Friday, January 06, 2012

Casey Anthony Has A Boyfriend

It feels like this is turning into Casey Anthony week. Yesterday was her video and today comes news that she found a boyfriend. I want you to stop and think about that for a second. How does someone in Casey's position find a boyfriend? Is she going online and under hobbies and interests listing killing children? Does she say her real name? Does she change her disguise every night? What do you talk about? How long do you have to date a killer before you can ask them about it? If you do ask them, how long much longer do you have to date them? Would you ever fully fall asleep if you spent the night with them? Would you have to take a second job to be able to afford a food taster? Would it be easier to just bring home your own food everyday? Does Casey have photos of her daughter up around the house? What do you say about them if she does? If she says that she wants to take you for a car ride and a walk in the woods do you go? How do you respond when she says that her brother/father kissed her better? Too far? Yeah, she probably would keep that one to herself.


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