Friday, January 06, 2012

Jessica & Justin Make It Official - Drew Barrymore Goes For #3

Has Drew Barrymore only been married twice? It really seems like much more. Drew is the kind of person who does not date. She is that person you know who is always in a relationship. You know, that friend who one day is going out on a first date and what seems like the next day is already talking about marriage and forever. Meanwhile, you are contemplating whether or not you will get stuck with that person your mom set you up with over the Christmas holidays. Anyway, Drew got engaged again. I am more shocked when she is with a guy and does not get engaged. I really thought she and Justin Long would get engaged. He has kind of disappeared hasn't he? While they were dating it seemed like he was in every movie and every commercial I saw on television.

In other news, Justin Timberlake's grandmother says Justin is engaged to Jessica Biel and they will probably get married in the next five years.


  1. As for Justin & Jessica don't buy a wedding present yet, I'd be pretty shocked it the wedding actually happens...
    Drew you have my best wishes...Good luck.

  2. What happened to Justin Long? I think Drew should give up on getting married. She is obviously not good at it. Has she ever been alone? I thought she had been married more than twice too.

  3. 5 years? So they are never getting married. It's all a stunt.

  4. LOL on JT/Biel but Mark Walhberg waited 3 kids and 9 years before to be married!
    be brave Jessica just more 5 years!

  5. So, they signed a new contract? Good for them if it makes them happy.

    I like Drew, always have. Even with believing all the stories about her, I still like her. She comes across as about as honest as a child raised in Hollywood could be.

  6. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Hate the red hair on Drew..sorry, it looks fake to me. I prefer her ombre hair...maybe because thats what I'm rocking right now..see, I'm in style and didn't evem know it!! ( no, just too broke to get highlights redone till mid month )

  7. i just think a lot of these people are in love with the idea of love, but have no clue what it really means. another wedding, another divorce in drew's future.

  8. Actually Enty, Drew parties hard, VERY, between boyfriends. She's known to party with men AND women, when not in a monogamous relationship - maybe even during, but we don't know for sure..;)

    I prefer Drew's serial monogamous relationships to JLo's serial marriages. At least Drew learned her lesson, and has stopped jumping into a marriage.

    And btw, let us not forget, that this is ONLY an engagement. It's Hollywood, an engagement does not make a wedding #3 a guarantee!

  9. Will get married in the next 5 years? Yeah, no one in his family even believes he will marry Jessica. You don't get engaged and say "in the next 5 years." You get engaged and say "we are planning our wedding".

  10. Drew's two marriages were a two monther back in 1994 and five months with Tom Green in 2001. Maybe now that she's older and hopefully wiser, this one will make it to the one year mark. Plus, I see her as someone who wants a baby. She's almost 37.

  11. The next five years??? Well, gosh, why don't I just say that I'll write a book, lose 30 pounds, run for office, get a new degree, learn to play a musical instrument, and learn a new language if we are just pulling random life accomplishments that COULD happpen in five years out of the thin air.

  12. Justin Long has been on New Girl.

  13. ^The Thanksgiving episode w/ him was one of my favorites. I was dying laughing!

  14. ^And I was about to give that show a fourth chance! Don't find that guy funny.

  15. ^Don't worry Rita, his arc is over. He is gone!

  16. I will be very surprised if Justin actually marries Jessica. I suspect this was his way of getting her back, but he has no real intention of changing his bachelor ways. Or maybe she's okay with that?

  17. I actually like her hair that color!

    This doesn't look like the typical guy she goes for. He's the son of a former Chanel CEO & works as an art consultant. Love that ring.

    I'll believe in the Timberbiel wedding when I see it. I just read that Elton John wants JT to play him in his movie...not sure how I feel about that?

  18. Fabrizzio Moretti hurts my eyes he is so fine. I wonder what happened him and Drew...they were together for 5 years...

  19. I forgot about Jamie Walters!!

    "In 1991, at the age of 16, Barrymore became engaged to Leland Hayward, grandson of Hollywood producer Leland Hayward. After a few months, this engagement was called off. Barrymore was engaged to and lived with musician/actor Jamie Walters in 1992–93.

    She was married to British bartender turned Los Angeles bar owner Jeremy Thomas on March 20, 1994, and filed for divorce less than two months later. Barrymore married comedian Tom Green in July 2001. Green filed for divorce in December 2001. The divorce was finalized on October 15, 2002.

  20. @bloodonthescreen agree on Fabrizzio! He is one very delicious gentleman!!!!

  21. I thought Drew became too old for Fabrizzio, which is sad because he is fine.

  22. I've always liked Drew Barrymore too, but she does seem like the kind of person who cannot be single, and just loves to be in love. Nothing wrong with that but how many divorces will it take before you realise you're just not good at marriage? *L*

  23. I heard Jessica's current girlfriend is Timberlake's cousin. Do you think someone forgot to tell Grandma?

  24. Ive always liked Drew too, isnt that something. I think its her girlish charm. Its the divas that annoy us.

  25. Drew has always seemed like a total sweetheart to me, so I was especially happy when she was revealed in the blind item about the actress who got the homeless family off the street by hiring the dad, finding them a place to live, etc. She strikes me as a genuinely kind, good-hearted person who would be a hell of a lot of fun to hang out with...and let's not forget that Rolling Stone cover story & photo shoot from about 10 years ago (another time she was a redhead, BTW; I'd say the color agrees w/her) that had me half-seriously wondering if I'd been wrong about my sexual orientation all these years. ;-) Mazel tov, you crazy kids--here's hoping you get to be old and gray and cuddly together, telling funny stories to your grandchildren in years to come!

  26. Jamie Walters?? The "How Do You Talk To An Angel" guy??? Didn't know about him.

  27. Isn't Fabrizio Moretti Dating Kristen Wiig?
