Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Leah Messer Has A Miscarriage

Just two weeks after announcing she was pregnant and carrying twins, Leah Messer's boyfriend told OK! Magazine that Leah has suffered a miscarriage. It would have been the 3rd and 4th child for the 19 year old who stars on Teen Mom 2. I truly feel sorry for her and for the pain she is going through and she seems like a good mom, but it also seems to me that having four kids by the time you are 20 is a lot to handle and take on. I do wonder also how long this relationship with her current boyfriend will last. Leah cheated on Corey a lot so I wonder if she is cheating on this guy too. Even if they are not cheating, she is just 19. I don't think anyone should be working on their second marriage at 19.

Notice the picture in the upper right. Justin wants Jen to take him back? Did they split? I thought they were having a baby. Did Brad get in the way?


Seachica said...

I can't even keep track of the state of Jen and Justin's relationship anymore. All I know is that Jen is the poster child for us women who just do not want to have kids. Motherhood -- it's not for everyone (and it shouldn't be for many moms)

Miss X said...

My first thought was "Good!" 4 kids & 2 marriages by the time you are 20 does not sound like a good idea.

That said, I'm sure this is a painful time for her.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Oh my fucking God, enough with the Teen Moms. I cannot believe these dumbass girls merit magazine covers. They're worse than the Kardashians, IMO -- at least only one of them has spawned, and *she's* over thirty.

I just read a report about how Jenn A. adopted a dog from the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, so she's won me over (if the story is true). I think it's rad how she didn't shell out thousands of bucks for a designer breed.

__-__=__ said...

I get the feeling these reality shows are pushing disfunctionals on us and presenting them as quasi-normal so we will accept them and gladly take on the burden of caring for them. The bad breeding is way out of hand. Too many bad genetics are being passed around like it's no problem. Society cannot continue to handle this. Hospitals overwhelmed. Jails overwhelmed. Courts overwhelmed. Schools overwhelmed. The entire country bankrupt. This is not going to work.

Yes, Jen is the poster woman for those of us who choose not to breed. Thank goodness for her!

BrandieMarie said...

She was never expecting a second set on twins. It was just one this time around.

Barton Fink said...

Antiabortion people who watch Teen Mom end up being prochoice -- Does anyone remember that study from last year?

After watching a few episodes, I'm not only pro-choice but pro-capital-punishment, as long as these Teen Moms are the ones being sentenced. I can't stand these mouth-breathing slack-jawed sloping shoulder monsters.

Okay, maybe I'm being too negative.

EleanorRigby said...

LOL @Barton!

The whole Teen Mom shows and the girls who are "famous" because of them makes me sick to my stomach.

Boobs U said...

I think Leah is very immature and unrealistic about her future. She falls in love with every guy she dates "ZOMG he's the one!!!111" and loses any practicality. Once this show is over and her "celebrity" wears thin, she is going to be really strapped for cash. I wouldn't be surprised if she tries for another baby though.

WednesdayFriday said...

@ __-__=__

I so whole heartedly agree with you. It disgusts me.

__-__=__ said...

Thanks Lauren. It's important bring this to the attention of all normal people. Children should not be brought up thinking any of the reality they see is remotely acceptable.

**jumps off soapbox, returns to daily life**

figgy said...

This reminds me of a single mother I used to know. She'd date a guy a couple of times, then move -- WITH HER 2 GIRLS -- into his place, stay only briefly, then move out. She did this on a number of occasions.

It was so weird, cuz on the one hand she was a loving mother who could discipline the girls, but yet a complete IDIOT about relationships and the effect they had on her daughters.

MISCH said...

She will be pregnant again as soon as she can....she doesn't know anything else.

Unknown said...

I saw some pictures on a UK site and girlfriend was looking pregnant to me.

Shay said...

There needs to be a reality show that features young girls who graduate from HS/college early, or invent something fantastic, or raise gobs of money for charity.....anything but just for, as Mama Braxton says, "laying it low & spreading it wide."

El Roy 13 said...

MY GOD! I caught teen mom 2 last night. This poor kid. She lived/lives in a shit pit!! Corey's fat (he must be eating more fast food or something, maybe mnt dews, who the hell knows, but his face got FAT) and I thought I wasn't feeling her pain, I clearly judged first.

Lets hope she got that 6g trailer.

did you see how she had to bath hr kids???? poor thing. It just was unacceptable. And the carpet those babies were crawling on!!! Lord have mercy.

RocketQueen said...

@BartonFink - I often find the people who are anti-abortion are also pro-capital punishment. Doesn't make sense to me, but whatevs.

Jasmine said...

Yes RQ- I've also found this to be the case.

I remember being slightly sad I had to reliquish my views on the death penalty (because I truly believe their are people who've commited crimes against humanity and should not be on this planet) BUT it just didnt vibe with my liberal outlook on having the govt tell us/control our lives. In reproduction as in capital punishment- if we start allowing the govt say in these things the next step will eventually be some 1984 shit.

But yeah, I 2nd or 3rd the sad for her going through a miscarriage but happy the girl has less kids to fuck up in the end.

Jasmine said...

(sorry, had to correct, pet peeve)

Popcorn Sutton said...

Now I feel bad about my clown car comment. While I don't agree with her lifestyle and what not, it doesn't mean that she's probably going threw some painful stuff right now.

cricket said...

Doesn't MTV pay these idiots? You would think they could afford a box of rubbers or birth control pills.


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