Monday, January 30, 2012

Random Photos Part Four

Ian Abercrombie - RIP
Christina Aguilera really needs to look at a dry instantly tanning spray. The running down the leg thing is not attractive.
The latest craze is to sit on the edge of skyscrapers, lean over and take a photo. No thanks.
Eva Longoria in Las Vegas at an event with.
Matt Goss and Cynthia Gregory.
Jennifer Aniston looked pretty good at the Director's Guild Awards.
Almost Valentine's Day so I thought I would show Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelley getting frisky in Paris and
Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield swapping some spit.
Oh, and even Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale while fishing.


Anonymous said...

I feel like I've seen Jennifer Aniston look that exact same way a million times before. Change your look up once in a while, missy. It won't kill you.

Until I read the cutline, I thought Christina A. was Cyndi Lauper. That's not good.

Maja With a J said...

That photo of Gwen and Gavin looks so staged. I'm sure this is not news, but it just struck me as fake...*L*

Lady J said...

@ Texshan

I thought Christina was Cyndi Lauper too.

BigMama said...

now, I heard over the weekend Gwen and Gavin were through

RocketQueen said...

Ugghhh....I honestly felt sick just looking at that side-by side of the picture taken leaning over the building. No thanks. It is starting to freak me out how much more afraid I am of heights every year. It's getting worse and worse and I just bought a groupon to try (tandem) paragliding in June. What was I thinking??

Lady J said...


I think every photo of Gwen Stefani is staged.

There are pap pics of her/him/the kids everyday, and I wonder why since she/him hasn't dropped an album or been relevant in ANYTHING in quite awhile.

cheesegrater15 said...

Gag on all the kissing.

That skyscraper photo made me super dizzy. Gotta lie down and finish my Girl Scout cookies. It's the only cure for vertigo.

KP said...

Jennifer Aniston loves those same ankle strap shoes ALL THE TIME.

Dani said...

The skyscraper stunt would totally be my thing. With the proper safety equipment, of course! Love it!

I'm a little jealous Vicki that you have Girl Scout cookies. Samoas are the only cure I know for issue I seem to be suffering from today.

ForSure said...
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ForSure said...

For those of you that don't know, Xtina is singing at Etta James' funeral. In a church. Dressed like that. Classy.

califblondy said...

Mmmmm, just ordered my Samoas and Thin Mints today! (Sorry about the diet Enty).

RQ, let the baby use your ticket. ;) I can't even look at pictures like that without my palms getting sweaty.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Christina a vision of loveliness. Check out all the photos on DListed. I love how her skirt is so tight, you can see where her thong is cutting into her hips. Plus her skirt is two sizes too small and wrinkled, she's wearing a corset under a blazer. And her spray tan is running (ignore the comments on DListed, they got gross). She is everything you don't wear to a funeral.

Cheryl said...

Since when do the Stefani/Rossdales go fishing? We've seen tons of pictures of them with and without the kids and none with a fishing pole. Ain't much passion in that kiss either.

Sylvia said...

What ever is dripping between Christina's leg is nasty looking.

Eva looks shorter in that pic...

Jennifer A. really needs help in trying different colors.

I was about to say Gwen and Gavin do look very phoney in that picture. Both aren't showing any love for each other. I read somewhere that they were over also.

Pink_Palace said...

anita_mark, they also talked about this on "the talk," but since NPH was on the show I watched. NPH even chimed in and they all agreed that Xtina might be having her monthly visitor...gross, but very probable...she has GOT to be the new Britney blind answer...

Miss X said...

The skyscraper picture totally freaked me out.

The Bitch Next Door said...

There's no effin way that's spray tan running down her leg. All women recognize it for what it is....hello period.

nolachickee said...

Some are speculating that Xtina's dilemma is the runs. Now that is a shitty thing to happen to someone in public. She does look like she's squeezing hard...

parissucksliterally said...

Tits out at a funeral is just wrong.

Aww, Mr Pitt. I will eat a Snickers Bar with a knife and fork, and wash it down with a bottle of Moland Spring water in your honor.

Maja With a J said...

I WANT to believe that that is period blood but I just don't...*L*

Anonymous said...

Bless her heart.

pr787 said...

I thought that's blood on Aguilera's legs.

MontanaMarriott said...

OMG this is the pic that had the rumor mills wagging that Xtina was menstruating and had an accident.

jax said...

i say this every time..but I kissed Matt Goss Feb 10, 1990. It was magic.

That is all.

jax said...

not willing to chime in on Xtina.
FFS. The last thing any of us women want is an accident in front of the world.

The second last thing any of us would want is a bunch a fucking hens clucking about who should know better.

Del Riser said...

Eva was/is being honored as *Woman of the Year* by the Nevada Ballet Theatre. I didn't know she did that much for the Arts.
Don't like heights,no,no,no. Or deep water, same diff. Down is down.
Christina is just all kinds of wrong for a funeral.
Gwen and Gavin are pure photo opp. Take at look at the line. Plus it looks like a child's fishing pole.

Anonymous said...

I really think it's spray tan. I suck at applying it but do anyway because I'm ghostly white. I think if she just got it applied and was warm (she's probably under lights), it would run.

I just can't get over that's what she thought appropriate to wear to a funeral.

Elfantgirl said...

That's not Cynthia Gregory - she was a great ballerina, but she's in her sixties now. And I like the lace insets on Eva's dress.

Mella said...

Come on Gwen , Gavin . At least put some effort into the photo opp. You both look like you're kissing a dead fish

nunaurbiz said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't think that was fake spray tan on her legs. For one, her overall skin tone looks pretty even so she would have had to apply it all over her body. Just sayin'.

altar boy said...

So is Jennifer Aniston *not* pregnant now?

weezy said...

Bad luck about Christina's running self-tanner, but how does she keep that hair touched-up? That's awesome.

califblondy said...

Jax, what was he doing back in the 90's? Was he popular in England before coming to the US?

The past couple of years I've seen his face all over Caesar's Palace in Vegas. They've got his stuff in the gift shops, wanna a t-shirt? Haha

I've seen Celine, but no Matt (yet). Maybe next year.

The Black Cat said...

I'm not buying the spray tan excuse, unless she sweats profusely.

Lori said...

lol @xtina. I feel terrible for her, but that picture is hilarious! It looks like she's "doing the pee pee dance" and it didnt work out so well...

RenoBlondee said...

But the run part is tan brown, not blood brown. It looks like poo to me. Poor thing. :(
Now Emma's and Andrew's kiss looks real. Y'all are right, not G and G's.
I love Jen's dress.

MadLyb said...

I'm terrified of heights, but appreciate the pics.

The kissing is sweet - even if I shared the same thought with some that the photo of Gwen and Gavin is staged.

I would kill to have Jennifer Anniston's buff bod.

Rom said...

When I first saw those photos of Christina Aguilera performing at Etta James's Funeral, I thought it was blood but when I took a closer look at the photos I saw that it was tanner because what was dripping down her leg was too light a color for it to be blood.

Its still embarrassing but you gotta give the woman credit...she still continued with the song and gave a great performance.

mooshki said...

My brother sat on the edge of Half Dome in Yosemite and took a picture looking down at his feet, and my mom just about killed him when she found out. It's just a matter of time until someone gets vertigo while doing that and falls off.

One thing for sure, the Emma/Andrew pic ain't faked, lol. It's funny how awkward and messy real life kisses are compared to the carefully choreographed Hollywood ones.

lutefisk said...

I thought the Emma Stone/A Garf romance was just to promote the new Spiderman. I am surprised it is real. They are so young and cute.

Anonymous said...

When I visited the Grand Canyon, we were on the western rim which has no guard rail or anything. My husband was very close to the edge (a mile drop down) while I was safely back. I kept hissing, "get back here." That clear walkway was being built. I'd vomit before doing that.

Chrissy Buns said...

I FORCED myself to look at that skyscraper picture, and it seriously made me sick...I'm such a wimpo!

That pic of X-Tina is horrible, considering she is in a church!!!! Fake tan sweat is nasty anywhere, and the BOOBIES!!!!

One more thing...who is Cynthia Gregory? Should I bother googling her? Was she the 'real' dancer in Black Swan?

Shocky said...

@califblondy Matt was in a band called Bros with his twin brother Luke (now an actor) and, for a time, a guy called Craig (who went on to manage Pink, I think). They were huge in the UK in the 80s/90s and had songs including When Will I Be Famous, Drop The Boy, and I Owe You Nothing. Matt was really hot back then, pleased to see he still is :-)

Principessa said...

I *want* to give Xtina the benefit of the doubt, but my issue is that I've done spray tans, many times (no more, I swear! I was young!) and while it certainly can streak after you think it's dried, it doesn't look like that. What will generally happen is you'll get a white and orange zebra effect (zexy!) but I've never once had trails of brown liquid rolling down my leg. I hate to think it, but whatever that is, it came out of Miss Aguilera.

Also, Jennifer Aniston is HAWT. If I had that body I wouldn't sacrifice it for a kid either. Yeesh.

Anonymous said...

the reason I don't buy tanner is because it this pic: there appears to be a new streak running down the other leg, not visible in Entys pic:

Ice Angel said...

Forget the skyscrapers!!! That picture of the ballerina is what has me freaking out and running for girl scout cookies!!!

cheesegrater15 said...

Thank god! I thought I was the only that noticed the unnaturalness of her leg.

ac said...

That is most def blood on C's leg. Other sites have several pics and it just gets worse.

Look closely at Anistons pic from a diff angle, she looks a bit poochy- possibly preggers but not sure. Those shoes seem to attack her when she leaves the house. Somebody told her they were cute.

Amartel said...

Somebody will fall off the edge. It's only a matter of time.
Which is fine with me. Survival of the fittest. Just hope I'm not walking under the dumbshit when it lands.

ForSure said...

I'm going to go with tanner, not blood. There have been times when I've been slow to get out of the shower and 're-supply' and what trickled down my leg a few inches was not dark, it was almost pink. Even cutting my legs while shaving draws pink-red blood, not brown-red. Also, if she was wearing an obvious thong, as others have stated, wouldn't she stain the thong first before anything started running down her legs?

I saw the video on TV yesterday and she knew what was happening. She actually tried to wipe her legs during the performance. I think it was very poorly applied tanner, and knowing Xtina, that is exactly the type of thing she and her assistants would screw up.


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