Taylor Swift Will Spill Jake Gyllenhaal Secrets
Lesson number one when dating Taylor Swift is that if you are the one breaking up with her be prepared to have you entire relationship played out on the radio. If Jake Gyllenhaal said anything he did not want made public, then that is going to be too bad. Sure, Taylor's songs are not going to mention Jake by name, but we will know. Apparently he really messed with her mind while they were dating and that Taylor has been writing songs left and right about him and the way he treated her. That means Taylor and Reese Witherspoon have some bonding they can do. The thing is Reese has been around the block a few times and knew what she was getting into. Taylor's dating experience consisted of a Jonas Brother and some Twilight novels which she thought she was getting by dating Taylor Lautner, but got something else totally unexpected.