With the blessed news that AIM Media has decided to not go forward with their proposed all Kardashian all the time tabloid after Kris Jenner decided she had way more power than she actually did, I expected someone in the Kardashian family to try to sue someone related to the story about Khloe Kardashian not being the biological child of Robert Kardashian.
In case you did not know, AIM owns Star and Enquirer and Radar and even Men's Health. They were proposing to have an O style magazine which would have featured the Kardashians. Yeah, a whole issue every month devoted to the family and their tips and ideas. Luckily for all of us, Kris wanted to be able to kill any story about the family in any of the AIM tabloids and magazines and the editors laughed and laughed and threw her out of the room.
For a family that loves to sue anyone and anything at the drop of a hat, isn't it surprising they have not sued anyone about the Khloe Kardashian story. They could sue Star, but would lose instantly because Star has the two former wives as sources. That is a no go from the beginning. However, I am surprised they have not sued the former wives or at least come out more forcefully about the whole thing. They all just seem to hope it goes away. It makes me think that someone should look for a super tall guy Kris cheated on Robert Kardashian with.
Like this guy? http://www.evilbeetgossip.com/2012/01/17/this-would-be-khloe-kardashians-real-father/
ReplyDeleteUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. I KNEW yesterday's lack of Kardashian "news" was too good to be true...
I REALLY wish you'd stop flogging this dead horse in particular. I find this whole story so reprehensible. Robert Kardashian RAISED KHLOE. HE IS/WAS HER FATHER. Not some hairdresser, not some basketball player, and not fucking O.J. Simpson.
Do you care who Louis Bullock's "real" mother is? How about Conor and Isabella Cruise's "true" parents? What about the baby who Heigl adopted a few years ago? You LOATHE Heigl -- why not try and sleuth out the little girl's Chinese biomom?
This is a slap in the face to all the kids who are adopted, or who grew up with stepparents who played an active role in childrearing. It takes a hell of a lot more than donating your seed or enduring childbirth to make a true parent. I'm not NEARLY as obsessed with the Kardashians as you CLEARLY are, but it seems as if Khloe grew up with the knowledge that Robert K. was her dad, and he fulfilled that role. Leave it alone. God.
I swear, NOTHING good happens when you write about this family. The thread comments are SO predictable, for one thing: Khloe's a sasquatch! Khloe's a man! Kris is a pimp! Scott is a sociopath! Kim is a whore! Bruce is a crossdresser! Golden showers! Pornpornporn! BLAH BLAH BLAH.
@*girl- Thats gotta be her bio father- not that I even give a shit...
ReplyDeleteHere's the thing: does it really matter? Your biological father is always your father, but he's not always your dad. Robert Kardashian raised her and was her dad. That's all that really matters.
ReplyDeleteI think after everything, all the money, all the fame, if it was a problem or a big deal her biological dad would have come forward to get his moment in the sun. Maybe they are all fine and happy with things how they are.
wow *girl, impressive
ReplyDeleteJinx Ida. Same thought process. Same time. Glad to you have you back.
ReplyDeleteit just seems disrespectful to Robert Kardashian who has been dead and buried for years can't speak or defend his daughter. It is also a round about insult to adopted children who aren't "blood" related so therefore less then real family.
ReplyDeleteI think it should just be dropped. Whoever raises you, that is your family.
I really hate defending the Kardashians.
Maybe the family has already discussed this and decided to simply not say anything about it. Perhaps it is something they have already come to terms with.
ReplyDeleteNo, it doesn't matter...maybe it would if she needed a kidney, but since that isn't the case WHO CARES.
ReplyDelete@*girl - !!!
ReplyDelete@Ida miss you girl, glad to see you back!
ReplyDeleteLook, I'm adopted.
ReplyDeleteMy boyfriend has 2 younger brothers and the youngest was the product of an affair (with whom the mother later married). All 3 boys were raised together.
I 100% agree that your parents are who raised you. BUT when you are a famewhore and your entire life is put on public display, AND your mother admitted to an affair THEY ARE DOING THIS FOR ATTENTION (excuse my Kanye).
People had really turned against them and now everyone is playing guess the baby daddy. It's a good distraction.
But I think I (and really the people at Evil Beet) have won.
@*girl "excuse my Kanye" made me bust out laughing. Thanks for that!
ReplyDeleteor perhaps this guy:
It doesn't take Maury Povich to reveal to us that RK is NOT the father of KK- and it's not this guy" either:
In the long run, it doesn't matter as long as she was raised in a loving family that made her feel wanted. I don't pity them for all this attention as they live their entire lives FOR attention. I'm sure that their people are feverishly trying to figure out how best to put all this "bad press" aside and move forward (in order to make more money of course).
Very sad people if you ask me.
I understand Ida's eloquently worded frustration. But...with a "normal" person/family, yes it would be horribly cruel to talk like this.
ReplyDeleteBUT, this is the price, if you will, of fame-whoring, i.e., people lose the respect that they'd/we'd ordinarily have for a normal person. Not saying it's right, but it's a fact.
They'll be gone soon enough from CDAN and everywhere else. Remember when everyone was saying "no more posts about Paris!" and now the world is like "Paris who??" (thank god)
And once again the K's find a way to be discussed.
ReplyDeleteAny press is good press for that crew.
They will milk this for all they can even if it takes dragging up a dead, OJ-loving Daddy.
and yeah @*girl, Khloe's a dead ringer for that guy.
ReplyDeleteNo WAY is OJ the father. No chance is Khloe half black. Speaking of which, I wonder what OJ's kids with Nicole are up to? But good for them for NOT being in the spotlight. Hope their close to their mom's family still...
poor khloe, she must be so embarrassed and traumatized. growing up u know you look different and stand out, i wonder if kim and kourtney were mean to her? oj is not that child's father, his tacky azz wish. anyhoo, wishing her the best
ReplyDeleteThis is the last time I comment on a Kardashian post or click to read the comments.
ReplyDeleteSites like this are all about hit counts. The writer can deny that but it boils down to that. More hits mean the site goes up in value, can charge more for ads, etc. Commenting on Kardashian posts and begging they go away just extends their life because at the end of the day, it's a hit.
So if you want the Kardashians to go away, ignore them. If a blog writer notices a topic gets no comments, it goes away.
Considering these people will do literally anything for the camera, I have no sympathy whatsoever.
That said, I'm hitting Publish and I'm never clicking on another Kardashian story again.
Oh Ida! I lerve you...LOL
ReplyDelete@anita -
ReplyDeletehear, hear!
It's absolutely Alex Roldan. They have the same bangs. ;-)
ReplyDeleteBut anyways, it doesn't matter.
You guys are comparing apples to oranges.....bio dad vs emotional dad. Yes we can say Robert's her emotional dad because he raised her as his own, even though Helen Keller could see that she's NOT. Furthermore, it has nothing to do with insulting adopted kids.....adoption doesn't even enter into the equation. It's ALL about fame whore Kris Jenner and her evil spawns who put their entire lives in the public arena for consumption. Kris knows the truth ergo she's not suing the tabloids. The DNA test Khloe took on the show only proved Kris was her bio mom. It was not the type of test which would prove she had same father/DNA as her siblings.
ReplyDeleteIt's obviously been an issue in the KARTRASHIAN household for many years. Kris being the uber mom she likes to portray herself as could have put the issue to rest
years ago... with the CORRECT test. However, being fearful of her secret getting out stopped her from doing so.
Is she a true blonde or was it dyed to look different from her sisters? Also, not sure what they are so upset about, Khloe brought up the possibility on the show that she was adopted.
ReplyDeleteEven she had a different father, who cares. She was very loved by her father who raised her. I must note, she has a father/daughter relationship with Bruce more so than the other kids.
the sad thing here is, this family put themselves out there knowing damn well that all their dirty laundry would be hung out to air. I feel that once again we can use the words of Courtney Love when she said, "You get what you want and then you never want it again."
ReplyDeleteSo, really the question remains, is the fame and money ever truly worth it???
(I personally cannot ever answer that for I haven't ever had either.)
Bigfoot, you are the real father. Yeti and Abominable Snowman, you are free to go.
ReplyDeleteIda, we have had our differences in the past, but today we are definitely on the same page. You go, girl!
ReplyDeleteI have to second Ida and anita_mark totally...If you don't look at them, they're not there!
ReplyDeleteC'mon, Enty. If you're a lawyer you know good and well why they don't sue about this story. First, truth is an absolute defense. Second, they wouldn't want to go through discovery, where the defense lawyers could interrogate them about ANYTHING they pleased. That right there is the major reason most celebs won't bother filing suits most of the time. Everyone has stuff they don't want brought up during discovery.
ReplyDeleteAIM does not own Men's Health it owns Men's Fitness-HUGE DIFFERENCE
ReplyDeleteI seriously hate to defend the Kardashians, but like others said, this is just cruel. I know she's in the public eye, but something like this is not her fault (assuming that the rumors are true). Things she is responsible for (her DUI, various famewhoring) are fair game, but not this IMO.
ReplyDeleteDo you like ice cream? I like ice cream. You know what's a good flavor? Coffee ice cream. Or Rum Raisin.
ReplyDeleteLol Mango! And now I want Tin Roof Sundae....
ReplyDeleteEveryone hates the Kardashians and doesn't want to read about them, yet there are 32 comments here - 33 including mine! Enty knows what he's doin' :)
Dang Ida, I agree with you on not making the bio dad an issue, but as far as everything else, take your own advice from the Jay-Z thread and don't read it if you don't like it. The Trashdashians are so not worth it!
ReplyDeleteLol Cheryl
ReplyDeleteI like her as a blonde.. She should go back to that.
I agree that the "father" is the person that raised you as opposed to the one that provided the 23 chromosomes. However, these are people in the public eye and like the public eye. If you're in "the eye" you need to be truthful. Just tell the truth "Yes, she is the product of another relationship" and move on. I think that people don't like being lied to repeatedly. This is how you get into trouble with the "masses".
ReplyDeletei really wish someone would lower the gun at my temple making me read this you guys!!!
ReplyDeleteI grew up with a 1/2 sister as my grandmother said. My Mother said she is your sister. I am 6 feet tall and built like a athlete, my older sister is 5 feet tall and very girly. Yet, growing up neighbors and others would say how much we looked alike. My Father had the last word "Your Grandmother is crazy as batshit that is your sister" or something like this. For, 57 years she has been my sister and friend.
ReplyDeleteLol Jax.
ReplyDeletePut yourself out there (and make money doing it) you put yourself up for speculation.
ReplyDeleteGOOD ON YOU ENTY! Thank you for helping to show this family that the public doesn't want them around anymore (you just know they read every comment about them)
Hahaha great call *girl
Someone on Celebitchy last week pointed out that she looked like Lyle Alzado, which was a name I hadn't heard in years. He did play for the LA Raiders in the early 80s; he was 6'3"; and one of his lawyers was Robert Shapiro, so there's a good chance he knew the Kardashians at some point. Check out the picture.
Khloe, you look so pretty as a blonde...
ReplyDelete@ *girl, thanks for the link. She looks exactly like him and that's where she got her light eyes. *Maury voice* Kris' old hair dresser, you ARE the father!