Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
After taking what seems like a really long break, Laura Prepon is back and here she is at LAX.
Miranda Kerr, ever the supermodel, is ready to pose at all times and places, including the valet at the Roosevelt.
34 years and back together again. Go sing yourself some Grease songs this afternoon.
Nina Dobrev carts her People's Choice Award through the airport.
Nia Long and the first photo of her baby.
Also with their baby are Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem.
Nicole Scherzinger waves while on vacation in Mexico, and then fell off her horse.
Not the best look I have ever seen for Sarah Michelle Gellar.

You're the one that I love... hooohoooh baby!
ReplyDeleteLaura Preppon is here, could be answer to the blind. But so is SMG.
That 70s Show! Dammit, I was wrong...
ReplyDeleteI could sing songs from Grease all day. And sometimes, I do.
Two photos of popular blind guesses. The plot thickens!
ReplyDeleteHey, has anyone seen Freddie Prinz Jr lately? Seems like he vanished off the face of the earth.
ReplyDeleteI know I'm gonna get called out for this, and I apologize ahead of time to those I offend. But jeez Rita-why do you have to be the first to comment on absolutely EVERY SINGLE POST? Then you comment over and over again, it's so frustrating to have to scroll through ALL of the comments and pass all of yours by.
ReplyDeleteIs it just me?? God it's so annoying.
Wow Vinbelle! What I don't understand is why you care?
ReplyDeleteWhoa vinbelle. I actually feel the exact opposite. I love rita's comments. She comments here and on celebitchy and I believe commented on a liveblog or two on Lainey. I actually thought she was a stand up comic for a while her turn of phrase is so good. She is one of the only commenters I consistently agree with and who's comments I pay close attention too. I think a lot of other people feel the same.
ReplyDeleteI want everyone to post. I love reading the comments, even if I don't agree with them.
ReplyDeleteNo, I dont want to jump on your case @Vinbelle, but yeah, I'm kind of a Rita fan too...
ReplyDeleteWhoever posts first, posts first. You already pointed out the option of scrolling past...
Wow, I like reading EVERYONE'S comments and Rita is a favorite of mine.
ReplyDeleteNot trying to jump on you vinbelle. I just really enjoy rita's comments and many of the commenters who post on here. Nice range of opinions usually well articulated and kindly put.
ReplyDeleteI caught a few minutes of that "Are you there, Chelsea" the other night? Awful. As expected. I've never thought Prepon was much of an actor, then you throw in Handler in a really bad wig? No thanks.
ReplyDelete^I'm with all of you good posters.
ReplyDeleteLove Rita and her posts. She's funny and she's kind. Rita, don't ever change!
Also, Olivia NJ looks really different. Good, but different.
Oh guys, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your kind words. I really appreciate it. @Vinbelle's words had brought me down a bit. I can't help but have a timer up my ass, and am always looking forward exchanging with the wonderful CDAN community. They share so much with my every-day reality, and I've become attached to these kind people.
ReplyDeleteBUT!!! Enty has listened CDANERS!!! We are having our own Golden Globes party!!! Hot damn, this is going to be fun.
Laura Prepon has to be one of the worst actresses ever. I do love that picture of her without makeup because... eeeeek!
ReplyDeleteI think I'm the only woman on Facebook without Grease, Dirty Dancing or The Notebook in my "favourite movies" list. Although to be fair, I've never seen The Notebook. As for Grease, ugh, shoot me. Especially at a wedding or other dumb function when I have to hear the Grease Mega-mix and watch people dance.
The reason I care is that I can't help feeling sorry for someone that seems to comment (as you all have stated) on a lot of sites. What else is Rita doing during the day? I also am kind of offended that she seems to set the tone for the rest of the commenters. I have been reading this site for four years and we used to have some pretty great debates happening. Now I just see everyone in defensive mode.
ReplyDeleteI have also conveniently noticed that she has avoided this thread (probably waiting for people to stick up for her), while commenting on every other thread that Enty has put out.
So I stated my opinion and will step off my soapbox now. I stand corrected, please everyone enjoy the Rita comments.
wtf? I never notice who posts first here, and I really don't care. Plus I love Rita's posts, and sometimes I feel like commenting on celebitchy as well. Of course she hasn't reposted here, she's being flamed.
ReplyDeleteHow old is the Cruz-Bardem baby, isn't he less than a year? He's huge!
I think what you are writing is incredibly rude Vinbelle and I have no problem expressing that. I don't think Rita really needs your sympathy.
ReplyDeleteMore important---what's on John Travolta's head?
ReplyDeleteI was wondering why Javier and Pene's baby has blond hair....???
ReplyDeleteI know, I know...somewhere in the family there's a blond Spaniard. Hmmmm.
Nice plugs John Travolta!
ReplyDeleteSarah Michelle Gellars look screams mature woman.
Nia looks so happy!
Wow, I just noticed @Nellie:
ReplyDeleteThat's not me on Celebitchy. Unfortunately. With all my commenting on CDAN, I don't have time for much else;)
Thank you again everyone.
And BTW, only those afraid of change, and don't like NEW comers to a blog always bitch about the "changes" and leave in a huff. I've been reading this blog for years too, and lately, it is much more welcoming of newbies, and I LOVE IT. Nothing more awful than resisting any kind of change.
My husband and I are both dark haired with hazel to dark eyes. Our son looks Italian (with tootsie roll eyes). And our daughter is a platinum blonde with blue eyes. It happens - genetics and recessive genes that from time to time manage to get matched up! My dark haired, dark eyed mother had three blonde/blue brothers and husband has some blonde/blue on his side too. But it sure is a conversation stopper when we are all together and she stands out like a ray of sunshine!
ReplyDeleteLike I said I've been reading the site for four years. I am not a newcomer.
ReplyDeleteI have NEVER left in a huff but I will not consider this back and forth as a testament to my other comments. Facts are facts, go back and look at almost every single post.
My issue is you seem to set the tone for our comments, and anyone who has a differing opinion, you seem to jump in and defend or admonish that person.
I don't get the Prepon thing? She's really annoys me. She doesn't act. She just says her lines and then waits for her turn. Aaaaargh!!!
ReplyDeleteI understand what you're saying Vinbelle, and that's all I'm gonna add~
ReplyDeleteRQ, just seeing the previews of Handler's show made me cringe. Beyond awful. What passes for a sitcom these days is pathetic.
ReplyDeleteI guess that's why I watch Frasier, Seinfeld, the Golden Girls and even Friends' reruns all the time.
Have a fun baby shower, RQ, and I hope you get lots of cool stuff for the bebe.
Note to Nicole, heels down in the stirrups. Your ass should keep you firmly seated in the saddle.
ReplyDeleteWhy does John bother, we all know he's balding, half the men in Hollywood shave their heads to get the look.
Compared to the rest of you, I am a newcomer, reading two years, posting only a few weeks. I've even posted first. Rita is quick of mind and keyboard, so what. We
all have shared opinions that were not with the "mainstream".
I hope you continue to share your opinions as well @Vinbelle.
Variety in discussions is a good thing. While we may agree with Rita on any number of things we are not playing follow the leader here.
The comments were for Rita who I'm confident can weather a singe or two. I have a problem with the idea that the rest of us are "post
To steal and completely revamp a Cheech Marin line,...You should come in peace, we have you surrounded.
ReplyDeleteIsn’t the point of commenting on blogs is to state your opinion, and debating with others? Communicating with people, opening up to conversation, and getting out of your bubble? No one is setting the tone. Except my allergy to bullies. That’s for sure. No one is bullying anybody while I stand aside like a wimp and observe.
I appreciate the obsession, but quite honestly, you should open your eyes, and notice how diversified opinions are on this blog. Mine stands out as much as anybody else’s. And no, I’m not the first on almost every thread. If people were afraid to go against my comments, well, obviously the religious, the right wing, the depression sensitive, the Angie lovers, the Tebow lovers, the Real Housewives lovers, the Jersey Shore lovers, the blind item fans, the Enty bashers, the Ted Casablanca lovers, etc. would NEVER dare comment on this blog.
Obviously, I am more of a minority in my opinions than a majority. But see there Vinbelle, unlike you, I NEVER personally attack anyone. I don’t need to start a sentence with “all who think this way are idiots”. I state my opinion, as clearly as possible, and move on. Also, I don’t come here to just type words and go away. I give others the respect they deserve, and READ their comments. Some I appreciate more than others, but no matter what, I’m not going to state that opinions not aligned with mine are stupid.
Your attack was quite surprising. It was gratuitous bullying, and demonstrative of a frustrated pettiness that I hope for your mental sake has absolutely nothing to do with me, for that would be sad. Hey, look on the bright side: without your comment, I would have never people appreciated my point of view and contribution to this blog. So thank you!
That Vinbelle comment was out of left field. Bizarre. So fucking what if Rita comments first? So fucking what if she doesn't have a life outside of CDAN? Why do you care so much?
ReplyDeleteI myself don't have much of a life. I'm a lonely, desperate housewife loser. Oh, and I'm fat too. Does that make you better than me? So fucking what? I happen to enjoy Rita and pretty much everyone else who comments here. Do I agree with Rita? Not always. Sometimes I'll say so and sometimes I'll keep my mouth shut and move on to the next post. Maybe try that tactic?
I will make it my mission to henceforth be the first on every post, and I will only write FIIIIIRRRRRSSSSSTTTTT and smiley faces.
ReplyDeleteTeam Rita.
ReplyDeleteCan't remember last time I disagreed with something she commented on.
Well I have been reading for a couple years but rarely comment. I enjoy reading everyone and anyone's comments. I never notice who posts first. It is all good.
ReplyDeleteI am just glad that all comments are posted and not monitored. What really bugs me is a site like Gawker where you have to be approved for your comment to show up!! Everyone is equal here.
I have never, ever noticed who posted what or when they posted it unless I wanted to adress specifically something someone had posted and then I only noticed so I could mention them by name in my post. Vinbelle, I think this is a "you" problem not a Rita problem.
ReplyDeleteI think Laura Prepon looks much better as a redhead. I can't decide if I really disliked "Are You There Chelsea" or if I was just letting my personal growing dislike of Chelsea Handler herself cloud my opinion. Still, since it is a show based on her life, I guess if I don't like her, I probably won't ever like the show either.
I'm on team Rita too Vinbelle. I don't undserstand the anamosity towards her or why it would matter whether she posted over and over again or always tried to be last. But we wouldn't want you to leave. You have at the very least today, sparked a lively discussion and also allowed us to support someone some of us really appreciate. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMy cousin tried to convince me that she sang exactly like Olivia Newton John (no she didn't). She now buries guns in the backyard with her millionaire hubby so Obama won't take them away. I mean, if you're going to bury guns, at least wrap them?
ReplyDeleteI never saw the appeal of SMG, but now that I'm older, I think she's adorable.
Since Olivia Newton John had a facelift (a few years ago), she's not as recognizable as she used to be.
ReplyDeleteHey whether or not I agree with what Rita is saying (and I usually do because she seems very positive, even when she's snarking), I like her consistently. She's always got something funny and cute to say. There are posters, very few and far between, that I cause me to do a mental eyeroll whenever they post, but I would never tell them that because why the fuck would they care what I think? They've as much right to speak their minds as I do, I'm not enough of an asshole to think otherwise.
ReplyDelete@Vinbelle, you got very "single white female"-y a few posts back. You're worried about Rita's social life because you've been monitoring her comments on every post but this one? You don't come off sounding too stable after that one, my friend. Whether Rita is a fat, toothless troll who is glued to her computer screen or just a savvy gossip lover who's invested in this blog because it's a great one, clearly CDAN as a community appreciates her. You don't have to agree with the status quo, but if, out of a few hundred regular commenters, you're the only one who takes issue, chances are that it's you, not her.
Long time lurker here. I appreciate reading Rita's comments.
ReplyDeleteVinbelle, sweetie, I've been here since 06. As your 'elder', I just want to let you know that this type of attack (not really sure what else to call it) isn't really a good representation of long term posters. I actually love the fact that Rita is so vocal. I think her active participation actually helps foster more dialogue and let's other folks know that the more you chat, the better your CDAN relationships become. And might even inspires others to feel comfortable enough to post for the first time.
ReplyDeleteIt kinda bums me out that not only are you worried that she sets the tone (honey, we're not sheep...), but that she doesn't have a life if she's posting so much. Come on, girl. Is it really your biz? You know it's totally irrelevant.
I'm thinking she probably just isn't your 'thing' and that's perfectly acceptable. But next time you don't agree with what someone says, try discussing it with just them (as much as you can on a blog! haha) instead of asking the group what they think. Because I can tell you one thing - this group does NOT move to peer pressure, if that's what you were hoping for. In fact, as you have now noticed, it kind of pisses us off. We try to accept everyone as much as possible and give them the bene of the doubt first. Believe me, if this group felt Rita was a tired nuisance...she would know.
Now let's get back to Travolta's hair piece. :)
ps. Just so it's clear...I lurked for a number of years until I felt comfortable enough to comment...after reading multiple comments by the one we call Jax. Er Enty...er Jax. ;)
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ReplyDeleteI am floored by your support! So thankful it got me tearing up. Thank you, thank you.
ReplyDeleteI always knew that Friday the 13th is lucky for me, I just didn’t know by how much. I'm grateful I have so many positive people in my life, the eLife, as well as the non-e-one. You guys have proven today that there is place for everyone, you don't need to play games to feel appreciated, and that pettiness between women is a dying breed.
If you know how much and when someone is posting, and on what sites, then how much time does that person have on their hands?
ReplyDeleteAgain why I care, is that I can’t stand that someone can be SO available to post SO constantly. Why is this person affecting what you think, because they post so often? I don’t care if you agree with ANY comments. I simply want you to express your own, without fear. While I have always appreciated the opinions of RQ, Reno, Jason Blue, Moosh, Jax, Surfer, Sue Ellen, Maja etc.
ReplyDeleteI never ever tried to be rude. All I stated was that you seem to depend on differing opinions in order to comment. Instead I get bashed for being “rude”. I never said anything about “following a leader”. In fact I even stated to please enjoy reading Rita’s comments, yet still I am bashed. Perhaps that rest of you should comprehend some of your own comments.
I have never been a bully and resent the insinuation. You don’t state your opinion and move on. You simply “don’t move on” you keep commenting over and over. Just as I am sure this will not be your last post, forbid me for having the last word.
It is not a “me” problem, it is a general posting “issue”. All I said was I am tired of certain people continuing to berate the same comments. Since when have we decided on a team “anyone” instead of just admiring the opinions.
Thank you Princespessa for your first paragraph, mental eyeroll, that’s exactly what I do and all I’ve been trying to express. However I have never stated that I am a “single white female” or that ANYONE is a toothless troll. And just because I am invested does not make me appreciate or not appreciate anyone’s opinions. Although I might have been frustrated and angry in my first post, I’ve clearly touched a nerve, I am truly sorry for that original post and its insinuations. Many people have e-mailed me and agree. Again Rita, not to say that you are wrong. Quite obviously there are just differing opinions and yours or mine might be some of them.
Mother Campfire, it was not meant to be an attack, sorry you feel that way. As I have already apologized for my first comment. My point is that BECAUSE Rita is so vocal it seems to change the direction of “normal” commenting. I’m not asking anyone to give in to “peer pressure”. I just want people to state their own opinions without being commented on every five minutes.
But alas, since I have commented Rita has commented ONCE AGAIN. I do not know how often Rita posts I was simply going by what others have stated. Sorry I don’t know Libby, but I miss her armpit pic! So all of you know I am quite a frequent poster, I’ve just changed my name in order to be more vocal. Who is censoring themselves now?
Team Jasmine, Linnea, and the Moosh! But they already know that.
ReplyDeleteI, personally, find some of Rita's comments annoying, plus what I perceive the need to jump in on almost every single conversation. But I also see that many of you enjoy her, so ultimately, it's an open forum, and I know how to skip a post. There is room for everyone.
And Mother Campfire, Jax and Enty are two separate people. And genders.
I understand that it annoys you because everyone has the right to be annoyed by what they want, and what bugs you isn't really a choice. I just don't understand why it makes you [i]care[/i].
ReplyDeleteAlso, I don't know where you are getting the idea that people aren't expressing their own ideas. Either someone has too much time on their hands and posts too much, or it would seem not enough, and can't always do more than agree or disagree with a poster's comments.
I'm not trying to be rude Vinbelle, just trying to see where you are coming from.
bored fat housewife team rita here too!
ReplyDeleteAlthough I have never taken offense to Rita's posts, they are quite pleasant & positive if memory serves me, I understand the frustration of some folks comments saturating the blog(s) & 'setting the tone'. For a while there it felt like that really loud, opinionated quest was at every party you popped into, taking over any possible conversation & shooting down any divergent opinion.Like those parties, newbies don't even bother showing up eventually & you're left w/ the same crowd every Saturday night. Pretty predictable.
ReplyDeleteAgain, I've never felt this way about Rita. I've also simply chosen to scroll n skip. Public lashing are no fun, for either party.
ReplyDeleteEven when trying to backtrack, you are still calling people sheep.
You are clearly telling them that they blindly follow whomever posts first. Like they have no thought process, and would mêêêêh their way through the blog.
Do you understand what you have done?
Do you understand that all that come here will now be watching their step: All that are between jobs, all that are at dead-end boring jobs, that come here to find relief away from their worries. All that are home for different reasons, that felt safer coming on THIS particular blog for a good laugh. All that had felt safe in the past few months, and had posted very personal stories about themselves, and their families, without feeling threatened or judged. Will they be counting how many times they comment, so not to called a loser?
All that were always in a hurry, to drop their keys by the door, at the end of a shitty day, to log on and say "what did I miss?", like old buddies that gather around at a bar at the end of the day.
See here, is a blog. It's not a beauty contest, it's not a popularity contest (for RQ would win hands down!), it's not what you can offer people, bribes, stories about Hollywood, so they would like you more. This is a blog.
No matter if you think you're pretty or ugly, no matter if you think you're fat or skinny, no matter if you think you're brilliant or dumb, no matter your nationality, the color of hair, skin, eyes, tall, short, marathon runner, paraplegic, no matter. On this blog, your words count, and shine through who you really are. It doesn't matter if you have been a spoiled brat all your life, and expect people to only agree with YOU, for anything else, would be called sheep. It is your words here that count, cumulate, are accounted for, and garner you appropriate reaction. And if I'm a hyperactive Tasmanian devil, who answers every one person that addresses me by name, that is because I love engaging them in conversation, and hearing their opinion so to learn more about them. Shoot me, I LOVE PEOPLE!
Your behavior was like a surprising accident in this community, but in return, all we got is love and support. You did not expect that did you? And I love all that had the guts to stand up to your bullying, whether they like me, or had clearly stated that "meh, not so much".
Just so you know, it's still boring as shit at work, so I will be engaging others more, and hope to make them laugh in the process.
Nia Long and her lovely baby made my day!
ReplyDeleteNicole, your toes are turned in and you're not wearing heeled boots. Poor horse, that must be some job.
In all honesty, I've never felt that a frequent poster directs the convo here, except in the case that a dialogue of sorts is opened (sometimes OT :) ) which is interesting, whether I agree or not. Now, if a frequent poster influences the content or the flow of comments on a thread, what does a sudden OT personal attack do to the comments on a thread?
To quote Johnny Storm, Flame On.
Oh, Team Rita.
MadLyb, I'm heading out to your cousin's place with a shovel and some Hoppes supplies. "I've got chills.... They're multiplying...."
for what it's worth, Vinbelle, i didn't see any 'bullying' in your posts (in fact, i found you downright gracious in your prefacing and apologies), and i do get what you're saying. Rita, i was almost sympathetic (b/c while freakishly meddlesome, you seem like a nice lady), up until the martyr-style soliloquies, which honestly, i'm sure is all CSB, but tl;dr.
ReplyDeleteahh, the scroll button. it truly is a beautiful thing. #usingitnowmorethanever
Call me simple but I want to go back to the funny banter that brought us #occupymyvagina.
ReplyDeleteGod that was a classic. Who wrote that again?
I like Rita, and pretty much everyone who comments at CDAN. And I can be an uber liberal, politically correct tight ass at times, so I'm sure I've annoyed people here with some of my comments. It happens - sometimes something brushes you the wrong way and you feel the need to set it straight. Then you remember this is a place to unwind. I turn to gossip because it gives me a break from the serious shit that's going on in the world. Overall, just about everyone here seems to be well-informed, witty, and self aware, and that's not easy to find on the internets. :)
ReplyDeleteOkay, now onto the good stuff - does anyone else want Brad and George to dump their SO's and head off into the sunset together? I'm really loving their bromance. They're a cute couple...
MadLyb, (sorry big long winded post here) do you remember years ago before George's pig passed away he was telling the story of an earthquake, there was a friend of his staying in his house for a while, and, of course, as soon as the quake hit, George described the house sounding like it was coming down around him, he leapt out of bed, he grabbed Max, made sure his friend was awake and following him, and ran like hell out of there.
ReplyDeleteWell he was standing outside when he suddenly realized that if the wall fell, the headline would be "Two naked men, holding pig found after earthquake"!
I honestly laugh every time I think of that story, even all these years later, and the only thing that would make it better is if Bradley was the friend!
mngoddess, you don't remember the (hilarious) talk that jax and Enty were somehow closer that previously disclosed and that she was doing a lot more than just guest posting? Ahhh, CDAN drama. Good times.
ReplyDeleteVinbelle, it's all gravy baby. In all actuality, my opinion doesn't matter anyway. I we all need to remember that it's just gossip. :)
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ReplyDelete^Fuck woman! Is that what it takes for you to FINALLY COME BACK!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Ida, you rock more than ever! But no worries, after the surprise douchnozzle attack, I dusted off the goober, read the amazing support this wonderful community has offered, and I'm back on the horse (would rather it be Momoa, but you take what you can get, right?)
As for you young Lady, I'm hoping you'll be joining us tomorrow night for the Live blog. We really have missed you Ida, too many had said so not long ago.
So, don't be a douchenozzle, and get your cold lemonade on for 4 p.m. PST.
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ReplyDeleteand Pookie - you rock.
Sorry CDAN’ers it’s been fun but I have to leave, even after Vinbelle’s written explanations it’s too hard. I’ve been on the phone with Vinbelle today and while I think Vin has good points, your incessant harassment has been too much, for Vin and me. It’s very easy to sit behind a computer and spout your feelings, it’s another to really read them and feel the hate. Sorry I’m not up for that. Good luck to you all. Post all you want I won’t be back to read or confer.
ReplyDeleteI, for one, am really sorry to hear that girltrav. I guess you won't be reading this, but I would love it if you would reconsider.
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ReplyDeleteI'm also sorry to see you go! I do hope you reconsider!
girltrav and Vinbelle...I'm sorry you both feel that way. Please know that there are those of us on here who adore you both.
ReplyDelete:( :( :(
Vin, I hope you check back in at least once because I wanted to thank you for all of the first hand H'wood insight you've given us. That's just precious and priceless. Thank you thank you thank you
Girltrav & Vinbelle, I hope you don't leave! As Vinbelle pointed out, we need more diversity in the comments, so we need you to stick around! Trust me, you have plenty of supporters who just didn't want to get drawn into yet another argument.
ReplyDeleteI hate this shit! I am team "I don't want anybody to leave."
ReplyDeletegirltrav, this saddens me too. I certainly hope I wasn't the cause of the exit, although I am pretty sure I contributed to it and that was not my intention. Maybe after a break you two will consider coming back?
ReplyDeleteLaura, that is a great Team, can I please be on it too?
ReplyDelete(Well, except for Les Suckno, lol!)
ReplyDeleteStay awhile, Vinbelle. Please. Love the diversity of opinion on this blog. It's why I read it. Also, it's funny as hell to watch the progression from the wildly mild (and true) observation you made at the top of the comment thread to the outraged (outraged!!!!!) accusations of bullying and harassment and the furious ad hominem counterattacks.
ReplyDelete(Apparently, overreacting doesn't count as bullying and harassment.) Drama queens!
Have confidence in your opinions, express them freely, and stand up for yourself.
P.S. Great to see John Travolta and Olivia back in the same frame. They look happy. And "you're the one that I want" is now playing in my head for the rest of the day.
ReplyDeleteI had to come back here and reread this thread. Because it seems as though Rita is MIA and so is Vinbelle. Strange.
ReplyDeleteI do love, however, the backpedalling going on by Vinbelle et al. You don't think the initial post is a bit over-the-top? The rant has all the elements of a classic blog-bully. The "I'm-not-trying-to-be-racist-but..."-esque lead-in? Check. Kanye-CAPS? Check. Multiple question marks????? Check!!!!! Swearing? Debatable. (Does "God it's so annoying" count?)
I am still unsure what the point was of the rant. Did you think Rita would say, "Gosh thanks for so gently pointing out to me that I'm annoying you. Please forgive me and I will never ever post twice in one thread again nor will I ever be the first poster."?? I just don't get what outcome you wanted from this.
^^No kidding! I check in once in a while, so not up with every Enty post or all the comments, so without going thru every post since this thread, i was wondering what happened to the debate club.
ReplyDeleteI think Pookie summed it up quite nicely.