Friday, January 06, 2012

Harrison Ford & Indiana Jones

Some video person managed to splice Harrison Ford's commercial for a Japanese video game company with Indian Jones footage so it looks like he is watching his movies for the first time. Really, really well done.


  1. BWAHAHA! Well-played, whoever made THAT.

  2. Brilliant! Very very clever..

  3. That's awesome with awesome sauce all over it. :)

  4. I hope sour puss Ford can see the humor in this and doesn't have it taken down. I also love that they didn't include any of that wreck of a last movie "Crystal Skull".

  5. "The action just keeps on coming!"

  6. Still needs to lose the earring..Too old.

  7. They also should have looped "Oh, I remember this part" when they showed the back of his head so it would have seemed more real.

  8. Shit. I Thought this was an extra for the Indiana Jones blu-ray set. Which would mean that they're coming out soon. Raiders is my favorite movie of all time. Wait, I'm only 30 so I haven't been alive for all time. Well then It's the best movie I've seen since I was eleven. Yeah, there we go.

  9. I love Harrison Ford. That was great.

  10. I'm a fan of the trilogy, The Crystal Skull will never make it into my private collection, it would stink up the house too much.
