For the past few days I have been following this story of a mother living through her daughter who wants one of her modeling photos included as her senior picture for the yearbook. Obviously a huge Courtney Stodden fan, Sydney Spies, 18, already has her eyes on a group of 50 year old in the closet actors to make her Hollywood dreams come true. Sydney wants the photo above to be put in the school yearbook. The students who run the yearbook said it was too sexy. So, Sydney sent a photo of herself in a strapless dress which they also said is too sexy. Sydney thinks the people on the staff are jealous and that she should be able to get whatever photo she wants in the yearbook.
I think the staff should be able to determine what they want in their yearbook or not and was firmly on their side until they gave in. Not gave in like they are going to post it among all the other senior photos, but gave in as in they are willing to accept the photo as an ad if Sydney will fork over $300. But wait. I thought it was too sexy for the yearbook? Apparently not if you are willing to pay for the privilege. That makes no sense.
I had a kid in my class pose shirtless on the back of a pickup truck. He wore a mullet and a pout and held a rose in one hand. His name was also Rick James. No, I have never forgotten him -- and that was eighteen years ago.
ReplyDeleteShe's not flashing any nip. I say just let her use the picture and be horribly embarrassed by it later on down the road.
Oh, and she's really not that pretty, but it's cute how she assumes other girls are jealous. ;-)
Other parents will complain. The school is going to get into hot water. Ultimately, it's the school administration that decides, not the kids on the yearbook committee.
ReplyDeleteThe first one wouldn't be too bad if it wasn't for the tiny shawl like thing covering her boobs. I don't know about these girls though, why do they need so much attention? Mommy/Daddy issues?
ReplyDeleteI spy an audition for America's. Next. Top. Model.
ReplyDeleteI think the yearbook should reject any pictures that don't adhere to the school's dress code. If she wouldn't be allowed to wear it on a school day, why should she be allowed to wear it in a school publication?
ReplyDeleteThe suggestion of including the photo as an ad is meant as a compromise, but I don't think it's any more appropriate than letting her use it as her senior picture.
What would the ad be?
ReplyDeleteAs Michael K asked when he posted this the other day, since when can you choose pictures?
I went to a Catholic school from grades 7-13 and had to wear a uniform. The last Friday of every month was "dress-up day." We couldn't wear jeans and we certainly wouldn't have been allowed to wear that. I guess that makes me and my school "haters."
What an AnnaLynne McCord wannabe.
ReplyDeleteI agree that in order to publish the picture it should meet the school dress code. My husband and I are lenient about what our daughters wear, but they certainly wouldn't be allowed to wear either of those outfits for a school photo. Maybe if they were going to the beach, they could wear outfit #1.
ReplyDeleteAnd personally, I think the girl has Daddy issues. I watched the interview with her yesterday. My husband said "She's doing this to be in Playboy one day." I agree.
This is just trashy. We had no choice in photographs. the studio came to the school, and THAT was your Yearbook photo.
ReplyDeleteFuck this "letting kids have their creative expression" shit. Enough already. Most them want to be a Real Housewife or a Kardashian now.
I saw an interview with them and the mother said that she told the daughter she shouldn't use the photo, but that she was supporting her because the daughter felt strongly about it. The daughter is an aspiring model and wants to use a photo that highlights her interests. I do think that she should find one that is not so provocative.
ReplyDeleteSince shes 18 & legally an adult I have no problem with calling her what she is-an asshole.
ReplyDeleteIf she arches her back any further in that first shot, it's going to break.
Yearbooks are for lightly embarrassing adolescent nostalgia. Who wants to look back and say "See? Look at what a cheap hooker I was? Lolz"
Shes tacky, her mother is tacky, and the school looks like a bunch of pussies.
At my school, we each got a page to do what we wanted. We took our own pictures, and people would dedicate meaningful quotes to friends and family. No school pictures.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I know photos were rejected because of dress code and, in one case, visible beer bottles.
Ads in yearbooks are very common. That's how the school supports the yearbook. They are sold to local businesses or to families who want to congratulate their children. That's where the that would come in.
Did this girl get her clothes from the Club MTV reject pile?
too much - you are only a kid once, why try and rush the process into adulthood.
ReplyDeleteAgain with the small details... there is a difference between the senior portrait section and the student ads section. The senior portrait section has a dress code and guidelines that were given to all of the students. The yearbook staff thought her photo stood out from all the other senior class portraits in an unprofessional and inappropriate way. The students are given much more freedom in the ads section since they pay for that space.
ReplyDeleteThis girl isn't listening to the yearbook staff, they are being perfectly reasonable. Follow the guidelines for the portrait section, go wild in the ads section if you want to.
It's been my experience that the senior photo for the yearbook has to be taken at the photographer selected by the school. All senior head shots come from the same source, have the same background and same basic pose.
ReplyDeleteI have no patience for this one.
Let the little whore in training get used to the idea of using money for sex. It'll be a valuable life skill when she's in Barely Legal Spankings 8.
ReplyDelete@comma chaser more like an audition for a place in Hef's assembly line.
ReplyDeleteApparently, yearbooks have changed. Both my niece in Nor Cal and my nephew in So Cal had the option to use the school photographer, or find their own photographer using the guidelines given to them by the school. Both used outside photographers because it actually cost less and they could do scenic photos outside instead of in front of 10 generic backgrounds. Again, they had specific guidelines about dress code, appropriate settings, etc. They were also told you get a whatever by whatever size photo in the senior class section, but feel free to buy a larger photo in the ad section in the back if you want. My nephew's yearbook for last year was almost the size of an encyclopedia.
ReplyDeleteI refuse to believe her real name is "Sydney Spies." It sounds so fake!
ReplyDeleteI graduated in 1989 and even we had to go to a portrait studio to get our own set of senior pics. This is not a new thing.
ReplyDeleteI also went to Catholic school, and from grades 1-11 the official school photo was used. BUT we got to choose which photo was our official SENIOR portrait. Could this be her senior portrait? 'Tho, even though I think it's HIGHLY inappropriate for a high school yearbook, I've seen just as bad in my kids' yearbooks.
ReplyDeleteSorry, FS: didn't see your comment. Great minds think alike.
ReplyDeleteAnd her mom's on her side?? Man, what happened to the days when parents took the school's side on stuff like this?
ReplyDeleteI wasn't going to post, but now I'm just pissed off. If you want to look like a whor-ah at the club or a bar or walking the streets, ok. But in a school yearbook?!?!?!?! The fuck?? The fact that this girl's mother isn't whacking some sense into her idiot brain is proof enough that this young woman has no one setting any guidelines for her. The school SHOULD NOT allow this in the yearbook at all. Whether it's for an ad or not. The dress code should apply to not only what you wear to school but for all school activities. And it's shit like this that makes me NEVER regret my decision to NOT be a school teacher. Obviously, so many of our children are being raised by morons.
ReplyDeleteLol @ Vicki...well @ everyone really. So tired of these tricks thinking people are jealous because they're "attractive". No honey, we're laughing because you're riDICKulous.
ReplyDeleteIt's supposed to be a year book photo not a spread for Maxim, she is trying really hard in those pics to look sexy and that is not the value her school wants to endorse.
ReplyDeleteHer parents are assholes if they think that their daughter is entitled to get away with trashing her school over a pic. I'm not a prude by any means and do not find the pic offensive but it's just not proper for a school year book photo, she should follow the dress code like the other students.
she sounds like some princess who for the first time in her life is being told NO.
ReplyDeleteI'd tell the kid, this looks awful, but go ahead and embarrass yourself.
ReplyDeletePart of being a (so-called in her case) adult means making mistakes, falling flat on your face, and learning/NOT from those mistakes.
That picture does not belong in her school yearbook, it belongs on her modeling card. End of story.
ReplyDeleteA modeling card (used to be called a Zed Card in my day, I think still is)is a completely different beast than a yearbook photo.
When I graduated HS in 1989, Glamour Shots photo studios were all the rage. I didn't do them, but a lot of the girls at my HS, did. They ended up looking like 40 year old washed up hookers in their pictures from all the make-up, outrageous hair and the "glamour" poses they put them into. However, the studios and yearbooks still adhered to a dress code.
LOLOL Vicki!!!! "It'll be a valuable life skill when she's in Barely Legal Spankings 8."
ReplyDeleteAs for them giving in and allowing her inappropriate photo display into the year book so long as she forks over the money, eh, not shocking, sad but not shocking.
Afterall, isnt something we excel at in America that money can blanket over integrity???
Not appropriate for a yearbook, not even a paying ad. Why?
ReplyDeleteI highly doubt the student body will be approaching strip clubs to advertise in their schoolbook.
The proof once more, that when parenting fails, the school should step in and reinforce rules and regulations.
Comma, she's got the Booty Tooch™ down, doesn't she?
ReplyDeleteMy school didn't have a dress code, and we could take our own yearbook pictures, but that was in the '80s when we just had really, really bad fashion, not cheap hooker fashion like nowadays.
Rita, those same shithead parents would be crying about how the school is running their lives, etc. "My daughter is my best friend! How are we supposed to bond over lemon vodka jello shots if she can't pose semi-naked in her yearbook! My GAWD! It's destroying her self-esteem!!"
ReplyDeleteIf this trick gets a reality show, I'll never get a TV again.
^Vicki - I know, dickheads!
ReplyDeleteBut public institutions are regulated by differently then what you would assume is acceptable in your home; so schools should stick to their guns. I find schools have lost their shine just because how afraid they've become from parental backlash.
Now those, are assholes!
FYI, your talk of jogging yesterday made want to start up again. It's beautiful today, so I might hit the pavement for 15 minutes. Hope nothing breaks, or slips;)
Somebody doesn't have a daddy.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely not appropriate for a yearbook.
ReplyDeleteWhen we took pictures, the photographer came to our school, and we weren't charged for the shots.
But in the end, it didn't even matter. None of the pictures on a few pages, including mine (which had 6 or 8 different photos/bios) came out. On a few other pages, the bios weren't printed. How they ever allowed that to go to press is beyond me. And they charged a fortune for the yearbook. Total disappointment.
oh let her put this in! she will forever be remembered, and that 25 year reunion will be loads of fun. i remember a girl, back in the day, posted this almost kissy-face photo of herself in a too low senior drape. she was the class goody-good, so the pix was kind of like her saying, "look, i'm, SO BAD". was a great laugh. you're only this young and stupid at 18.
ReplyDelete@Elvira - geezus, that guy sounds like he was a STUD.
ReplyDeleteShe may not violating any dress code, technically, or whatever but this is a yearbook. For children. To look at.
So I'm going to say this does NOT belong in there. Charging $300 to make it "OK" to publish is ridiculous. Like Enty said - it doesn't make any sense.
I was the yearbook editor my senior year and the only thing seniors were allowed to do is choose from a couple of different poses in our weird/partial black velvet drapes that Olan Mills provided. I'm kind of jealous some of you were allowed to have outside photographers!?
ReplyDeleteI would think they'd want everyone's photo to look consistent. I don't have an issue with her buying an ad to showcase her modeling photos (you could do this at my school too) BUT I'd say that top one crosses the line (dress code or not).
Susan said...
And it's shit like this that makes me NEVER regret my decision to NOT be a school teacher.
^Yep. Same here!
The picture is appropriate if she's graduating from a school for whores. Like Hooker University. Where is her money shot? I mean, if you are going to look like a skank, go 100%. Take it all the way live! Tap that inner Lindsay Lohan sister!
ReplyDeleteWhy do parents/administrators punk out so easy these days? This seems like a total no brainer and I'm pretty liberal. Time and a place folks, time and a place.
I always feel terribly embarrassed for anyone who tries SO hard to look sexy.
ReplyDelete" I want to be just like my idol Courtney Stodden. I will be posing in pumpkin patches near you next October, in crystal clear hooker heels of course."
ReplyDeleteWe got to choose our Senior pic.
ReplyDeleteI was just laughing about it with a co-worker. I have a red background and I am wearing a sweater only Bill Cosby would love. The other picture in a long white slim skirt and flowered blouse, I am giving the photographer; who just put his hand on my ass; a look that could kill.
Sigh, I guess it's only a matter of days before she starts shopping for a reality show.
ReplyDeleteYou know, y'all *do* sound jealous of this young girl's sexuality.
ReplyDeleteJealous? Why? She looks like a hooker. Is that how she wants to be remembered?
ReplyDeleteThere is such a thing as looking hot or sexy and CLASSY at the same time. Wish society in general would stop pushing this "being liberated through looking cheap" nonsense.
Completely inappropriate for school = inappropriate for yearbook.
ReplyDeleteEnd of discussion.
Ignore Tatyana, Lioness70. She hates this site and all the commenters, and never fails to tell us all :)
ReplyDelete@Tatyana - Oh, for God's sake. Shut up.
ReplyDeleteWhy do all of her poses look like she is saying "I'VE GOT TO PEE REALLY BAD!"
ReplyDeleteGotcha, RQ. Sorry I fed the troll.