Jenelle Evans Arrested Again
By now, Jenelle Evans must know everyone at her local county jail on a first name basis. The Teen Mom 2 star was arrested once again yesterday. This time the charge was for communicating threats to her former roommate Hannah. You can watch two minutes of a segment with Jenelle and know she would have no problem communicating threats to anyone. It is basically the foundation of the relationship with her mother and because of all the threatening they do in front of Jenelle's son, it will probably be the way he communicates with those he is close to. Anyway, Jenelle's lawyer says this is all because Jenelle got Hannah's boyfriend arrested. Here is what Jenelle had to say about the whole thing on her Facebook page. Once again, I am in awe of the educational system.
"Yes I was arrested again. It’s okay, Hannah’s just calling her own bluffs. How can I harass u with phone calls when u clearly don’t own a cell phone? I’ve dropped this argument weeks ago. Haven’t been paying attention to u but u have the balls to tell yr little “fans”.. “imma f**king kill that bitch” ?! How’s threatening who here ?! Lmao she’s mad cuz I took out charges first on Duffy for cyber stalking. She claims that she move out becuz I said I would “eventually kill her” when clearly her old phone has texts that states “look I’m moving out to yr house Duffy so we can move to new jersey so I can get famous for my singing”. Yes u set me up and yes u will go down. CAN’T WAIT FOR COURT!
Not to mention I REALLY dot give a f**k about Hannah or Duffy when I’ve been in and out of the hospital for 3 weeks now with mono/strep and have to get my tonsils out. Yeah as I’m about to walk out the door to go to the hospital the cop is at my door and I got down on my knees and poured out tears. I was so upset. I had to go to jail THEN go to the hospital. I feel like sh!t, would greatly appreciate it if everyone would drop it. K?! Thxxxx !"
The good news is Jenelle and her mom are besties again and she took Jenelle to the hospital. The bad news is that I have now used the word besties twice in a week and have obviously been brainwashed by too much MTV.