Thursday, January 26, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH Golden Globe-winning TV star’s short-lived marriage ended because he couldn’t curb his sex addiction? The twice-mar­ried hunk was attending 12-step meetings to cure his cravings, but when he relapsed, his actress wife told him to hit the road!


  1. I'm not really certain that all of these people are actually sex addicts, sounds more like they are just low-down horn-dogs who lack self control. I think they do a disservice to people who actually suffer with that affliction.

  2. Imma go with Michael C Hall.

  3. I'm with Bnl1016

  4. This is surely Michael C. Hall.

  5. Can't remember where but I remember reading in the past week or so that MCH and Jennifer Carpenter were in the process of reconciling. Don't know if it's true or not

  6. ^ I read that, too.

  7. ^ It was on Perez Hilton. Its false. Just a rumor.

  8. I have a hard time with the concept of sex addiction. I mean, porn is more accessible than ever. And it's free in many cases. So porn plus one of your hands can = satisfaction. Why do these people have to involve anyone else? I just don't get how they cry addiction and fuck up lives when there's a simple solution.

  9. I suspect the addition issue arises because orgasm does not equal "satisfaction" but just increases the appetite for more, similar to other pleasureable sensations from, for example, drugs or alcohol.

  10. Porn and sex can be used as escapes, just like drugs and alcohol. You could say that compulsive gambling isn't really a problem and they should just stay home and play solitaire if they want to play cards. It's a compulsive disorder. And depending on what a person has been through, it may feel like it's the only part of their lives they can control and they become addicted to the sense of relief.

  11. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Definitely Dexter the first thing that came to mind.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Deleted an earlier comment about MCHall - I thought the BI said the guy was married three times.

    Dang. Keep it in your pants, MCHall!

  14. Oh know I love you!! But how strange that he has a destructive "Dark Passenger" much like his character. Sure, he's not actually running around killing people, but this dark destructive addiction makes me realize just why he is soooo good in that role!

    But MCH, sweetie...just enjoy single life if that's what you want. If you can't deal with monogomy, that's fine too. Maybe now he won't try again. Some people are just not cut out for married life. And that's OK too.

  15. Honestly, I'm not sure I really see the problem. If you don't want to be married, don't get married. If you can't handle being with someone who has an addiction, don't marry 'em! Maybe he'll find a woman one day who won't care what he's doing. Everyone's just too uptight.

  16. I totally agree. Why do people need to be married? (no, this is not political, I believe all people who want to marry are entitled to marriage, i just question marriage in general). Marriage began as an exchange of chattel (ownership of the woman).
    I think a lot of it is societal conditioning. We are raised to think there are all these major milestones that will profoundly change us so we look forward to them and then are surprised or disappointed when they occur and we are ultimately profoundly the same: i.e.:losing ones virginity, marriage, having kids, making money, etc. You are still the same person you were the day before.
    Having a child is the exception though even that will "wear
    off" if you are an addict of some kind (i suppose there are some exceptions).

  17. The addiction isn't necessarily solely the act of sex but the feelings the encounter generate in a person which can't be satisfied with masturbation.

    The more you know *shooting star*

  18. @ChasingHeaven - I love your picture! Thanks for the laugh!

  19. Abe Vigoda for the block Peter.
