Salma Hayek To Be Knighted In France
Later this month Salma Hayek will receive the French government's highest honor and people in France are ticked off. Apparently becoming a knight in France is a big deal and you are supposed to have done some really wonderful things for France and in many cases have died for France to receive the award. Salma did marry a French national who is rich and best friends with the President so that apparently qualifies her for knighthood. Others who were scheduled to receive the award with Salma have declined to be honored in a protest for what they feel is an unjust award. Most of the time people just kind of roll their eyes when a celebrity gets something like this, but good for the French people for sticking to what they believe and who they want to see honored. It is not going to change anything as the President is almost out of office so does not really care what the people think.