Friday, January 06, 2012

"The Fighter" Director Accused Of Molesting Transgender Niece

And you think Hollywood could not get any stranger. David Russell, the man who directed Best Picture nominee The Fighter, was working out at a gym with his nephew Nicholas Peloquin who is 19. Nicholas is in the process of becoming a woman but has not actually completed the surgery at this time. Anyway, the two were working out and the 53 year old director asked about the hormones and the breasts and the next thing you know, David is groping his niece's breasts underneath the top Peloquin was wearing. Later, Peloquin told his mom about it and at some point the police were called. No arrests were made, but The Smoking Gun did get a copy of the police report.


  1. Reading this first thing in the morning was NOT the way to start my day. I feel sick.

  2. Given David O. Russell's reputation as a Class-A asshole (the run-ins with George Clooney during the filming of Three Kings; screaming at Lily Tomlin during the production of I Heart Huckabees) this is not shocking at all. Sadly, like Roman Polanski and Victor Salva, this Sanduskyite will just get more directing gigs.

  3. @Sevenmack:Lily Tomlin screamed also and Clooney hit O Russel's face also
    O Russel also had a weird story with Chris Nolan(it's why Chris Nolan and Christian Bale avoided each other during all the Award shows the last year and why Nolan never talked about/to O Russel)
    i always saw O Russel as an eccentric and weird guy

    O Russel confirmed he touched his/her breast but it was consensual
    honestly it's weird

  4. Love ya Enty, but I wish you'd posted a photo of him instead of the victim here.

  5. I read about this in the paper this morning. Looks like a load of crap, I think the transgender kid was looking to stir up trouble and exercise his sex powers as a girl and a victim. That's what I got from the whole story.

  6. Hmmm I am torn, I think its a natural curiosity men have with transsexuals and the process of transformation. I don't see a problem with it. Now had he ripped her clothes off and had sex with her that would be a different story.

  7. Something sounds wonky with this story, but I can't quite figure out why. And no, it's not the fact that she is biologically a he...just the wording maybe?

  8. MM, I don't give a hoot if someone is curious - you don't simply start grabbing tatas. Come on. Now if she had enticed him and he did - it's still weird. It's his niece.

  9. have you ever known someone who had a boob job and would encourage people to feel them and see how real they felt?

    well, that's how i saw this---although i don't know that for sure, of course. this man is turning into a woman and had developed breasts from hormones. 'hey, uncle dave. check out my boobs. wanna feel 'em?' he did and here we are. others in the family said this kid's a known shit stirrer in the family.

    looking to make a buck to help pay for the rest of the surgery? i don't know, but it's a possibility, right?

  10. I agree with nancer. If the kid was underage it would be different. I'm guessing she wanted to show off her new boobs and he was curious.

  11. 'hey, uncle dave. check out my boobs. wanna feel 'em?'

    Um, how about "NO, Jesus H Christ I'm your uncle that's out of line"??

  12. What Enty forgot also to say, is that they ARE NOT related by blood.

    But David was very weird about how he touched his breasts, it was more like fondling.

    Why would you go there? The kid is 19, you're 53, you're at a gym... Do the math.

  13. David O. Russell is a piece of work. The Fighter pulled him out of the doldrums but then he went and burned his bridges by biting the only hand that fed him, Mark Wahlberg. Don't think too many people are going to be defending him on this. Inappropriate behavior however you swing it.

  14. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Russell is widely known as a PITA. He was pretty lucky to get The Fighter with that cast. If he's ticked off Wahlberg, he'll be hard-pressed to find another good gig.

  15. @LaynaDay - PITA?

  16. Pain in the ass.

    What did he do to Wahlberg, Nolan, and Clooney?

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  19. Good point, Leelee.

    And yes, I agree with a few of the above posters. You're hanging out with your 19 year nephew and maybe he's talking frankly about his new boobs and lets you have a feel! I don't find this automatically disturbing, sorry.

  20. chopchop----this person had been his NEPHEW for years. if she'd always been his niece, different story.

    i'm just not scandalized and ready to string this guy up over it based on what the nephew/niece says happened.

  21. @nancer - they are also not blood relatives.

  22. Welcome to womanhood, David...

  23. Yeah, I have had my cousin ask me (blood related) to feel her new boobs after she got them done. I politely declined, because I didnt really care to, but it would have been that crazy. I have also had completel strangers wanting me to feel theirs in women's bathrooms at clubs and bars etc.

    Boobs these days seem to be more like toys than bodyparts, at least to those who buy them.

    So i dont know. He is probably a PITA (just learned that expression and will use it every day!) but this didnt automatically read as crazy.

  24. *wouldnt have been that crazy. Argh, my house is so cold that my fingers freeze and I cant type!

  25. Um, sex powers @hunter? That's not a thing.

  26. It's common courtesy to refer to trans-gendered people by their chosen gender.

  27. @R - Yes and thank you.

    That poor girl.



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