Friday, January 06, 2012

Josh Duhamel & Megan Fox Search For Billy Crystal

When you have a world of writers, directors and actors at your disposal, it is pretty easy to make a really good trailer. With all the actors they could pick, how come they chose Megan Fox?


  1. That was Robin Williams rowing the boat.

    Well, bad C-actors notwithstanding, this actually has gotten me excited for the Oscars.

    Billy Crystal is a classic!

  2. I'll rewatch to see Robin Williams.

    I used to think Megan Fox was SO HOT after that first Transformers movie - I mean, I thought she was the best bombshell in awhile (and I didn't know she was a meth freak and involved with BAG back then). Then she started messing with her face and her LIPS are so godawful I can't bear to look at her. Really. I will always look away, it makes me mad that she was gorgeous and screwed it all up.

  3. That was really cute!

  4. Finally a reason to get excited about watching the Oscars again.

  5. what is wrong with billy's face? good gosh

  6. I like it! After James Franco's fiasco this will be a least I don't think Billy will do it higher than a kite.

  7. Ahh duck lips.....the trailer was meh, but I agree that anything will be better than last year.

  8. Poor Megan, she really is just awful...

  9. That was exactly what I was going to say Misch. She could barely deliever that line. Tragic!

  10. They hired her because the gig didn't require any acting. Just a face.

    Excellent ad otherwise!

  11. Nice promo! I love Billy as host of the Oscars. Now I might watch past the red carpet arrivals.

  12. I'm excited that he is back as the host!

    But I'm even more excited about Ricky Gervais doing the Golden Globes again.

  13. Was that Vinnie Jones?

  14. That was kind of cute. I'm glad Billy's back hosting the Oscars. Maybe it won't suck this year.

    It's weird, but I saw Transformers 1 and didn't even notice Megan Fox. She really didn't stand out all that much - no more than the usual pretty sidekick in action movies, anyway. Maybe because I'm a middle aged female. Her fame baffles me, but part of me is glad to see her getting work after that Michael Bay/Stephen Spielberg fiasco.

  15. That's an absolute hoot! I was actually getting a bit weary of Billy hosting the Oscars--blasphemy, I know, but he was really starting to get this pinched, sour look to him--but I think the time away has done him some good, and made people appreciate him that much more, too. Go, Billy!

  16. Ditto, Maja!

    Billy will at least make me laugh!

  17. Why get Megan Fox? Because she'd damned hot, that's why. Plastic surgery (or whatever she did) seems to have *relaxed* quite a bit from a year ago. Maybe she overdid the Botox? Whatever. She's still damn hot and delivered her line just fine.

  18. Oh leave Megan alone, gosh am I the only female in the world that is prepared to say she's super hot...because she is, I smell haters.

  19. @ Majik, YES!!!!

    Four exclamation points warranted.

  20. Wow, I'll actually watch the Oscars this year*!

    I actually like Megan Fox, I know she's made a few stinkers but I don't blame Transformers on her, I blame Michael Little-Black-Book Bay. She's actually really funny in Jennifer's Body, I was not expecting for a girl that hot to have good comic timing but she really does.

    *I will watch the Oscars, but I will PVR them first so I can fast forward all the speeches, intros, any lifetime achievement/honorary awards, commercials, pretty much everything except for Billy's spiel and the actual winner announcements. Five hours? Fuck that noise.



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