4 Year Old Kid Forced To Do Pushups In Snow In His Underwear
So, if you call yourself a tiger mom or tiger dad it somehow gives you an excuse to mistreat your kids because you can say you are doing it for the sake of their education. The father who made this video says that his son was born premature and that doctors warned him the boy might be slow mentally so he does this to toughen him up physically while the boy also has an education plan the father forces on him every day too. The video is only a minute long and takes place in New York City. The father does not seem to care about any negative reactions and has not apologized and the mom is fully on board with the education plan too. I say we go over to the guy's house and make him run around outside in the snow almost naked and do pushups. Oh, the boy is speaking in Chinese but what he is saying is please daddy give me a hug and that he is cold.