Friday, January 06, 2012

BuzzFoto Blind Item

Which B list singer that started out as a reality star is hooking up with this very big A list actor whenever the two are in the same town? The two have been having random hookups for over a year now, although they have little to no contact otherwise. If they know they’ll be at the same venue or in the same town, they’ll find a way to meet- even though both of them are in committed relationships.


  1. Nicole Sherzinger

  2. Julianna Hough and someone from the cast of Rock of Ages who isn't Tom Cruise

  3. That Adam person from American Idol

  4. @izz - Julianne Hough and Alec Baldwin maybe? Is Julianne a B-list singer, though?

  5. Hough is not a b-list singer.

    Kellie Pickler?

  6. Kelly Clark and Jon Voigt? They're both kind of in the tinfoil hat crowd now, no?

  7. several years ago, a french magazine wrote a same story about Zinedine Zidane (a married french soccer player) and Nadya (a french singer).The french magazine lost many money during the lawsuit

  8. kellie Pickler. I'll just throw out Jennifer Hudson

  9. Agree Hough is not a b-list singer. She's known for dancing. Singing is just secondary. Most ppl woudln't even know she sings.

    I was def thinking one of the AI ladies though. Kelly Clarkson, JHud, etc.

    Its almost impossible to figure out if they have no contact otherwise. Basically pick a singer pick an actor and there you go.

  10. Pomme, your libel laws are much different than ours.

  11. I'm guessing maybe Carrie underwood. Kelly clarkson isn't in a committed relationship and it says both parties are

  12. Kelly C. would surely by A list.
    I go with Kellie Pickler, she's def B list singer.

  13. @dhaeuss, that's why I thought JHUD, engaged but not married ie very committed.

  14. Jhud and Kelly clarkson are a list singers, so I'm thinking someone like Adam lambert, Kelly pickler, Katherine McPhee, I am not sure if Adam is in a committed relationship though. We need more clues to figure this one out

  15. Yea I didn't necessarily mean either of those two girls since I'm not an AI buff, I just mean in that vein. And they were the names I know.

    But I woulnd't call Kelly or JHud A list. Brit, Xtina, Whitney... they are A list. Kelly & JHud would be B. Carrie's the only one I might give A to. And the ones below them Kellie, Katherine, I'd call C or D. Unless you watched the show you wouldn't know them. They were on the ONE season I did happen to watch because my roommate at the time watched it religiously.

    I thought Jhud broke up with her dude?

  16. Carrie is a-list without a doubt. Look at her sales and awards.

    Kellie is a b in country music, maybe not otherwise.

    Katherine isn't a b. She's hasn't had even one hit single. She would probably be described as a singer/actress.

    Clarkson has a good sales track record. I would call her B+/A-. Not sure if she's in a relationship.

    JHud is a good guess.

  17. Carrie and Kelly Clarkson are definitely A list singers. Adam Lambert is B list. There's no way Kelly or Katherine are B list. Kelly is maybe a C. Katherine is a barely hanging in there (wasn't she the answer to a BV about being a barely hanging in the former reality singer?)

    What about Jordan Sparks? She's a B list.

  18. Just for giggles I am going with Pickler and Pitt....cause the later name matching amuses the hell out of me and she couldn't be furthur from what Angie-Jo is like if she tried.

  19. I read this blind as both male singers. Huh.

  20. ^Adam and Brad?

    That could be the real story though, for the beginning of time, not Adam and Eve.

  21. Hmm What about JHUD and Jamie Foxx? He was in Dream Girls with her... would he be A-List?

  22. Adam Lambert and Hugh Jackman? Totally just guessing here.

  23. For funsies I'm going to guess:

    The C*ntess and Gerard Depardieu


    Cos they deserve each other

  24. Christine ... you're totally guessing, but I'd love to believe that one!

  25. God, this could be almost anyone!

  26. Need more clues, but I'm on board with the singer being male. What about Lambert/Clooney? why not?

  27. I think EastVillage has the best answer. Everyone is thining of the singer (something I am unable to do)but I'm not seeing any connection to the actor. The Jhud - Jamie seems the most possible. However for sure entertainment value nunurbiz wins in my book.

  28. I'm on the Jackman/Lambert train, since Jackman was in the pics today. Plus, the image makes me squee.

  29. Julianne Hough sings???? no!



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