Mea Culpa
Yesterday was a bad day. It has been awhile since I had one but I really stuck my foot in my mouth a couple of times. When you are writing a lot of things and writing them in a hurry, things sometimes sound funny in your head, but do not turn out the way you thought they would when you actually read them. I should have been more careful with the Jessica Simpson post I wrote yesterday. It did not come out the way I wanted, and for that I apologize. I think this also confirms that I really am a guy and I know absolutely nothing about pregnant women. Jessica, if you were here right now we could hug it out and you could also explain why you picked a unemployed guy to be your baby daddy.
Not wanting to limit myself, I also messed up on the Bruce Jenner story. Hey, I still stand by the fact that guy has had way too much plastic surgery, but in this case it appears the scar was because of skin cancer. Not sure how it happened since Kris never lets him out of the garage, but it did, and I should have used a different photo to demonstrate why he should stop getting plastic surgery.
I try to get things right and to write what I mean, but it does not always happen. I shall do better. I have always wanted to use shall in a post. Use it at work all the time, but I think this might be a first for the site.