Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Simon Cowell Fires Paula Abdul - Again

For the second time in as many shows, Simon Cowell has fired Paula Abdul. Oh sure, he has some deniability for what happened on American Idol, but if he had gone to the producers and said give her what she wants, which was way way way way way less than Simon was making, they would have given it to her. He did not. She was gone and Idol went on its downward spiral. Yesterday at X Factor, Paula was told she would not be coming back for Season 2. Nicole Scherzinger was fired too, although she is allowed to say she is leaving to focus on her music career. I want you to think about that for a second. Why would Nicole willingly give up millions of dollars a year to sit in a chair where she still has time to work on her music for the chance to earn probably way less than millions and have to work full-time and more to do it. Yeah. Steve Jones is gone too. The only people not gone are Simon Cowell (because the low ratings are never his fault) and LA Reid because you really do not want to make LA Reid mad. I guess this is Olivia Munn's second chance to get that hosting job her manager screwed her out of last year.


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