Thursday, January 05, 2012

Lily Allen Names Her Daughter Something Normal

After keeping the name of her daughter secret for well over a month, someone finally spilled the beans. Lily's mother told a friend on her Facebook wall and the rest is history. The baby's name is Ethel Mary. I thought Lily could go either way with a baby name. If someone had said she named her baby Starbucks I would not have been surprised, but Ethel Mary does not surprise me either. I normally would not have commented on this story, but I have to say that I am really happy for Lily. She went through a lot of heartbreak and pain during her previous pregnancies and know she must be feeling a tremendous amount of relief and joy right now and I think that she probably has not stopped smiling for the past six weeks.


  1. good for her. Miscarriage is heartbreaking.

  2. I had two aunts with those names. ;) Glad she's happy.

  3. I like Ethel too! Although for Americans, it'll always be a reminder of "I Love Lucy."

    Wonder if it will become a trendy name now. We have a little Gertrude in our circle of friends.

    The names that are REALLY out of fashion now are the ones with "S" on the end - Phyllis, Gladys, Janice, Eunice. Although with Charlize Theron playing a "Mavis" in a movie, that may change too.

  4. Wasn't Ethel Mertz' ("I Love Lucy") full name Ethel May? I love this!

  5. @Weezy, it was Ethel Mae Mertz! And also Ethel Louise Mertz, in a different episode.

    I have a 7-year-old who watches I Love Lucy incessantly.

  6. I love the name Mary but I don't care for Ethel. That said, it IS a normal name...perhaps a family name?

    I agree that this joy is long overdue for her! What heartbreak she's had with her previous pregnancies.

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  8. (try again..)

    @Nutty - 'I Love Lucy' came to mind right away for me also - thanks for that info!

    I think she chose a lovely name. It's nice to see something other than the "cutesie" or strange norm.

  9. I'm not a fan of Ethel but it's a personal thing. I am, however, a fan of old fashioned names.

  10. I love Ethel. Especially if said with that beautiful British accent.

  11. Love her, she's absolutely adorable.

  12. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I love older names--they have a certain charm. Ethel May is quite sweet!

  13. She's a born grandma.

  14. I am sssooooo happy for her! Was it 2 miscarriages she had before? No matter the number, it must have been terrible for her, and what a blessing that she can be a mommy now. And the name is darling :)

  15. @Chrissy - I believe so, and one of them I think was quite far along... Around six months. So happy for her and new baby!

  16. Bahaha @beth's comment. So true.

  17. @Rita, I was thinking that one of them was actually a stillbirth. I can't IMAGINE the pain and anguish of that. I'm just beyond thrilled to see her carry to term and have a healthy babe!

  18. i don't like the name at all...poor kid, imho, to be saddled w/ that...BUT, i can appreciate that it isn't a kr8tive version of a millennial trendy name. so yay, go you, little ethel!

  19. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Lily has had one stillbirth and one mid-term miscarriage before. I am super, super happy for her. While I can't say I am a big fan of either Ethel or Mary, I am so glad she didn't name the poor kid something bizarre. I like unusual names, but there's a big difference between something unusual and something that will get a kid a beatdown on the playground. When Sarah Michelle Geller named her daughter Charlotte Grace I was so relieved. I've had about all of the Audiosciences and Pilot Inspektors and Apples I can handle.

    All of that being said, Penn Jillette's kid's name, Moxie Crimefighter, is about the most hilariously cool thing I've ever heard.

  20. Congratulations, Lily!
    @Nutty_Flavor: I'm glad to see the youngsters still have a taste for the "classics," so to speak--the writing on that show was great, and there wasn't a situation ILL didn't deal with long before any other sitcom.

  21. Nope. Ethel is an old lady name. I can't imagine looking at a beautiful baby and thinking, She's an Ethel for sure!

    I like old fashioned names though. I'd like to see Milicent or make a comeback.

  22. Like all of you I'm really happy for Lily! Ethel wouldn't be my first choice but I love the old fashioned names. My niece was just named Ava Grace, I think it's just beautiful.

  23. ^Oh Ava Grace IS beautiful!! I like those names, like Johnny Depp's Lily Rose.

  24. My grandmother is named Ethel so no...can't get on board with this name. But for some totally incongruous reason, I really like Esther :)

  25. I named my daughter Bethany, I'm an Elizabeth, but I spent a lot of time on the phone going "big Beth or little Beth?" Guess who I got to be?!

  26. That name is on a list of what my family calls "Nursing Home Names," as we tick off Blanche, Doris, Millicent (sorry!) and others of that ilk. One day, nursing homes will be filled with Ambers, Toris, Krystals and Courtneys.

  27. Happy for her but she's still a raging cunt.

  28. Robert, I was just telling some friends today that I would name a future daughter Doris. I think Nursing Home Names are lovely on baby girls.

  29. And yes, I love "Ethel Mary".

  30. one of her friends dropped the name on twitter a month ago. where have all of you gossipers been? (not the commentators)

    Ethel is lovely, especially said in a cockney accent, Efel.

  31. Robert, I stealing "nursing home names".

  32. Ethel was my grandma's name, too! Happy for Lily (which is what I am thinking of naming this one, but not for Lily Allen)...

  33. @Beth That is exactly what I thought when I saw the name. It's a name for a grandma. I'd prefer to have an unusual name than a "grandma" name. That said, I'm so glad Lily is finally a mom after losing 2 babies to miscarriage/stillbirth. She must have been a nervous wreck before the birth.

    @Robert -- So true!

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