Thursday, January 05, 2012

Every Russell Brand & Katy Perry Rumor On The Internet

Whenever there is a huge divorce in celebrity land it is always good to wait a few days after the initial report to not only savor being right about the upcoming divorce and the cheating long before anyone else, but also to gather every rumor you can find and wonder how many of them are true.

The first rumor is that Russell Brand had to file for divorce because Katy Perry does not believe in divorce and did not want to disappoint her parents. That one could be true. This way Katy can play the woe is me card, but I don't think it had anything to do with her parents. I think singing about kissing a girl and liking it pretty much told her parents that Katy was just a wee bit different than the other people they go to church with.

No prenup? Absolutely true and Russell Brand is going to make a fortune. With his dying movie career after a couple of huge bombs and no real prospects for hitting a big one, Russell stands to make about $30M from his short marriage. The entire time they were married, Katy was selling records and on tour and will half to give up half that money to Russell. Whether he tricked her into not signing one seems untrue. Katy is very smart. She believes in marriage for life and figured she did not need one.

Russell Brand told Katy she was not funny after hosting SNL. Definitely. He did it in that smarmy passive aggressive way and said it more than once. He was also a little jealous the show did not want him. In fact, he was a little tired of always being second fiddle to Katy and the fact his last couple of movies bombed while Katy was at the top of her game really ticked him off.

Katy could not satisfy Russell's sexual demands including his fetish for wheelchair sex. I don't know if they tried the wheelchair sex thing, but as sexual as Katy comes across in her music and videos, she is pretty conservative when it comes to sex and Russell is, well, Russell. Everyone in the world knows he cheated during the marriage. He didn't intend to at the beginning, but they never saw each other and the guy transferred his drug addiction to yoga and sex. There is only so much yoga one person can do so...


  1. It boggles the mind how a woman can believe in marriage for life but choose Russell Brand (or any playboy) as her spouse. If you believe in marriage for life, ladies, choose someone who lives that way even when they are single.

  2. The more I read about this the more I'm convinced they fought & she cried divorce (not meaning it, just trying to get a reaction) one too many he filed.

  3. First of all....this is basically a reveal...I could be wrong but I'm fairly certain this was a blind at one time!

    He is grotesque....not sure what she ever saw in him! One shouldn't judge, but you can tell the guy is a big ol' jerkwad....

  4. He sounds like a gold digger! I don't buy most of these rumors, except maybe the SNL one and the Brandt making out like a bandit.

  5. Love the inside info enty!

    princessnikki, any idea what blinds were about them?

  6. i don't buy any rumors:they didn't fit together (too different) and they never were together(a marriage won't work if you see your partner 2 days per months)

  7. Anonymous6:39 AM

    OK, what we have here is a marriage in which the husband, clean and sober, loves inventive sex, wants his wife by his side, and wants to start a family, versus a very young female who sings a great story but is apparently actually a prude and wants to party all the time?

    I'm sorry, since he wrote that eulogy for Amy Winehouse, I can't get mad at him.


  9. I learned to respect his work from watching Get Him to the Greek. However, if she ever thought he would not cheat, than she is an idiot. I am sorry to see any marriage end but I think the only person who thought it would be for life was Katy.

  10. I like Katy. He's appealing when he's on Howard Stern, but comes off a little affected. What a mismatch.

  11. Doesn't where you file and for how long you were married have a lot to do with the settlement...if I were her I'd get an annulment ....or at least try to.

  12. I think @syko & @bigmama both make good points.

  13. misch, he filed in California. If there's no prenup he's entitled to half of what she earned during their marriage. I'm not sure how she'd possibly swing an annulment.

  14. @LeeLee...

    I can't remember what blind it was ( I have a TERRIBLE memory! :(

    Since so many blinds include too much partying, someone having a sex fetish and getting married for all the wrong reasons....cheating ...hell we could just take our pick!!

  15. @ms snarky - I was convinced he was a tool until I saw him on Pierce Morgan. He was interesting & well spoken, I thought.

  16. there ARE two sides to every story..( I'm trying to remember of my NYR's!) That being said...if Katy was that big of a biatch, then I'm certain she would have gotten an annulment. She is an intelligent person....she isn't going to go into a marriage like that, unless she thought it was going to work.
    I think he has a large head and he did get jealous of her work. I'm sure she wasn't perfect....either tho.

  17. I think the worse for me was his appearance on Ellen where he said they would be married forever. I hate when people do that right before they break-up. They know they are going to divorce.

  18. ^Exactly.

    I didn't think KP was that bad on SNL.

    I didn't buy the parent excuse about filing either. Although the religion thing made sense.

    $30mil is a lot to lose.....wth didn't she have a pre-nup??

  19. I can't stand him. He tries Waaaaay too hard.

    And anyone who has to brag about how much kittycat they get (or got), is not getting it. He still that little fat boy in this grotesque male body. And that eye thing, ugh. Just Go-Away.

    She's no better, don't get me wrong.

    I'm team neither.

  20. disagree that there are two sides to every story.

    There are THREE. Her side. His side. And the truth. Because NO ONE is 100% unbiased as to what happened.

    But if he did say it, he is right. She was NOT funny on SNL. Not even a little.

  21. I think they both have big issues. I'm sorry they couldnt work it out.

  22. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I still think it was all fake. I don't think she's capable of any genuine emotion and he wants a big career in North America.

  23. I agree with what Seachica said - find someone who is already living the way you want to live while married, which cuts both ways here.

    They both thought the other would change (he thought she would quit partying all the time, and probably that she would cut her touring back, she thought he was over the sex thing and would like going out all the time), and they didn't. Sad.

  24. why do these assholes get married? they obviously have no fucking clue what it means.

  25. I'm Team Neither also. I didn't really care for either of them originally, but after reading his Vogue article and seeing some interviews from both of them, I figured they were actually pretty nice, normal, intelligent people who just happened to have unusual jobs and out-there public personas. I think, like pomme said, that it just didn't work out because of crazy schedules and different personalities.

    As far as the SNL thing goes, how can we say that SNL didn't want him? He hosted last year! (And that's when I actually discovered that I thought he was funny and not gross like I'd assumed.) I don't remember a lot about her recent SNL -- I'm old; sometimes I doze through it! -- but last year when she did the talk show/Elmo shirt skit when she was the musical guest, I thought that was hilarious. She had the accent down and everything.

    So, yeah, I think I kinda like 'em both and it's just sad all the way around.

    The Ellen comments of love and fidelity WERE douchey, though.

  26. Those two are completely off my radar, with the exception of seing them host SNL. I don't really like either of them, especially since they lied about getting divorced so blatantly - what's the point?

  27. they are both completely obnoxious try hards.
    sexy man made robot and mr. douchey cool didnt work out, BIG SHOCKER.

  28. also with her new hair, she looks like a bug eyed soccer mom.

  29. Anonymous9:04 AM

    This marriage always seemed like a bad match. Russell is a recovering drug addict, Katy seems to enjoy drinking and dabbling with other stuff. He's a nympho, she looks like a blow-up doll but fairly normal in her sexual tastes with not many partners. His humor leans towards gross-out jokes, she's about the double entendre.

    I always figured Katy would get back with Travie McCoy of Gym Class Heroes before marrying Russell. Maybe it'll happen now.

  30. I'm team neither too. I can believe he would be snarky about her turn in SNL because his recent movies did not do as well as he had hoped. But seriously, any guy who claims to have been that many girls most likely sucks in bed. Personal research there.

  31. I have had bad moods that lasted longer than that sham of a mariage.
    If you eat meat, don't date a vegan.

    if you are a drinker, don't date someone who is in recovery. It's rude. You can't have any but look at me wooohooo. Rude, rude, rude.

    If you're a Jesus loving gal who has an ENORMOUS Jesus tatooed on your right wrist, don't date a f#cking Hari Krisna.

    I think he's an insufferable bastard who made a liar out of himself, marganalized his beliefs. I think he'd better get all the cash he can b/c he's dunzo here. His whole act is based on his sincerity, which is a lie. He married her at the height of her career and then took her money. Nasty whore.

  32. And btw she was banging her tour manager/director guy so there.

  33. hmmm....enty, you may be on to something there. i hadn't considered that before, and RB DOES stand to make a nice chunk of change...she made a killing last yr, you're right, literally at the height of her career. i'm wondering if the disparity b/w her and RB's income had anything to do w/ the divorce (in addition to all the other craziness)?

  34. How about his facial hair kept getting caught in her boobs and he felt suffocated?

  35. I find Russell extremely unattractive, obnoxious, a one trick pony...and I just can't plain ole stand him or watching him. He's gross. Please...let's send him back to England.

  36. Katy Perry is "Strawberry Snort'em"

    google it. you wont be dissapointed :)

  37. I think they genuinely thought it would work out, and it didn't. They are being very classy about it and haven't bagged each other publicly or planted stories in magazines. I wish them both the very best.

  38. OMAMA IS BROKO - I love your Team Neither declaration.

    Whatever with these two asshats. Here's a piece of info for people thinking they want to get married: Marriage is awesome and it's hard work and brace yourself..... It's pretty freakin' boring. I mean seriously. I love my husband with all of my heart and soul and wouldn't change my place with anyone. But, the day-in, day-out of married life is really not very glamorous. It's all quite monotonous, actually. So, if you're not ready for that shit and you want to tour the world because your album is a huge hit or you need to be on location all the time to film movies, then maybe you should leave well enough alone and just hop in the sack when time allows.

  39. PS
    I HATE the pictures of him when he does that eye thing. He looks exactly like a youn Charles Manson and it frightens me.

  40. There are two sides to every story.

    I don't see how her people let her get married without a prenup. No matter how religious you are that is lunacy. Nowadays even people of modest means are urged to get a prenup.

    I got a lot of respect for him after he wrote the eulogy for Amy Winehouse.

    And I remember that pic of her without any makeup that he said was his favorite.

    I've never cared for her public image at all.

  41. "He did it in that smarmy passive aggressive way" - I love you Enty! Smarmy is the perfect word to describe that cheeseball. Rock on, Katy.

  42. Anonymous11:12 AM

    "Susan said...

    OMAMA IS BROKO - I love your Team Neither declaration.

    Whatever with these two asshats. Here's a piece of info for people thinking they want to get married: Marriage is awesome and it's hard work and brace yourself..... It's pretty freakin' boring. I mean seriously. I love my husband with all of my heart and soul and wouldn't change my place with anyone. But, the day-in, day-out of married life is really not very glamorous. It's all quite monotonous, actually. So, if you're not ready for that shit and you want to tour the world because your album is a huge hit or you need to be on location all the time to film movies, then maybe you should leave well enough alone and just hop in the sack when time allows."


  43. I think they both played a part in this...and perhaps got married a bit too quickly. Not sure Brand is the marrying type, but I kind of respect that he tried. And I think he's hilarious. Katy may be more "successful", but I'll watch Brand in anything over listening to Perry.

  44. @Susan: As someone once told me long ago: "Marriage isn't about love, it's about work, and lots of it!" People today think they are out of love when the bloom of early romance fades, but people who stick it out find themselves rewarded with something much richer that only a lifetime together can provide, IF they genuinely love one another.

  45. Do not believe the part about how he filed so she wouldn't disappoint her parents ONE BIT. From all the stories on TMZ when it happened, it appeared she was blindsided by him filing papers. And it's just too convenient that as soon as that was pointed out (that she was blind-sided) the rumor instantly came out that she wanted him to do it. PR Spin much? I think it's kind of embarrassing when a guy files, although it shouldn't be. In the back of your mind, the person that files is the one that "couldn't take it" anymore. If Russell couldn't take her anymore, that makes people think shes unbearable, thus = embarrassing.
    If she gave a damn what her parents thought because they were so religious, I doubt she would have been nearly naked on a beach in Hawaii on Christmas.

  46. @RocketQueen- totally agree. Brand is not only hilarious, but can be very well spoken and thoughtful. For those that think he is hideous, I didnt find him physically attrative when I saw him the first few times, but he definitely has a lot of attractive qualities and that can change a girl's mind...

  47. Meh Enty, thats all a bit biased.
    KP is ot a child she went into marriage with her eyes open, if she wanted a prenup she would have had one, and who says Russell will take the money?
    What about the rumours that they both promised to take 2012 off to start a family and she told him at the last minute that she wasn't and was going to work through 2012?
    Rumours work both ways Enty, actually you know what Enty did not post this, it's was too KP biased.

  48. I'm with Rocket Queen.

    Also, discussing this with the family yesterday - yes, we are still on holidays, yes, we don't have anything to talk about, yes it's nearly over - it was suggested that it would be surprising if he "took her for everything" as he doesn't seem like that kind of guy. really he doesn't.

    however, the fact that he has filed in Cali says to me he's gonna. how disappointing.

  49. 1. Katy is not at all funny. Fact.
    2. She has a tendency to hide behind her religion whenever convenient. Lame.
    3. She continued to party and praise the finer points of being drunk, despite professing to love a man who has worked at being sober for years.
    4. Before we crucify him for taking her $, can we just wait until it actually happens.
    Geez, Enty. One-sided much?

  50. @Pomme .. okay .. but I think you meant to post that on the CA story.

  51. Did anyone really think it would work? Im more surprised it lasted this long.

  52. wowzers. I usually don't check back b/c I get heart palpitations at the thought of what words I'll read which are aimed at me, LOL...but true. I've been blocked off every, single celeb site I've ever commented/chimed in on. SO tanks a million. Even if it was just for big upping the "team neither."

    OBVIOUSLY, great minds think alike. ;)

    many blessings y'all.

  53. Jessica, she stopped wearing her wedding ring weeks earlier. How "blindsided" could she have been?

  54. OK, this entry was posted as a straight-from-the-mouth "Enty" item. So...WTF? Any lawyer practicing in Cali would know that Brand isn't going to get a big payout from the divorce, even if there is no prenup.

    Brand is entitled to half of the difference between their incomes during the course of their brief marriage, and there's plenty of reason to think that he may have been making more than her. He's headlined multiple major studio releases since they got married. That's 2-3 seven-figure picture deals while they were married. Her income, conversely, may be much less on paper than you would think. Recording contracts are nominally structured to leave the artist on the hook for all sorts of recording and touring costs, which a good entertainment/divorce laywer can finagle to make the artist look temporarily quite poor. Also, much of her "income" during the marriage would be from residuals from releases made prior to the marriage, which might not count as community property and the accounting for which can also be finagled to her advantage.

    An entertainment lawyer practicing in Los Angeles would know all this!!! This sounds more like it was written by a publicist with a hot tip about the lack of prenup who does not understand CA divorce law.

  55. Also, in her first SNL hosting stint Perry was praised by the cast for her performance. When Brand hosted later he was expected to kill, but instead was mediocre.

    Granted her recent 2nd-time hosting bit wasn't so hot, but it was no worse than the job Brand did.

  56. B.Profane, Katy Perry made $45 MILLION DOLLARS in 2011!!! She probably didn't make much from record sales, but from touring.

  57. I'm with Mooshki. Katy Perry's California Dreams Tour was one of the biggest tours of 2011. The woman is making bank compared to Brandt. Brandt will make out quite well from the divorce.



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