Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Kirstie Alley Pitches Her Diet Plan And Reality Show Under Guise Of Exercise

Kirstie Alley knows that the first week of January is the best time to talk diets and exercise. Go to your checkout stand at the grocery store and notice if you will the magazines that are closest to the cashier. They have been changed in the past week. The magazines which featured holiday recipes now feature 500 recipes under 400 calories and Weight Watchers Magazine and others that re designed to take advantage of your resolution to lose weight. I have already spent about $350 on such products. Unfortunately they have also not moved the chocolate, so I have spent $240 on pudding. Oh yeah Levon.

Where was I? Oh yeah. So anyway, Kirstie Alley announced that she wants people to exercise more and is encouraging them to do so via her 100 days of dancing. It would be nice if the second sentence of her press release talked about how she is going to dance and use this diet plan which she neglects to mention she owns. Her plan is to also dance with 100 celebrities over the 100 days in different locales. Apparently she is trying to pitch it as a show, no one bought it, so she is going to try and do it as a web series until someone pays her.

I encourage people to diet and exercise, I just think she should be straight forward about her intentions. Remember I am trying to lose 50 pounds this year. Now, if you excuse me, I gotta whisper some sweet nothings to this puddin.