Saturday, January 07, 2012

Kelsey Grammer Was Cheating On Camille For Six Months

I think everyone had always thought that Kelsey Grammer met his new wife after he moved to New York to star on Broadway and wear women's clothes. It turns out though that he met his new wife before moving to New York. In fact he had been sleeping with her for six months before he finally got around to telling Camille. Kelsey was on Jimmy Kimmel and said that he met Kayte on a flight to London and that when he arrived they had a magical night together in the snow in London. She probably let him go through her closet and then spanked him all night while he called her mommy. To him that is magical. I don't judge. As I have always said, if it is not illegal, do what you want. I think the cheating part sucks and don't understand why you just would not break up with someone rather than cheat. Kelsey was probably trying it out first to see if it was worth millions of dollars. Apparently it was and is. Oh, and who uses magical to describe a night with someone? I would rather hear Katie Holmes say amazing every 15 seconds like a broken wind up doll than to hear magical. It is kind of pretentious. I bet the Goopster says it a lot.


  1. Didn't he say though that the last 10 years with Camille, they were leading very separate lives, and hardly any physical contact?

    Look, Kelsey is no picnic, but Camille is a whole lotta crazy. And I'm usually with the woman.

    And yeah, I don't judge either, Enty, for it is really magical when a bottom finds his right top. Just ask my underwear!

  2. I will never forget how uncomfortable I felt during that scene where Camille went to see him backstage. Awkward...

    I think it was over long before they called it quits, at least emotionally.

  3. His "confession" just proves he's a douchebag. When Camille arrived at his apartment on the show, the doorman was confused because Mrs. Grammer was already coming over - and she didn't look like Camille. And this was LAST season of Housewives. He's finally getting around to telling the truth. Who cares at this point. What an ego he has on him.

  4. I just think it is pointless to keep rubbing her nose in his affair.

    They both moved on he got a golden globe nomination. Just seems tacky and mean spirited to keep talking about his affair.

  5. The scariest thing of all is that I actually *like* Camille this season.


  6. @Mango I am with you looking back on season 1 I think Camille was playing a part that she thought Bravo wanted. I think she is just herself this season and is much more likeable.

  7. I think people cheat because they are spineless for the most part and because it takes a lot of balls to call it quits and go out into the unknown and possibly be alone for a while. I also think people cheat because they are angry with their partner and in their stupid way feel that cheating is getting back at their partner in some way. Because most people that cheat seem to always feel the need to let the cat out of the bag. Just an observation.

  8. ^Saw "Last Night" yesterday with Keira Knightly and that hunk of a hubahuba Sam Worthington. It delved into that situation... It's not always black or white, there are all shades of grey lately.

    Not that I'd be strong enough to forgive a cheating bastard!

  9. I had to laugh about your Katie Holmes remark! My best friend suddenly became unbearably obnoxious and started to use the word "amazing" to describe every aspect of her life! On FB, her status is always about her amazing husband, amazing kids, amazing haircut, the amazing dinner she never ends! I ended up having to end the friendship, especially after my divorce when my life became amazingly depressing and she had no empathy!

  10. I actually think Goop would say 'ethereal' before saying 'magical'.

    Just to show she's up on her scrabble words.

    Oh, and I bet she says 'priceless' a lot too.

  11. "Amazing" made a recent list of words that should not be used anymore. Can't remember the other ones but I agreed with almost all of them. I myself use "amazing" more than I should... things are rarely amazing.

  12. I think Camille was so unbearable the 1st season because she had a clue. I don't think she was blind sided, just hurt and lashing out. I did like how they showed that Taylor (trout lipped) no really (big mouth Bass) was telling people one thing then insisted she had not. Taylor is a LIAR. Anyway I like Camille this season, I think we are seeing the real Camille. I have always thought that Kelsey is a low life.

  13. @EmEyeKay - Guilty! But everytime I use a "big" word to describe something relatively mundane, I think of this at 1:34:

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The fact that he wanted to split up his two kids to avoid child support means I will never give this toad the benefit of the doubt.

  16. Camille was good enough for him when he was sick and addicted....and I suspect she kind of became more of his manager or mommy than a romantic partner....and I think he probably has "special needs" in that area.

    Camille will do fine once she recovers from the shock and embarrassment and is secure that she has her kids. She has tons of money and her freedom and still looks pretty good for her age...she will find someone. And Kelsey already has. And he probably will do the same thing to the new girl a few years down the road. He's shown what he is made of.

  17. camille has said that he insisted she do the housewives show, and she thought that was to keep her on the opposite coast.

    did that custody evaluation ever get ordered? ours was ordered and done w/i 5 months. and we lived in different cities, had lots of interviews, etc. just wondering if kelsey decided he didn't want to go there. i'm sure he'll come out quite the freak. and those things leak.

  18. I agree with timebob.

    Also, look how proud that douchy wife of his looks in this photo. Like she won the big prize. As a cheat-ee, I'm always ASTOUNDED how smug these women are who embark on a relationship with a "taken" man (I've never been married so I'm including people like me) and then think that they won some kind of huge sweepstakes. Because in my experience, the guys who cheated on me (let one come back, learned my errors and kicked the other to the curb after 1 infraction) usually cheat on the person he cheated on me with!

    I want to see her face after he cheats on her! Heh heh heh heh

  19. Agree with Rita & timebob

  20. Cheating is cheating. Whether you have a close relationship, or living separate lives, the fact remains that he cheated. He's the douche and no matter what the situation, you don't cheat on your spouse. You work on your marriage and try to figure out what the problem is. That's why it's called a marriage.

  21. As confirmed in Andy Cohen's new book, MOST TALKATIVE, Kelsey campaigned vigorously to make sure Camille was chosen as a HOUSEWIVES cast member. Having her tied up filming in LA enabled his freedom to cheat in convenient.
