Monday, January 02, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

December 5, 2011

#1 - What former A list tween actress was heard at a party saying, "If my next movie does not have the word f**k in at least 20 times I'm not doing it."

#2 - What B list UK television actress from an all acting family said, "I came to this party for one reason only. To f**k Bradley Cooper."

#1 - Ashley Tisdale
#2 - Jaime Winstone


  1. There have been some fun ones, but gotta say, none of the blinds thus far have blown my socks off. *le sigh*

    I mean, Jaime who?

  2. Holy crap, I got one right. I guessed Jamie.

  3. Is Ashley serious? Will the f word uttered that many times finally make me like her? Not a chance in hell.

    Who is Jaime Winstone? And why does she want to do a gay man?

  4. Alfie Allen is Lily Allen's brother and also has a role on Game of Thrones the most excellent HBO series and books.

    Ashley Tisdale should just be lucky to get a job any job in hollywood.

  5. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Jamie's father is actor Ray Winstone. The only movie I've seen of hers is an indie horror movie called Cravings. Not a bad little flick.

  6. @Timebob - just got the final book in GoT. Can't wait to hit it! It's an impressive brick.

  7. Figgy, please go re-read the Liza Mannelli reveal from yesterday, I'm still dry heaving over that one.

  8. I have a feeling Jaime Winstone would've been seems like her kind of humor anyway.

  9. haha, @the black cat, that was a good one but it didn't surprise me much since there had been a previous blind (maybe a year ago?) that Liza and David Gest, contrary to all expectations, DID in fact have regular sex. Which truly is shocking, as he is the ggggayest thing I've ever seen.

  10. How is Alfie Allen involved with this blind? Love love love GOT

  11. ^have you watched the new previews?

  12. @Linnea Jamie Winston is or was engaged to Alfie Allen. They got engaged in 2008 so maybe it is off by now.

  13. Love Game of Thrones.... That is all

  14. Oh and Ashley Tisdale should realize that her greatest role was as Sharpay in HSM. Does she have any range??

  15. Huh, and here everyone thought #1 was Miley.

  16. Ashley, you are soooo busted (homage to her Candace character on Phineas and Ferb)

  17. Is Ashley Candace? We love Phineas and Ferb at out house.

  18. Sounds like they were both joking. And Tisdale has to stop doing kiddie stuff at some point. Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure, really?

  19. Jamie is a pretty good actress - films though, not television.

  20. @timebob they've split up

  21. I'm sure that's The Tiz's idea of being a "serious" actress.

  22. Had to look up Jaime Winstone. Not that interested in Ashley Tisdale. I think my son watched a show with her on it - she has a funny little nose? Wait - maybe wrong actress...



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