Thursday, January 05, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH popular singing duo has decided to no longer appear on their gay pal’s talk show in order to appease their religious fans? The entertainers were flooded with hate mail from their goody-two-shoes followers who clearly don’t approve of the TV personality’s sexual preference.


  1. Must be someone from Ellen's show. Sugarland..?

  2. I am so sick of the hatred that goes on in America all in the name of Morals.

  3. I am so sick of the hatred that goes on in America all in the name of Morals.

  4. Could also be Anderson... or maybe that Bravo guy?

  5. Pals? Apparently not! Can this please be revealed so that open minded fans can then ban them?

  6. O.K I live in a large city...but this narrow minded crap makes me crazy...

  7. Is Sugarland really that goody-goody? They sing alot about drinking...... I would have said the Osmonds because they are very religious and definitely have a goody-goody fan base. But only if Marie didn't have an out gay child and she's vocal about supporting her. But they were on Rosie's show in December? Hmmm. Could go either way here really. Nothing fits perfectly.

  8. Goody-two-shoes country fans love songs about drinking and cheating and heartache. They just don't love gays, or most other cultures/lifestyles.
    (There are plenty of country fans with a more broad-minded view, but they're not as vocal as the narrow-minded ones.)

  9. I'm thinking the Osmonds for the singing duo.

  10. @happygrl, beat me to it, I was also thinking Osmonds and Ellen.

  11. I third that motion. Donny, Marie & Ellen

  12. I really don't think it's Donnie and Marie... first of all, Marie Osmond is fully supportive of her lesbian daughter. Second, did any of you see Donny on DWTS? He was all about flirting with Bruno (as a joke, but still).

  13. ^And yes, I spelled Donny's name two different ways in one post :)

  14. No idea who the duo is but I think Ellen is the show. Anderson isn't (openly) gay & I don't know that many religious fans could get away with complaining about who goes on Andy Cohen's show.

  15. KellyLynn is right. Most "christians" have no problem listening to music about drinking and/or cheating on your wife, but if somebody is gay, OHMYGODMAYTHEWRATHOFTHELAWDRAINUPONYOU!

    Fucking narrow-minded bigots. Religion is the damnation of humanity.

  16. Sugarland - but honestly, aren't there rumors about them anyway?

  17. That's the last of me listening to them.

  18. It's so NOT Sugarland...they have a far bigger gay and lesbian following than religious and it's pretty much the opposite of everything they stand for.

  19. How tolerant of them!

  20. ^^ see that's what I thought! Jennifer speaks out against homophobia all the time. I know they have Christian fans too which kind of comes with country music territory, but I thought they had a pretty big gay following and were proud of it. Openly proud of it.

  21. Okay, maybe not the Osmonds. But whoever it is to give up their "pal"
    because of hate rants is lame and cowardly.

  22. Screw that duo, whoever they are. Fucking idiots.

  23. I'm on board with happygrl's guess. Sounds like a perfect fit for this blind. Shame, though.

  24. I didn't know Marie has a lesbian daughter. Didn't she have a son who was gay and commited suicide? And I thought D&M broke up after Paper Roses. That's much I know about them!

  25. If this is true, I say fuck 'em, whoever they are. And their stupid-ass "followers" too.

    Soooooo GD sick and tired of the bullshit out there these days. As IF it makes a shit worth of difference. Pray THIS away, fuckers!

  26. And if I hear the word "evangelicals" on the dang news one more time I'm gonna puke.

    "Christians" are the LEAST Christianly people on the planet sometimes. They COMPLETELY ignore the actual words, thoughts, deeds and intentions of Jesus himself.

  27. Wasnt Donny & Marie the popular answer to a blind about one sibling harrassing another sibling about their gay child.

  28. Question: When Enty posts these blinds from other sources does he know the answers? Not Ted's or Buzz but these NE or some that he gets from Lainey?

    If he does I don't think he leave them blind, nor should who ever has the answer. This blind deserves to have it out in the open.

  29. Donny & Marie were on The Rosie Show they'd have to boycott BOTH lesbian talk show hosts, not just one.

    I think Sugarland sounds more plausible. Just because their fans are "goody two shoes" doesn't mean their songs are about sunshine, rainbows and Jesus.

  30. Amen, selenakyle!

  31. @MISCH To be fair, there are plenty of narrowminded people in big cities...they are just easier to avoid. :)

  32. vicky cupper----you're my soul sister. couldn't agree with you more.


  33. pity these singers don't use the complaints by the religious fans as an excuse to make a stand against bigotry by intentionally going on their gay pal's show more often

  34. Pardon my riff here but some of the comments reminded me of this .. has anyone seen the ads for the new season of Justified?? That Neil "I am SuperCatholicMan!!" guy [who I cannot stand and therefore cannot be bothered to remember his name] is in that and it looks to be pretty violent. However, didn't he leave some show that was on a few years back because of the whole "I won't have simulated sex with Virginia Madsen because it is icky and bad and goes against my religion" thing? I think so .. but yet .. apparently his religion is fine with him being in a show that is super violent. Neat.

    Well .. my only comment on this whole deal is it seems to be the theme of the day - kowtowing to the American moral equivalent of the Taliban. I guess that is why I have really become non-religious in the last 10-12 years. The whole deal seems so corrupted to me, I just can't even deal with it. Granted he isn't in one, but if he was, Jesus would be spinning.

  35. For the record, I'm Catholic, and the loudmouths don't represent the majority of us.

    Jesus hung out with tax collectors and prostitutes, after all. He didn't point fingers and say, YOU don't deserve salvation! Don't know what part of that vocal fundies (there's Catholic ones too, eep) don't get.

  36. I find this all very interesting - not the story, but your comments (interesting in a good way).

    I hold my religion and political views to be sacred and private and rarely espouse them for derision or critique. I am a believer in God (and a Christian if there's such a thing as a Jewish-raised Christian-Buddhist? lol). But I'll NEVER go on a talk show or stump speech to shove my beliefs down another's throat. I think hand in hand with my beleifs are two big things:

    1. RESPECT the rights of others to believe as they wish, even if they wish to only believe in disbelief. I've been in enough of the world to see intolerance in ultra-religious nations and ultra-liberal nations. I cannot fathom how any humans can kill one another or hurt another in the name of God (their God or any God).

    2. I FORGIVE those who don't see the world my way. So-called evangelicals who condemn people for singing on a gay show are bizarre (though I forgive them too). They offend you? FORGIVE THEM! They insult you? FORGIVE THEM! It's the same tenets as in Buddhism, Mormonism, Hinduism, true Islam, Judaism, Catholicism, and non-hypocritical Christianity...and that is to FORGIVE one's enemies or opposers/offenders. Sure it's not always easy, or practical - but that's why it is SO IMPORTANT!

    I was a close friend with the late legendary comedic genius Bill Hicks
    who used to tell a story about being in a bar and he told a Jesus joke and two guys wanted to kick his ass after the show. They said: "Hey Buddy, we're Christians and we didn't like that joke!"

    Bill said: "Then forgive me." :-)

    I truly believe it's called a "personal relationship with your Savior" for a reason. Because it's PERSONAL. And I rarely blabber about my beliefs (and do so on here because I am anonymous) because people will attack you for it (or cannot fathom how a God-loving person can work in Hollywood or do love scenes or smoke, curse, etc.). So I often mind my own biz in that regard.

    Too many stars, singers, etc. use their beliefs/politics/non-belief as armor and spear to attack the world and join a band wagon. I do not. To each their own and if they enjoy it - good for them, it's just not me. In the words of Johnny Depp: "Just shut up and ____ (act/sing/work)".

    Sorry to ramble, I'm just in a very spiritual mindset today. Too much meditation I suppose :-)

    In closing, I'd remind this singing duo who turned on their gay friend and disavowed them of this one little tiny fact to consider when thinking of their fan base:

    Once their was a really great man who was full of love, peace, and life. He helped many and touched billions. But because he hung out with hookers, burglars, drug addicts/winos, thieves, and IRS workers - they humiliated him, mocked him, and nailed him to a cross (literally). His name was Jesus.

    Maybe the last man on Earth to be devoid of hypocrisy.
    (Then again, maybe I'm just being hypocritical? lol).

  37. Himmmm, so glad you're back with us. :)

  38. Wow Hmmmmm...You are so eloquent. *Sound of clapping hands*.

  39. Welcome back, Himmmm! The impression I've been getting over the last 10-15 years is that religion, like politics, has become more and more polarized--where once most people were in the middle and concentrated on their own beliefs, now it's the fundamentalists running roughshod over everyone, trying to ram their version of the "truth" down everyone else's throats. (It's not just Christianity or Islam, either; the ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel are causing lots of trouble over there, and the secular/more Reform-minded Israelis are just about at the boiling point over it.) When I was a kid, shortly after the earth cooled ;-) , I was always told not to ask people about their religion or beliefs, because it was none of my business, and that religion was a personal thing; now, though, it seems to be everyone's business what you do or don't believe. (I spent 8 1/2 years in Georgia, so I'm all too familiar w/the fundie mindset.) People complain about hardcore atheists, but honestly, most of the more outspoken ones I know ended up that way after having religion crammed down their throats by people who practiced the letter of the law a hell of a lot more than the spirit of it.

    My best friend and I have a (perhaps blasphemous) mental image of Jesus and Mohammed hanging out together in the celestial bar, knocking back a few and shaking their heads over their self-professed followers while they wait for Moses to join them, with Shiva mixing the drinks and Buddha in the back flipping veggie burgers.

    I'm still not 100% of exactly what I believe in--technically I'm still a Christian (lapsed Methodist, if you will), although there are definitely aspects of Judaism that I like and agree with...but I just can't bring myself to throw the Baby Jesus out with the bathwater and convert. ;-) What I do think a lot of it comes down to is the Golden Rule, a version of which seems to be in every major religion--treat other people the way you'd want to be treated, or, as Wil Wheaton once put it, "Don't be a dick." (When you think about it, not being a dick covers a hell of a lot of ground, plus the phrase itself is short, sweet and easy to remember. Thanks, Wil!)

    OK, time to step off the soapbox for now...(says the former Sunday School teacher, albeit for the infant & toddler group, back when I was 14-15)

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Yay Vicki Cupper!

  42. RtMp, Love your celestial bar scenario! Does the devil lurk outside trying to lure souls to his place, or does St. Peter act as a bouncer at the door to keep the riff raff out? [And, sorry, although i sit at a zendo on occasion, i'm not well-schooled enough to through in references to "personages" in other religions.]

  43. "throw" not "through"....

  44. You guys all give me faith in humans, thanks. **applause** Check out the Belief-O-Matic (google). Turns out I'm actually something like Quaker-Amish. Who knew!

  45. I echo every word that Lioness70 wrote.

  46. elspeth: No worries about the devil; he's somewhere else entirely--this is the good place! Shiva is one of the Hindu gods, although perhaps I should have used Kali from that particular pantheon--all those arms would be wonderful for mixing multiple drinks simultaneously!

  47. Vicki here you are on another post being ridiculous!!

    Think about it (use the 2 brain cells you have)...aren't YOU being equally as intolerant of folks having a RIGHT not to like a lifestyle or behavior?? *smh @ when brother and sister have a child*



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