my throat and ear pain. And this week at work is going to be rough, so why not..right? :)

  7. Giuliana's dress is beautiful but that woman needs to gain some weight. Her eyes are too big for her face.

  8. Giuliana's dress is really lovely. I do like her hair so much more since she went a little darker.

  9. Holy cow Penelope Ann Miller looks fantastic!

  10. She looks in pink.

  11. I'm officially a fan of Penelope Ann Miller

  12. only in laca. some woman is talking about cruelty free silk worms.

  13. Kelly Osbourne looks like hell but she is right about Milla Jovovich, she looks amazing and I love way she carries herself.

  14. I've seen 3 Hunger Games ads already...soooo excited!

  15. Milla looks beautiful

  16. Milla looks fantastic. Kelly Osbo always looks so bad. She has no leg to stand on to criticise other people's fashion when she can't get her own act together.

  17. It's difficult to look at Giuliana this evening. She's soooo thin. Bill needs to make her eat more. Her eyes are too big for her head.

    Ryan's poofy hair is cute.

  18. I know I've posted this before, but when the hell is Kelly going to fix her hair???

  19. The Bridesmaid's cast as a collective look good, I can't decide if I love or hate Rose's dress.

  20. Wow. Penelope Ann Miller has been isnside the movie industry Bermuda triangle since what? Carlito's Way in '93? She's loving being back in the spotlight, for sure.

  21. Watching Stacy Keibler keep her trap shut. Love that. But she does look pretty. Like an Amazon, though.

  22. I have a feeling George is going to get it tonight. The Oscar, I mean. Though he might get something from Stcey as well.

  23. Nola, agree on Guiliana. Hope she is well. Is it me, or does she have significantly less airtime this year?

    Pretty color on Viola.

  24. Stacey looks like she IS the oscar!

  25. Everything is better with George!!!

  26. Stacey did wanted to flank george with the Oscar if he won - photo opportunity!

  27. No wig! Work it Viola!

  28. Eh, Ricki, I think George looks like hell and always plays himself. Like Julia Roberts. The only person who plays himself that I never get sick of is Hugh Grant. Because himself is a charmingly boyish adorable character. And I know so few of those, while I know plenty of middle-aged men who look like hell. Granted, they don't looks as good as George looks when he looks like hell. But still.

  29. I'm going to uncork a bottle of wine, like a $10 bottle of wine needs to breathe, lol, but at least it doesn't come in a box!

  30. Mango, I'm right behind you. I have bottles left over from New Years. Free booze!

  31. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Middle aged diva speaks the truth RE: Mr Clooney.

  32. Diddy getting delinted. And looking at himself. Did I really need to see that.

    Oh, Cammie...

  33. Rooney looks like an alien. A sickly, way too skinny alien.

  34. Rooney Mara, stop trying to make goth work.

    Time to break out the amarula for a smoothie.

  35. Billy Crystal just tweeted: @Billy Crystal - Opening number changed. War Horse broke his leg, had to put him down.

    Oh, it's going to be a looooong night.

  36. Let me tell ya'll. I'm at an Oscar party in NYC right now - my god - I've already had too much wine myself. But The things I've seen alreayd........ and its EARLY. I gotta stop driking...

  37. Something tells me Stacey Kiebler is going to stick around for awhile. She knows how to not upstage her man.

  38. Giuliana Rancic's makeup weighs more than her.

    I'm playing "watch Ryan stretch in odd angles so he can look the same height as the actors and actresses".

  39. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Carey Mulligans looking good ...oh wait

  40. Rooney looks like she just cut the swan of Bkork's dress from 11 years ago and slipped on the rest.

  41. NYC "real housewive" (past or present season) TRASHED. husband = PISSED.

  42. I wonder how many of the male actors wear make-up for this?

  43. Oh Kenneth Branagh, you're looking good. I heart him.

    Did Glenn Close get a boob job?!

  44. @bnl - Ramona??? Chick's got white wine in her veins.

  45. Yes, bnl just made this much more exciting!!

  46. Viola Davis's tatas are displayed to perfection ;-P. And the color is gorgeous and unusual. Love it when black women wear their hair natural like she's doing.

  47. Everyone here is TRASHING k osbourne.

    Not Ramona. That's all I will say.

  48. Didn't Juliana just have a mastectomy and get right back to work? If so that dress is quite daring to wear with recent boob issues, but she looks good. The weight is a combo of "Hollywood" and cancer treatment I bet.

  49. Octavia looks fabulous, the dress is beautiful!

  50. Oh SBC just arrived as the "dictator", poor Isla Fisher if she is the blind gossip actress that can't take anymore of her husband being in character any more at home (and now on the red carpet).

  51. Let me chime in on Kelly O. again. I realize that she does have extensive knowledge of fashion. I don't know what the hell she's talking about half the time. BUT she's a fucking fashion nightmare! Joan must bite her tongue constantly.

  52. If I were Isla Fischer, I'd be filing those divorce papers as soon as the courthouse opens tomorrow. I never thought I'd say this, but Nicki Minaj did it better and more originally.

  53. Enty has arrived! New post above!

  54. Kristen Wiig looks so incredibly plain. I don't understand how a celebrity can dress so badly.

  55. It amazes me that these people spend weeks on looking perfect for this night and Kelly walks around with purple/grey hair. Horrible!

  56. I'll move to the new post. I bookmarked the site on my iPhone just for tonight. Love you guys!!!

  57. Well we know the Real Housewife isn't Alex! Simon The Drunk would hardly be pissed off if his wife was sloshed!

  58. Diva I was quoting Stacey, but in the time it took me to post I got bounced too far down thread (like now) for it to make sense :(

  59. You know, for a big lady, Octavia has always dressed so well for the awards. Tonight is the first night Melissa has worn something really flattering.

  60. I don't like the Dictator at all and I thnk what he just did to Ryan was ridiculous. A hole.

    And PS, I doubt Giuliana would have wanted to have been the target, she's full of it.

  61. Ye Gods! Prince Albert and his captive bride. Now that's she's in the US maybe she can defect.

  62. Ooooooo, Ryan Seacrest was NOT amused!
