Friday, January 13, 2012

Scientologists Dig Through Paul Haggis' Trash

When Paul Haggis emerged from the darkness last year and denounced Scientology, he also warned that he fully expected a scandal to emerge or some kind of smear about him and that it would come from Scientology. Well, so far there has been nothing, but not for a lack of trying on the part of Scientology. The Academy Award winning director told The NY Post that every week, private detectives are digging through his trash and he has no doubts they were hired by Scientology to try and find something they can use against him. If you leave your trash out on your lawn or on your curb, anyone can go through it. It is public property at that point. The only thing taken from his trash each week are papers he has written on. The Church says the claims are ridiculous. Yeah, because there is some other group out there who really wants to sift through Paul Haggis' trash.

What the Scientologists should do is say, "yeah we are digging through his trash. He said some bad things about us and now we want to see if we can say some bad things about him." At least be honest about it. I don't think people like to know their church is lying to them all the time. That is one of the reasons Haggis left.


  1. Having read the material and all his interviews, he was "brave" to come forward. The scientologists like retrobution for those who don't follow the leader.

  2. I read he quit because of their intolerance for homosexuals.

  3. Read the whole New Yorker document, and WOW! Got me hooked on The Village Voice. All that slavery, imprisonment, physical torture, way beyond mental torture.

    What happened to Debbie Cook? That's what I'd like to know.

  4. I think one or two of his children are gay.

  5. Also, I don't think much infuriates more than Scientology. The fact that a cult is allowed to operate as a church lawfully out in the open is sickening.

  6. It is interesting that they don't already have anything to use against him. It makes his point that much stronger.

  7. Rose, they're only allowed because they've infiltrated the IRS and other government agencies. They learned their lesson after Operation: Snow White.

  8. @Robert, there is nothing on him and I'm sure that's driving the leaders crazy too. If only someone could catch them doing it and then bring down the group that would be wonderful.
    Rita: Here's a link to a review on Inside Scientology:

    Maybe you can check it out of the library.

  9. this poor guy...he is going to be the victim of smear tactics the rest of his life. brave man, tho. i hope he's invested in a top-rate, high grade shredder.

  10. Anyone having a hard time posting on this link?

  11. They want something out of his trash? He should set them up and give them some bullshit that he can later call them out on.

  12. Good idea Megley...Or something vulgar with a note on it..My friends new landlord arbitrarily enters her rental without notice (totally illegal). I told her to leave out a big dildo with a note saying, "Hope you found what you were looking for" when she leaves so he can see that. Nothing screams "fuck you" like a big dildo!

  13. "Inside Scientology" by Janet Reitman is a great book. If you read it, you will see that this is not even close to the lenghths that Scientology will go to keep track of members and ex-members.

  14. Enty, you should start a cult for the worship of bacon and alcohol. Bacohol. Of course your followers are Bacoholics.

    This idea may not be funny to some of you. That's OK. I'd rather be goofy than go off on Scientology right now. They make my skin crawl.

  15. ^I'm with nolachickee. Count me in as a Bacoholic. On a Friday 13th, it certainly fits.

  16. I read the New York post article when it came out and I was shocked at how depraved this cult is, the way they use and abuse children is deplorable.
    I seriously cannot see how celebrities like Tom Cruise and Travolta put up wwithy his cult knowing they are both gay and the church does not tolerate homosexuality.
    Paul Haggis is a brave man indeed and I will never believe anything negative said about him by scientologists.

  17. I don't think going through the trash is the worst of it. Didn't he say in interviews that people were stalking him in cars, and "Old scientology friends" ringing his door at all times, in the middle of the night, to verbally attack him?

  18. He needs to move to my town. We don't have municipal trash collection, so you either haul it to the town dump yourself, or hire a private company - many of which will open your garage and take the cans out, if you request. So the garbage chain of custody is never broken.

  19. That is one crazy cult! They get away with a lot of bs because of the money they get from all their celebrities and the slaves they pimp out for them

  20. Brave yes, but soooo scary to go up against these cultists.

  21. Enty - You are wrong about trash. It is illegal to go through anyone's trash, no matter if it is on the curb or in the street. That is way to protect people from identify theft.

  22. iheartjacksparrow - You are wrong about trash. The Supreme Court ruled that it's legal to go through trash left at the curb:

    California v. Greenwood, 486 U.S. 35 (1988)

  23. @Sherry - That is hilarious. I wished I'd thought of something so clever when my old landlord did that to me! Of course, later he kind of ended up semi-stalking me so perhaps that would have sent the wrong message. ;)

    I can't believe it's legal to go through someone's trash (unless it's the police). So scary for this guy. The thing is...if anything serious ever happens to him, the police should know where to look!

  24. Squeeze - thanks for that link!

    A coworker of mine had a friend who did community service, and she told me that they had to sort through recykling people had brought in, and that they always read private letters and kept anything they found interesting. They also used social security numbers and other information to steal people's identities, and nobody supervised them.

  25. I love Sherry's idea. I actually kind of did that a long time ago (albeit accientally) -- the management company scheduled an exterminator without telling anyone, and I had left a certain personal appliance out on a counter. After that, the management made sure to give at least a 24-hour notice before it entered the properties for any reason.
