Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Were You Discussing LeAnn Rimes' Ovaries?

Over the weekend, LeAnn Rimes went on one of her imaginary witch hunts. Every so often I think she wakes up in the middle of the night and thinks people are talking to her. One day it might be people are whispering in her head that she is too skinny. Other times they might be whispering about how she helped break up a marriage and freaks out about it. This is why you will sometimes see her running around with her hands over her ears. I always thought it was because Eddie was trying to sing Can't Fight The Moonlight.

Now LeAnn thinks people are talking about her ovaries. I want to go on record as saying I have never discussed LeAnn Rimes' ovaries. Have you? Were you and your guests sitting around over the holidays stumped for discussion topics when someone popped up and said, "Oooh. What about LeAnn Rimes' ovaries?" Yeah, right after the eggnog. In any event, LeAnn Tweeted about it over the weekend and asked people to stop talking about her ovaries and her getting pregnant.

"I have never even tried so please stop discussing my ovaries LOL... Unfortunately it's beyond not true & not something I feel people should throw around cause it takes some couples a long time to conceive & some never can. You didn't offend me, I just think its crazy that people make articles out of nonsense, so when it comes to me and all the speculation I have to laugh :)"

I laugh at you all the time to LeAnn. I mean I laugh with you. Yeah, that one.


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