Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Ashley Greene at LAX with her dog.
Double date between Cindy Crawford and her husband and Alex Rodriguez and his new wrestler girlfriend.
Also at the game was Ashton Kutcher.
Not at the game, but fresh off a trip together were Ashley Tisdale and Martin Johnson who used to date Taylor Swift. Oh how she hates him.
Brad Pitt takes Pax out so they can go
grocery shopping. I wonder how much allowance Pax gets.
Daniel Craig and Racehl Weisz arrive in Paris for
the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo premiere. Notice the shoes.
Rooney Mara was also there.


  1. Eponine does not mind passing on her boyfriends to the Disney kids.

    Anyone see the new Girl with the Dragon Tattoo?

  2. Cindy looks good, but the work is starting to show.

  3. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Rande and Alex are setting up swap dates with their better halves. Throw in George and Stacy, and it's a triple play.

    Something about Pax riding shotgun in the sidecar is adorable.

    Rooney's dress is pretty.

  4. What is Brad wearing? It looks like some goth zipup unitard. Looks like Ang's lack of style is rubbing off on him.

  5. I saw the movie Girl with the Dragon Tattoo during the holidays. My husband thought it was slow and I give preference to the original version.

  6. Cindy sooo has had major work done and it is not from the exotic melon extract in her skin care line!

  7. Gee Brad not much in the way of groceries ....
    I loved the Swedish trilogy (Dragon Tattoo)...have not seen the American redo...

  8. Layna, that's exactly what I was thinking about Cindy and company, lol.

  9. I'm glad ENTY mentioned that was Cindy Crawford. I never would have recognized her.

  10. Sylvia,Mich, I saw the original (Sweden) and LOVED - even though the second film in the trilogy sucked. And was wondering if it was worth my time to go see at the movies.

    Cindy Crawford has that Botoxed mean look. I naively always thought she was above that...

    Revenge is on tonight!!! just saw add on top of page. New episode woohoo!

  11. I actually just got home from " The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo".....And I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have read the books, and seen the Swedish versions of the first two. I didn't think Rooney Mara could do the role justice (loved Noomi), but she pulled it off......

  12. Layna and Reno, I was also thinking along those lines. Cindy's body language makes it look like she is more with Alex than with her hubby. ;)

  13. @Rita, love revenge! it is great.

  14. Wow Alex sure does like 'em manly, doesn't he?

    I'm swooning over The Tiz's boyfriend's Goyard bag.

  15. ^^Yah! can't wait to see if anyone gets shot tonight, and hoping the man whore just goes away. Not liking him much lately.

  16. I have read all the Dragon books and saw the first Swedish film and I actually, shockingly, preferred the American version. I didn't love Noomi but I LOVED Rooney and I thought Daniel Craig was a way better fit as Blomkvist. I dunno, I just really, really enjoyed it, and it flew by and had me engaged the whole time.

  17. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is Brad wearing a jumpsuit???

  18. Those pics of Brad and Pax are adorable.

  19. I think brad is wearing a "forever lazy" haha!

  20. Wow Cindy Crawford is looking more Courtney Cox lately..not bad just different. I wonder if that is a melon side effect?

  21. Loved GWTDT, this version. I thought it was an incredible piece of art! And I'm not normally the kind of girl who describes things like that!

  22. @Misch - Angie doesn't eat much...

  23. Wow, Ashton looks like shit. Has he washed his hair even so far this year?

  24. Mara has ruined me with her interviews. Wasn't interested in the film to begin with, but her entitled attitude turned that burner to "off"

    Cindy looks..marginal. Why did she do that to herself? Also, I don't think it takes a genius to figure out why she is hanging out with known swingers. Kind of feel bad for her husband, then again when you lie down with..blah blah and fleas or something

    Glad Brad and Pax are wearing helmets. For some odd reason they aren't mandatory where I live. Every time I see someone on a bike without one I just whisper a prayer for them, and then silently think 'stupidhead'

  25. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Ashton looks like he has spent the last 10 years hanging out on the couch smoking weed.

  26. Saw Girl with the Dragon Tattoo last week I liked it, but my friend thought it was too slow. It's a good movie,could have been better.

  27. Rooney Mara either looks hideous or like a scared child. I can't figure it out..flawless skin though

  28. Very interesting indeed the comments about Cindy Crawford and her "husband". Factor in her constant trips with George Clooney and with Stacey Kiebler, and Elisabetta before that. Then Richard Gere before that. Did anyone else see the photos of Cindy with Hayden P. at Cannes last year? Gee what an odd pairing of friends! Wow, they sure have a LOT of close friends!

    To each his own I feel - and I'd NEVER throw stones from the veranda of my glass treehouse,'s especially interesting when those who cater to the soccer-mom, minivan, suburban Oprahphiles end up being uberfreaky party-animals who seduce the family dog with peanut butter. (*COUGH-Leann, LauraJeanWithersp.,Chestica,and KELLY RIPA-COUGH*). Nothing against uberfreaks at all...but commercial hypocrisy as a career highlight tends to peeve me off a bit.
    I'm sure it would boggle the minds of fans at the "back door shenanigans" we all see going on in Hollywood these days behind not-so-closed doors. Far more pervasively perverted than I think in even the 60s-70s era.

    Personally, I prefer to marry someone you love and enjoy monogomy. If not? Why marry in the first place? A bit odd to me...Let your freak flag fly if that's your thing, but don't act all Ozzie&Harriet and be morally preachy then go out and host an orgy to make Russell Brand blush!
    Of course, I could be wrong...:-)

  29. PS - It doesn't take a legendary British detective to deduce that Alex Rod is dating a WRESTLING chick. Cindy Craw just returned from holiday with Stacey Kiebler a former WRESTLING chick now "dating" George Cloon.
    So you have Cloon+Keib+Cindy+Arod Girl+Arod+Diaz+Tara+Minka+Jeter+halfOfNYC+Tiger+hookers+?x??? =


  30. Hmmmm..Love your writing. Throw stones from the veranda of your glass tree house indeed.

    I too wondered what the hell happened to Cindy's face! Something is quite amiss.

  31. @Himmmm
    I love your posts, thanks for them!

  32. I love Daniel Craig more every single day. I always thought Rachel Weisz was the most beautiful woman in the world, so that would be my dream threesome. :)

    "even though the second film in the trilogy sucked."

    To be fair, the second book kind of sucks, too.

    I am on a massive Noomi Rapace hate binge after Sherlock Holmes. To be fair, part of that is disappointment that she replaced Rachel McAdams, but she also really sucked. She has no spark.

    Katherine Heigl is thanking her lucky stars for Rooney Mara - she has definitely unseated her as the Queen of Ungrateful Bitchiness.

  33. I've missed you Himmmm :)

  34. I second what ABlake said. :)

  35. I sometimes get the feeling Brad and Angie spread rumors about themselves just to keep the interest on them going. They seem to have a relationship/family that works for them, despite what we hear. It is nice to see Brad doing something so ordinary with Pax.
    Himmmm, welcome back.

  36. Did you read Lainey's review of Dragon Tattoo ?
    When she takes a hate to someone it's right out there...

  37. On Daniel Craig........NO WAY

  38. @MISCH - Was thinking the same way about Lainey. For someone who promotes girl power, she certainly hates a few quite passionately. I always understand disdain for a P. Hilton, or a Kardashian, but do not understand her outrageous hatred for certain others. Find it tacky, and at times cringe worthy (borderline bullying IMO).

  39. Lainey will be the first one to tell you she's a fickle bitch. She really is. Sometimes I think it's highly exaggerated. Ask her why she hates Kristen Bell SO MUCH, and I'm pretty sure it was one incident where she wasn't that nice/cordial/chatty at a press line. Granted, I'm not a big fan of Kristen Bell either, just because, but sometimes I think Lainey's long-running hatred can be a little unwarranted. She admits that full stop though, so...

  40. Ashton spent at least a hundred bucks for that hat at a boutique specializing in artfully distressed clothing. He has not lived in L.A. long enough to have a Lakers cap that trashed through actual wear.



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