Thursday, January 05, 2012

Today's Blind Items

Wonder why this B list movie actress from an acting family has been looking so glum despite the biggest boost to her career ever? It could have something to do with the fact that this A++ list movie actor was having sex with her while cheating on his significant other and telling her she was everything he wanted and then he ran off and married a B list movie actress. She has not forgiven him, and refuses to talk to him unless absolutely necessary.


  1. The other Olsen?

  2. Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig

  3. Rooney Mara & Daniel Craig/Rachael Weisz?

  4. Yep.
    Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig!

  5. Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig?

  6. Is Daniel Craig A++? Probably not but it would work with the B list movie actress he married being Rachel Weisz.

  7. Yup. Immediate thought was what tomsmomnon said.

  8. oops I was too late too!

  9. Man, we were on it!

  10. wow, this isn't even a blind really.

  11. Was the significant other he was cheating on Satsuki or Rachel or both!!

  12. wow, you guys are GOOD! (i totally suck at these). i love the daniel craig guess! #standsinadmiration

  13. I'd like to feel sorry for Mara, but the crap that's been coming out of her mouth in interviews lately makes it really hard.

  14. I thought Rooney after reading "biggest boost to her career ever"... and "looking so glum", all I read about lately is her dissing other movies and shows she's been on. Grumpypants!

  15. I thought she was busy being in a weird relationship with Fincher? Not saying it couldn't be her, that sounds like the best guess, but I would think she was busy being Fincher's muse or clay or whatever.

  16. Wait, is Rooney Mara from an acting family?

  17. Yara, I was wondering the same thing!

  18. @Yara B. her sister acts.

    The dude isn't A++ for nothing he can act duh.

  19. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Rooney's sister Kate acts. That would count as an acting family for some.

    It fits: Craig cheated with Rooney while still with Satsuki, then hooked up with and married Rachel.

  20. Oh, and IF this was Craig, imho the blind suggests he cheated on Satsuki.

  21. ^That's what I thought at first, the Olsens are all actors... Also, they were looking cozy on the red carpet, more like friendly, not lovers type.

  22. @Yara B., her sister is Kate Mara who's on American Horror Story.

  23. Rooney has an older sister Kate Mara who is also an actress. She's the prettier one, in my opinion.

  24. Rooney Mara is not from an acting family - unless you count one sister as an acting family...

  25. @Yara: her sister is Kate Mara

    i'm for Rooney Mara/Daniel Craig/Rachel Weisz guess

    between her "creepy" relation with Fincher(Lainey/Buzzfoto),she's gay (Ted C's Charlotte "chuck" in my guess) and now this BI,Rooney Mara is very busy

  26. Rooney isn't from an acting family. She's from a football family. Her dads one of the VPs for the Giants and her great-great grandfather founded the Pittsburgh Steelers. She was born silver spoon in mouth.

    I'm not a fan. She did an interview once saying how she didn't want to be an actor, she faught the urge because she didn't think it was an honorable profession but eventually she just gave it. She acted like it was something ANYONE can do. And because of who her family is, both she and her sister kind of just waltzed right into Hollywood like it was no big deal. Anyone can do it right? Like there's ppl out there busting their asses for years upon years trying to make it and she first of all calls it a shitty career more or less, and then just decides to up and do it anyway, you know cuz roles just get handed to ppl who just decide to do it all the time.

    She's one of those ppl that I think just grew up so spoiled and privileged that she doesn't get it.

  27. I don't see Daniel as A++ either. And didn't Rachel win an Oscar?
    Really great guess though, it does fit!

  28. Well I just hope he doesn't cheat on Rachel, maybe he was just waiting for Rachel to become available.

  29. What @Pookie said - you guys are good!

    @Bnl - I think it's a stretch but since her sister is an actress also, maybe that is considered an 'acting family'.

  30. I could be off on my timeline, but weren't Daniel and Rachel already publically hooked up before "Tattoo" was filmed?

    Also, I agree that having one sister who acts isn't being from an "acting family." Or at least shouldn't be described as such.

    While everything else fits, I have my doubts thay this is Roomey, Craig, and Rachel.

  31. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Sorry all, I have to disagree. While my head sometimes spins with Enty's A/B list rankings, I don't think I'd call Daniel Craig an A++++ lister. It's still not proven that he can "open" a movie. Also, Weisz won an Oscar (supporting actress).

    I don't have any clue... although the Olsen sister maybe?


  32. Anonymous10:38 AM

    But Craig is Bond. James Bond. The recognition of that role gives him A-list recognition.

  33. As a former struggling actor I totally second BNL's rant. Get out them beeyotch and let the really talented eager actors have a job.

  34. @Bnl1016 I totally agree. I don't think I'll ever see anything with her in it due to the shite that's been coming out of her mouth in her interviews.

    There are other actors who come from well off families - Glenn Close comes from a very influential American family, and I don't think she ever talks like Mara.

  35. IMO and acting family means your parents acted. Such as Paltrow, Barrymore, Douglas, Bridges, Hawn/Hudson, etc.

    Or at least more than one sibling.

  36. @Dixie - Agree. I think as far as blinds go ALL descriptions should be taken lightly. By normal standards I wouldn't call it an acting family. When pertaining to a blind, it could just be Enty's way of giving us a clue meaning there are other actor(s)/actress(es) in the family.

  37. I like the Olsen sister (elizabeth) guess. She is having good buzz for acting and she is from an acting family I guess. Not sure how she fits in with Daniel Craig if it is him tho.

  38. @Laura - that's the name I've been looking for. But the guy wouldn't be Daniel Craig. I'm trying to find his name. He got married not long ago.

  39. Anonymous10:55 AM

    The timing fits for Rooney/Daniel/Rachel, too. Daniel was with Satsuki until late 2010. He would have been filming with Rooney on TGwtDT by then. He started seeing Rachel in late 2010. Rooney knows nothing about Rachel until the marriage. And she and Daniel have to do press for their movie.

    I'm determined to make this fit, dang it! LOL!

  40. I agree with all of those who don't like Rooney. She comes off as such an entitled, ungrateful brat in her interviews. Can you imagine what she must be like in real life? I haven't seen GWDT just because of how much I've disliked her. I think having her do so much press for the movie was a mistake, but then Craig thinks he's way above doing press, too, so I guess the producers chose the lesser of the two evils to do press. BTW, I'm think they are the answer to the blind.

  41. Again not sure if they are respectfully A and B but how about Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem for the married couple. Now Rita if we could just fit the Olsen sister in I would be happy -lol.

  42. The Rooney family also includes an actress who was one of the original three Charlie's Angels on television. Kate Jackson? Can't remember her name but she had brown hair then.

  43. Kate Jackson played Sabrina on the original Charlie's angels.

  44. B Actress from acting family with a big boost: Rooney Mara

    A++ Actor: Daniel Craig, only because of his James Bond character, which is an A++ character.

    Significant other: Satsuki (at the time the movie was being filmed)

    B List Actress he married: Rachel Weisz. Doesn't matter that she won an oscar, she still can't headline a movie and make the big bucks by herself.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. "Acting family" is more vague than saying "football family" which would be a dead giveaway. Kate Mara, Rooney's sister (and the better/prettier actress frankly) is on AHS and was also in Brokeback Mountain and Shooter with Marky Mark.

  47. I finally thought of what I considered a slam dunk answer and everyone beat me to it. Totally agree with the Rooney Mara/Daniel Craig/Rachel Weisz guess.

  48. So what would Enty say? She has an "acting sibling"? That would be a dead giveaway. So she has to have two siblings to be from an "acting family"? Or as someone else said, their parents have to act to be an "acting family"? If we went by that logic, then the Wilsons and the Baldwins and the Gyllenhaals aren't "acting families" either. "Acting family" would be a family member who acts. Come on, folks.

  49. I'm sure it's Mara and Craig - Enty considers Owen and Luke Wilson to be from an "acting family," too.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Wow. Now that's some juicy gossip. The more I hear about Craig, the more I can't forgive him. If this is true, can you imagine forced to premiers of one of the biggest filmswith the guy who fucked her over like that? combined with whatever weirdness was going on with Fincher. Because that is one intense year to spend as Lisbeth.

    So maybe, just maybe, she's totally fucked up right now and that's why all these horrible things are coming out of her mouth. Time will. Look at old pics of her and she looks sweet and innocent.

  52. Rachel W. is an Oscar winner, right? Isn't that permanent A List?

  53. Rooney Mara went to the same little college within NYU that I did, which probably...says a lot...hmmm... #notestoself...

  54. To give Rooney the benefit of the doubt (if it is her) she probably has bypassed all the casting couch and on set crap most actresses have to put up with, so perhaps she didn't realize this thing with Craig was nothing more than an on set fling which happens ALL the time. And as someone upthread said, the part of Lisabeth is a pretty intense role to inhabit so who knows what is going on in her head.

    Or (and I think this is more likely) Enty was probably fed a false blind to boost sales for Dragon Tattoo which hasn't been doing as well as was hoped. Everyone's talking about the movie today right?

  55. Hey, do you guys remember Lainey's blind last year about the younger girl sleeping w/ the older guy on the set thing? Maybe this is the answer instead of THG!

  56. I can't stand Weiss ever since I heard her snotty attitude toward us lowly Americans.

  57. Reno, Lainey's blind was Anne Hathaway/Christian Bale

    I don't think this is Mara/Craig. She's rumored to be sleeping with/crushing on the director and he's not A++.

    Who else got married recently?

  58. @Jaiden
    Yes, there was that one, but there was also another one right before it, maybe it wasn't Lainey's. Everyone thought it was one of the girls on THG set w/ a much older costar. Anyone else remember this one?

  59. I don't buy that it's Rooney, because I seriously doubt she had any spare time from her twisted Fincher obsession to hook up with anyone else. He has seriously f*cked wit her head.

  60. renolonde - yes altho I can't remember the specific blind it was guessed by many to be a young actress who got hurt by an older man during filming of THG. Wish I could remember more.

    I think I'm starting to get Enty's ranking - definitely more box office draw than awards. And for that Craig is definitely A+ bringing in the crowds for Bond. Nad can Winslet bring in the sales by her name only? She would for us, but not for the masses I guess.

  61. ^The Hunger Games. Sorry, lazy here!

  62. @ecua- luke and owen wilson have a brother andrew that also acts, i think that would make it an acting family.

    makes sense that this would be them, but all the press about her and fincher and even daniel craig spoke out and said they had a creepy relationship makes me think its not the two of them. i dont have any other guesses though.

  63. But the only thing with that is that Fincher is an out gay man.

  64. @Reno - It was a Lainey blind, but after some hints on her part, the top guesses were Anne Hathaway and Christian Bale. She then returned to her then b/f, now fiance.

    Is that who you were thinking of?

  65. I came back because I just read Ted's Charlotte blind, forgot all about that. Someone above said that R. Mara is the favorite guess for three blinds now, one where she had weird relationship with the director, the other where she's a lesbian, and now this one. Huh.

  66. @Rita
    Nope, it was another similar blind before that one. It might not have been Lainey I guess?

  67. Anyone else read this: , where Fincher interviews Mara? It's creepy, man. And explains so much about her current attitude. This chick has been totally mould into Fincher Play-do. She loves it and cannot let go.

    Between their "What did you think of me? Hah, how brilliant is it that I was perfect for the part, but the studio didn't think so? Do other filmmakers REALLY ONLY do 2-3 takes, the lazy bastards? Pffft." The interview makes them sound even more insufferable than already perceived! And there's no twisting of words out of context here.

  68. I refuse to believe this about Daniel. It ruins my fantasies.

  69. Daniel and Rachel were filming "Dream House" in early 2010. Rumors of their relationship were around at that time.

    "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" didn't begin filming until October 2010.

    I don't think the timing fits for this to be Rooney, Daniel, and Rachel.

  70. It can't be Mara and Craig. As someone said earlier with links, Weitz and Craig got together during Dream House. I think they were quietly married before he began filming Dragon. Also, I saw some pap pictures of Mara on the streets of Stockholm holding hands with a guy described as her boyfriend.

    I remember reading in EW how Fincher became interested in directing TGWTDT. He had just finished TSN and was relaxing next to his longtime "partner" beside their pool. When he tried to initiate a conversation, he was cut off with "Don't talk to me now or for the rest of the week" because his "partner" was in the middle of reading TGWTDT (so I thought he was gay, too). However, in a Vogue magazine piece on TGWTDT it became clear that his partner is a woman who produces his films. From that article I gathered that Rooney was closer to her than to Fincher. Btw, Mara doesn't bother me.

  71. I think it's the Roony/Craig guess because as the past reveals have shown, Enty can be loosy goosy with timelines and descriptions. Besides, Rooney has not been too chummy with Craig in the press photos.

  72. ARGH, the A-B-C designations make me crazy. To ME, "A++" would HAVE to be someone award-winning and/or someone who has face AND name recognition that my mother or my grandmother would know. Tom Cruise. George Clooney. Old-school Hollywood. Brad and Angelina, even.

    Daniel Craig A++? Not hardly, in my book.

    But again, that's just me. And I have no other guess, so I suppose this rant was for naught. ;-)

  73. Sorry to be late to the party but David Fincher's "partner" is his long time girlfriend and producing partner Ceán Chaffin. Like i've said before I've worked with DF and he INTRODUCES Cean as his partner to people. She's been nominated for 2 Oscars!
    As to the whole DF RM controversy-who knows?



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