Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jessica Simpson Still Has Three Months To Go

I have to admit that when celebrities say what month they are due I don't usually pay attention. I have also noticed that when I type contractions now, I expect them to automatically be populated with an apostrophe because that is what technology does for me on my phone. When I saw some commercial or something that mentioned that Jessica Simpson was going to be at the SuperBowl or doing something that required her to fly on SuperBowl weekend, I found myself asking out loud whether she would be giving birth at that time and wouldn't it be dangerous for her to fly. Well, my dad gave me the side eye and wondered why on earth I would be wondering aloud about Jessica Simpson and her delivery date.

In Touch says that Jessica has booked a private room and her C-Section for April. April? Seriously? She still has three more months to go? That is crazy. Can she possibly get larger? I honestly have to say I will be very worried for her if she has to go three more months. Don't you gain more weight in the last three months than the other six combined? To me she looks like the perfect size for someone who is about to give birth.

Am I wrong to worry? Maybe it is just the camera? I am all for a Jessica Simpson gain weight kind of pregnancy versus a fake Nicole Kidman baby bump or what Rachel Zoe called being pregnant, but at some point you have to worry about your health right?


  1. I'd bet anything she has gestational diabetes. Either that or she's got a litter in there.

  2. not everyone has the fake bump our dear Beyonce sported for 3 months pretending to be pregnant!

  3. April? Oh man, I do not envy her. Her poor back and feet! But she always seems so genuinely happy and glowing. Thinking back, she seems bigger than Mariah Carey was. Is she hiding multiples as a surprise?

  4. April? Oh man, I do not envy her. Her poor back and feet! But she always seems so genuinely happy and glowing. Thinking back, she seems bigger than Mariah Carey was. Is she hiding multiples as a surprise?

  5. UGH!!!! ANOTHER scheduled C-Section! That trend drives me absolutely INSANE!!!! For medical reasons, I had to have sections for all 3 pregnancies, and I would have KILLED for the chance to do it naturally! Are they scared of the pain? Are they scared it going to stretch out their whowho? I just don't get it! Sections have a whole other set of complications that come with them.

    Of course, now that I look at her, maybe she has gestational diabetes and she has to...ok, I'll shut up now ;)

  6. Why can I envision a South Park style of explosion for her birth?

  7. I have a cousin who was very close to Jessica's height/pre-baby weight, and she looked like Jessica at 6 months. She's now ready to have the baby any day now, and she's so short that the baby had nowhere to go but out. My poor cousin is huge, and has been dealing with gestational diabetes these last 3 months. So I guess this Jessica news isn't shocking to me - I feel for both of them!

  8. She is petite and has a short torso, so no matter what she's going to look big because that baby bump takes up all the available space in her middle.
    I was like her and I hated looking so big, I developed a mild case of gestational diabetes and that contributed to my size, I wouldn't be surprised if Jessica has it too.
    I did not gain a lot of weight it was all baby for me, but I did swell up really bad.

  9. I had to have my son via c-section; I would have loved to have him naturally (with epidural, natch.) I don't get why celebs would rather voluntarily give themselves a sizable(for me, anyway)scar rather than deal with some labor pain.

  10. Jessica Simpson is barely 5 feet tall. Of course she's going to show more than Nicole Kidman or other stars that are taller than most men.

    You know I love you, Enty, but you cannot have it both ways. You can't make fun of the stars who refuse to give birth because it'll wreck their figure AND make fun of those who are actually, really pregnant and embracing it.

    Why do you have it in for poor Jess? You didn't bat an eyelash when Kate Hudson gained over 80 pounds during her pregnancy. Jessica is nowhere near that big.

  11. She's not tall as had been stated, and she wasn't thin to begin with...she does look beautiful but must be so uncomfortable.
    Watch when we next see Beyonce she'll be wearing a bandage dress...

  12. Oh, come on! Stop pretending to care; it's so fake. You just want to have something negative to say. She's too big, Rachel Zoe is too small. Shut up. Different women have different pregnancies. Some get really big while other barely show. Some have no nausea or discomfort at all while others spend the whole time barfing and unhappy. Please resist the urge to place moral blame for something a woman has little control over.

  13. Maybe In Touch got some bad information too and she is due earlier.

  14. She looks like most women I know at that stage. This is why people like Jessica, she seems like many women we actually know. Tie her hair up in a scrunchy and she could easily be a cashier down at Walgreen's. I love that about her even if Hollywood crowd doesn't.

  15. When I was pregnant a long time ago, my daughter is 26. I gained 20 lbs. and went to bed one night and woke up with a baby bump so big it was hard to breath if I was sitting straight or standing straight up. At 9 months I was told I had gestational diabetes. I was put on a diet of more food then I ever ate. They send I could not eat oranges anymore. I got to keep my nightly salad. I craved all veggies, so ate a salad every night full of all veggies. I would not share with my husband and pulled a fork on him when he tried to take some. I went 3 1/2 weeks passed my due date. Was induced and it took 24 hours. Did it all natural till afterward. She was so big she ripped everything I was drugged so they could repair it. Or as I called it stitch a quilt downthere. The drugs made me very happy as did a 10 1/2 lb. Baby girl who was given a 1 at birth then a 9 at 5 minutes. She wouldn't cry just wanted to wave her arms and legs. Don't make yourself do it naturaly if it hurts too much take the drugs.

  16. I feel for her. One of the (thousands of) reasons I don't want kids is because women are always so uncomfortable when they're pregnant.

    She does look happy and I hope she's taking care of herself and the baby/babies.

  17. She's short. Her "bigness" is a bit of an optical illusion. Plus, I think we are too accustomed to seeing all these "superwomen" celebrities who barely gain any weight at all during their pregnancies and then are size zeros again a month after giving birth. Maybe Jessica is putting the health of her child above her vanity. And before all you health freaks respond, I know very well that a woman gaining too much weight is just as bad for the baby as a woman who gains too little. I just don't happen to think that Jessica is gaining too much. She's just a short and round-by-nature person who looks bigger than she is.

  18. I forgot to add that her big boobs make her middle look even bigger, she has little room in her torso between the boobs and the baby.
    Enty take it easy on Jessica she is really pregnant unlike that faker Beyonce and no pregnant woman wants to hear about how fat they look.
    She looks radiant and all that matters is that her baby is healthy.

  19. Five months was when I started to show, at five/six I had to begin wearing maternity clothes. She looks really, really big to me for six months. I'm not much taller than she is and I can't believe she still has three months left! Wonder if it's twins (or more?).

  20. She's going to look that the kid from Willy Wonka that blows up like a blueberry.

  21. Look, I'm one of those ladies who will straight up tell you I hated being prego. And, I really do not like to use the word "hate" in any circumstance, but pregnancy sucked. And it feels like forever, IMO.

    That said, it was totally worth it.

    Also, I really don't like to judge mommas on their whole birthing situation. Maybe she has to have a c-section. Maybe her friends are telling her having a c-section is the way to go. Maybe the report is wrong? Who knows? Just leave well enough alone.

    Her hair looks really good.

    old ;ady - I can not believe you had to wait 3 1/2 weeks past your due date to have your baby. That is bananas. I was a week late, and my doctor made me get induced. After a super long labor, ended up with a c section anyway.

    OT: The Up All Night episode about the baby's birth was hysterical. Especially the part about poop. My OB kept telling me how proud he was of me that I pooped when pushing because that proved I was pushing correctly. And he kept talking about it the next day in front of my husband. I was like, "Um can we stop talking about this?" Labor is fucking humiliating. Ha ha.

  22. Besides the fact that she wasn't exactly skinny when she got pregnant, she's probably gained a good 30 lbs at least. 30 lbs on someone her height is far different than on someone who is 5'9" or 5'10". I'm 5'2", I would know! Gaining even 5 lbs on me might as well be 20, that's how much bigger I feel and look. She really doesn't look like she's gained THAT much, but look at her belly alone. It doesn't even look that big. I think her boobs add to her overall size in the front as well.

  23. I weighed 140 when I got pregnant with my second. By 6 months I weighed.....well, let's just say it was alot more than 140. I am at best 5'4". Granted, she ended up being 11 lbs but I was huge. I did not have Gestational Diabeties or any other problems. It runs in my family. Big babies...big mamas. As long as the child is healthy that cut her some slack. As far as the scheduled C-Section, when you have a short middle and you are delivering a potentially large baby, it is rather standard. At least it was for me. Oh, and I think she looks adorable. :)

  24. I don't think her middle is so big but that her breasts are and that's giving the illusion of bein larger than others may be at that stage. My friend is due in 6 weeks and I think she could be bigger considering she's got twins. Frankly, most the women I have known who used the excuse of pregancy to eat what they wanted all had very healthy kids. Now why she would want to have a C section is beyond me. Major scar and twice as much recovery time. And right when you need your stomach muscles to pick up a kid. Ouch!

  25. My niece who is 5' had one baby, gained 65lbs and was as big as I was pregnant with triplets at 5'5" gaining 100lbs. I was BIG (15 pounds of babies), but so was she. I also have few stretch marks and no sagging belly (no plastic surgery), while my niece is a saggy road map (sorry Jen). Every woman is different. Jessica is short,tends to carry weight and makes no secret of her love for food. She looks fantastic and seems genuinely happy unlike some other expectant celebs you see. Cut her some slack. At least you can tell she's REALLY pregnant!

  26. Anonymous11:04 AM

    When I was pregnant, I didn't show until I was about 4 months along, then POW! No ankles, and a baby bump that grew the way Jessica's is. (I'm 5'5"). I also had gestational diabetes; I gained 60 lbs during pregnancy, and 30 of it was water. Every day I would think, "Can I really get any bigger?" and guess what? I did. The skinny/pregnant Hollywood trend garnered a lot of teasing and some outright disdain from a lot of people I knew who had never been pregnant. I had a emergency c-section after trying for 4 hours to deliver naturally...everyone does pregnancy differently. My best friend who is 5'9" was pregnant at the same time as me, and had nothing but a little basketball in front.

  27. She had said somewhere she was due in the spring....so April sounds about right. I would assume her doctor would be telling her if she was in some kind of danger with the weight gain.

  28. same thing here, 5' 2" put on huge amounts of weight with both kids, both were over 10lbs. no diabetes, just big babies, ended up with toxiema and emergency section, so the second one was a scheduled I feel for Jessica it got really hard to move around those last two months!!!

  29. I know this is splitting hairs, but I bet she is 7 months. Pregnancy is for 9 complete months, personally I would say 10 months. I always carry my children for 44 weeks not 42.

  30. Completely off topic, but I just heard my older male colleague on the phone gossiping about Daniel Craig ragging on the Kuntrashians. lol

  31. I agree with all who mentioned the short torso, big boobs giving the illusion of a much bigger baby bump.

    I think she looks lovely and happy.

    Her doctor could have insisted on a C-section if she is the one in a blind about back door sex,drifting into front door sex. A vaginal birth might not be a good idea.

    Wishing her and the baby all the best.

  32. Thank you, chopchop.

    Give it a rest, Enty. She's doesn't look anywhere near close to ready to pop if you've ever been pregnant. She is the same height I am - 5'1" I believe, and I've only put on about 25 pounds so far - one month to go. People have been saying I look ready to "pop" for months now. It's not a nice thing to say or hear, for the record, especially since Susan's right, it feels like forever to us. Two friends gained 75 pounds each and it came right off. The only opinion that matters when it comes to pregnant size is that of your doctor's.

  33. Anonymous11:25 AM

    She's the same size I was at 9 months and I had gained 52 pounds (twice what you're supposed to) but mine was mostly fluid retention and I lost nearly half the weight immediately after birth. Jess has admitted to eating copious amounts of really, really bad food like buttered Pop Tarts (gross!) and Mac and cheese. She's going to have a hard row if she keeps eating like that with three months left. That's not good for her or the baby. I wish her and the little one well. I really like her, I do, I just think she needs to watch her caloric intake for her's and her baby's sake. It's not healthy to eat so much junk.

  34. I went full term and never looked more than 7 months pregnant. No one believed me when I said my due date. Women carry pregnancies differently, that's all. Some girls get big, some don't. I don't get why everyone has a hard time believing that.

    Also, I think Jess is indulging her every craving, so has gained a lot of weight, which is not so easy to take off later. The cookies and ice cream and chicken wings just aren't worth it.

  35. I love hearing the pregnancy and delivering stories. We are all different. I think she looks adorable and normal.

  36. With my first, I didn't look preggers from the back, when I turned around, I was all tummy. He was so low.. thank goodness my butt was big, or I would have rolled over head first!

    With my second, the mound started with my boobs and didn't end till my hip bones! Yes I said mound, because I was huge! Litterally a mound from the boobs down!

    With my lasts, I was the same as before, just a huge mound!

    I was chubby with all 3 and gained at the most 21 pounds, ate like a moose and discovered that I could survive on poached eggs and bruchetta! (tried after the birth and promptly gained 10 pounds!)

    first one was this close to becoming an emergency c-section, I bounced right back. He was also 5 weeks early 6 lbs, 1 1/2 oz and 18inches long, I could never progress past a 2 cm) he is now a strapping 17 year old fine and dadny

    With the second, I burst into tears in the dr's office, telling him I was scared to death to push anything outta me, he promised me a late sono, and if he thought the baby was over 8 pounds, he would schedual a c- section.. had the sono, schedualed the c-section (he was 8 lbs 8 oz and 21 inches long)

    My third and final, no questions asked, schedualed a c-section at 37 weeks. (she was 7 lbs 13 oz and 20 inches long)

    Enty, quit stirring the pot on this, every woman carries differently and just some food for thought.. no matter how big my hips may be, I was not built for birthing. I was chubby as a tick, my vitals were always fantab and I never ever had an issue with my blood sugars.

    Perhaps my dear bacon loving friend, you might want to actually have a menstral cramp before casting judgement.

  37. No two pregnancies are exactly alike. Some women only put on 30 pounds, others put on 90. Some women show early, some don't show until six months. And some women prefer to give birth via a c-section, which is nobody else's goddamn business.

    Shame on everyone who generalizes and condemns pregnant women. What works for one may not work for another, and who are we to decide what is best? Leave that to the mother and her doctor and keep your nose out of HER private medical issues. Why is American society so fucking nosy and think they know what's best for everyone else? It's maddening.

  38. Well I do think she looks huge, glad everyone has explained she's so short. But sheesh, yes you start gaining steadily in the last few months, especially the last, she is going to be so ready to pop! That said, she really is glowing, she looks perfectly healthy, it's actually nice to see pics of her, wow. Makes me happy.

  39. have to agree with ghost. Everyone is different, let the poor girl be. For goodness sake, she looks like she must be terribly uncomfortable. Leave her alone with her pregnancy and her C-section, which might be medically necessary. It's not our business.

  40. She's obviously relishing every minute of this pregnancy and looks totally adorable :) I'm sure her family and Dr. are watching her like a hawk. Her baby will be adorable too - good for Jess :)

  41. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Didn't you post something a week or so ago about body image and that loving oneself is what's important?

    Although this is brilliant, rag on a pregnant woman by saying you're "worried about her health" and watch the comments roll in. It's hard to believe you don't count the visits to the site when you post hateful stuff like this and Kardashian nonsense.

    The guy who writes for The Superficial is a pig but he's consistent at least (and funny, I hate to say).

  42. anyone ever think maybe she has TWINS on the way...?

    if she wants a c-section it's not mine or ANYONE else's to judge. why women think it's a fucking badge of honour to push a baby out their vag without any assistance of modern medicine is beyond me. Good for you, it doesn't make you a better mother.

    you do you, i'll do me.

  43. She's going to end up needing to hire undocumented workers to carry her breasts to term

  44. Anonymous12:55 PM

    ^Sarah, she'll get plenty o' volunteers. Most men would probably pay her.

  45. When I was preggo with my first, I was the size of Jessica. I started showing at 10 weeks!!! And no I didn't have gestational diabetes, and I was a very slim woman to begin with. I had my son in April as well, and I can assure you I looked exactly like Jessica in January. People were shocked at my due date being so far away. My son was 9 lbs 6 oz, perfectly healthy and delivered naturally.

    Every preg is different, that's for sure. My second didn't show until 20 weeks, and even then, was a tiny bump. Still, she weighed 8 lbs 12 oz at her birth!

  46. As far as the Rachael Zoe and Shayne Lamas, Bethany Frankle little skinny baby bumps vs Jessica Simpson healthy bump goes... My take is that there are healthy pregnancies and dieting pregnancy. I had an acquaintance who only gained 8lbs during her pregnancy. Luckily the baby is ok but she has an eating disorder (in my opinion) and couldn't bare to gain weight. I think Jessica is just enjoying herself and not obsessing.

  47. I feel all you ladies here...I'm tallish 5'7, but I have a short torso, huge breasts and no hips to speak of. So as soon as I began to "show" I looked (and felt) "ready to pop."

    I didn't get GD, but I retained water like crazy, even though I gained pretty much exactly the recommended amount, I looked and felt bigger due to the swelling. It's awfully uncomfortable, and really shocking how it all falls off after the baby. I just had to remind myself to hang in there, and luckily I had a good doctor to remind me of the fluid aspect.

  48. lol! A big 'ol :P to you, jax!

  49. I think she looks huge... but happy. I bet she is enjoying the pregnancy and all of the cravings that come with! (Or there are multiple babies in there.)

    I have a very similar body type to Jessica, I'm 5'2" & was 140 lbs when I got pregnant with my daughter and was 191.5 lbs when I delivered. I didn't have gestational diabetes or any of that - just loved to eat, when I could.

    I still can't figure out how I gained so much b/c I was 'blessed' with all-day sickness the entire 9 months. I hated pregnancy but my girl was totally worth it. 9 years later, she is the coolest chick I know.

  50. At least she looks healthy pregnant, compared to most celebrities. Its realistic, not absurd that she looks like that at 6 months, and I love the judgement on her pregnancy and her 'ideal' weight coming from a man. classic.

  51. Ah, she looks like a normal, healthy woman instead of a typical Hollywood scarecrow. Good for her.

    Could you imagine what all these stars would look like if they never had plastic surgery/liposuction/etc. and they actually had a [i/]healthy[/i] diet?

    Size 12 wouldn't be considered big.

  52. I was big as a house when I was preggos. I was 125 BP (Before Pregnancy), but ballooned to 199! The only comfortable dress I had was this blue sailor dress, so I looked like a big, blue whale. And my boobs were like two zeppelins.

    Jessica looks absolutely radiant, though I can't help but think she might 'splode. No doubt she is going to have a very healthy baby, and love him/her to death!

  53. "Perhaps my dear bacon loving friend, you might want to actually have a menstrual cramp before casting judgement"

    Hahaha...enty, I love you, but I believe you just got served...*L*




    Back off the appearance critiques.


  55. I dunno, I think she looks really big for 6 months. Shes been showing forever, even for someone tiny and short waisted. Pink is another one that took her pregnancy seriously and put her baby first. I really think most of them just use it for PR. She looks really happy and good but, yes, her baby bump is very big.

  56. Anotheramy, everytime I see your name I think you misspelled aromatherapy! lol

  57. Enty, you've been living in LA too long. In the real world, some women get really big with pregnancy. I still don't think her stomach is poking out far enough for her to look due.

    C'mon people, she slept with John Mayer. There's no way she doesn't have herpes, so of course she has to have a c-section.

  58. I'm late to this party, but just wanted to join the choir. Please stop posting shit about Jessica - she is pregnant and looks so, so happy. Let her be.

    And for the record, she doesn't look "about to pop.". My first pregnancy I barely gained any weight and it felt horrible. No one believed I was nine months and I actually had people ask me what was wrong when they found out how far along I was and saw how small I was. Those comments made me feel awful. Conversely, with this pregnancy I am almost five months and look like I did with my first at 8 months. I have gained 16 pounds, which is crazy for me. As many women have said, every pregnancy is different.

    Let's back of Jessica and speculating about her "health" and focus on important things, like trashy celebrity behaviour.

  59. Well, I must say that I was huge in my pregnancy. I'm short and round to start with. It is nice to see she is embracing her looks rather than hiding away for these last few months.

  60. I think she looks cute! Her belly does look big, though. It wouldn't surprise me if she was pregnant with more than one baby. Whatever the case may be, I hope she and her baby (babies?) are healthy and happy.

  61. WTF..WTFWTFWTF!!! . Enty doesn't write this shit? I thought Enty always claimed to be some 70 year old alcohol/bacon/sub loving fat dude? Agh, aggghhhhh, we saw the chick behind the curtain!! Aggghhh!!! Stop talking about your Dad! Jesus! I can't unknow this now...you careless BROAD, but I am going to pretend that you are, fondly, a fat, beer drinking, bacon/sub loving 70 year old sweet-semi bastard entertainment lawyer. And don't say one more f'ing thing about your DAD!!! (who I am now picturing stuffed, and sitting in one of your chairs...it's the only way I can get past the chick lifting the curtain on me.)

  62. What on earth are you talking about, Poppy? Enty never said he was 70, he's always talked about living in his parents' basement.

  63. He's talked about it! And his facebook page also lists him as being born in 1939.

  64. its fascinating that everyone in here in saying "everyone carries differently" when its jessica, but so many folks were on the beyonce carring a pillow bandwagon. sad.

  65. @hollywood dime - I think there is a big difference between writing a post speculating about whether on not someone is actually pregnant (folding stomach, photos of the bump changing sizes seemingly daily, whatever) and writing a post essentially calling Jessica fat for gaining weight while pregnant. One is more directly a personal attack, and the other is speculation of something that may or may not be true, but isn't really a personal attack (many readers sympathised with Beyonce and said maybe due to her miscarriage or whatever, they opted for a surrogate - many others didn't share that sentiment). They are both equally invasive, but is is a gossip site and speculation is part of the entertainment. I don't think making fun of someone for their size while carrying a baby is fun or entertaining, but that's just me.

  66. If you look at her, the largeness comes from the fact that she had big boobs to start, and is short and tiny. Her husband is a tall guy, so her baby is probably big as well. Some people's boobs get huge when they are preggers. I gained 50lbs during my first pregnancy, but I was a very thin 110 to start. I think she's fine - her face and hair look very good.

  67. It might be a diversion!!! Maybe she is due in a little while and want no attention... Yeah, right! But she has been prgnant forever!!!!

  68. misspoppypants, You are dead on! I agree 100% with you but I don't ever say anything because all of the Enty defenders will attack you if you say he is not who he claims to be. I have never believed he is a entertainment layer,nor a man,"Enty" tries too hard to SEEM like a man. The Bacon etc. And what entertainment lawyer would live in his parents basement? If "Enty" were a entertainment lawyer he would most certainly have a rather large house,with his Father living in his own room.

  69. I felt really really bad every time someone asked me "WOW you are HUGE, arent you due soon and you must have TWINS in there?" and I had to explain that no, I still had 3 months to go and it was only one, thank you very much.

    Pregnancy is supposed to be a happy, blessed state, and when people are constantly commenting on women's weight it turns into anxiety. At least for me.

    Jessica looks great and healthy to me, why should she worry about her health? She's PREGNANT not FAT!

  70. Becki etc, Enty took a shot at a radio show a while back, he is a man with a very nice voice. I am willing to bet the rest is in order to stay anonymous. I know you cant tell if someone is fat by their voice but he doesn't sound fat. :)

    Jessica is huge, this is indisputable. I was huge too, almost 11 pound baby. I was so glad when someone would notice how huge I was. It meant I wasnt just a whiny baby.

  71. Jessica wasn't thin to begin with pre-pregnancy, and with the type of figure she has she has she really has nowhere to carry the extra weight. I doubt she will be able to lose most of her extra weight. However, I can't imagine that she would really care much
    either. She seems to be very content now.

  72. @Becki - I love that you capitalized "The Bacon" in that little post. ;)
