Friday, January 13, 2012

BuzzFoto Blind Item

When this actress was preparing for a role for a movie that has already come out, she had to do a lot of hours of dance practice. While doing so, she met a dancer who was struggling so much with body image issues she had to be hospitalized. The two developed a friendship and to this day, the actress still calls her and checks up on her treatment.


  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Mila Kunis?

  2. ah, that one is sweet!

    Would it have to do with the Footloose remake? Maybe Seacrest's gf?

  3. First guess was Julianne Hough.

  4. The first name to pop in my head was Julianne Hough, too.

  5. I thought Natalie, but I'm with bflogurl, Mila sounds much more likely.

  6. @califblondy - Thanks! Julianne Hough. Completely forgotten her name, but had the picture of her squeezed ass in her tight dress at the People's Choice.

  7. This is just silly. Too many dancing movies in the past 2 years. All you can do is eliminate the new Dirty Dancing. Everything else is fair game making it impossible to guess.

  8. I'm thinking Mila Kunis. Natalie Portman wouldn't give a shit.

  9. I don't think JH would have to rehears for hours the way MK would since she is a professional dancer. Most likely MK.

  10. yea and body image issues are probably more common in ballet dancing than in the type of dancing in footlose.

  11. Agreed on Mila..At first thought Natalie but it seems more like Mila's personality..Gosh I like her more every day!

  12. Agree with Vicki....I don't think Natalie Portman gives 2 shits about anyone but herself....

  13. It's either Mila or if the movie is a bit older, Jessica Alba.

  14. Jessica Biel from that stripper movie?

  15. Kristen Bell was on Burlesque.

  16. Natalie Portman gives me a vibe that she wouldn't have any girlfriends. I bet she has to be the smartest, prettiest girl around, or the only one around. I don't get the warm fuzzies from Kristen, either.
    I'd guess Julianne.

  17. I bet this is a plant from Natalie's people!

  18. Maybe Jessica Alba? She starred in that dance movie when she first got started. And she seems like a decent human being.

  19. Mila, Natalie or someone from Burlesque. Your typical vague BuzzFoto blind.

  20. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Mila didn't do shit in that movie. She had a double for all the ddancing scenes, and she was baked out of her mind the entire time.

  21. maybe her stunt double is the person in question. and if she can act that well and be baked out of her mind, more power to her!!

  22. I was thinking Biel, but Hough would work, too.

  23. First name to come to mind for me was Mila Kunis. Whoever it was, good for her.

  24. Jessica Alba for that "Honey" movie?
    I know it was eight years ago but since we're being nicer to Jessica Alba lately, what the hell?

    It would be funny if It is Mila Kunis and the dancer was the same one that was talking shit about Natalie last year.

  25. Daryl Hannah -- that Blue Iguana movie. I never saw it but that's my guess.

  26. Emily Blunt had to learn dancing for The Adjustment Bureau
