Sunday, January 01, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

July 15, 2011

#1 - This actress is probably a B-. You would all know her, but whenever she gets a lead in something it always fails. In supporting roles though it seems like she is in every movie and television show. She is everywhere. She is also getting a little bit older. That does not mean she is not still gorgeous, because she is. Apparently though, she loves her teens though because the guy she was spotted making out with and grabbing his ass, just turned 18. Hey, it's legal and it is not like a guy would not do the same thing.

#2 & #3 - How would you like to be married to someone for a few years and have sex only a handful of times. Well, that is exactly the type of marriage a former A list movie actress and Academy Award winner/nominee has with her celebrity husband. They do always seem a little strained. Maybe a quickie would help.

#4 & #5 & #6- This A list singer recently broke up with her celebrity boyfriend because she was cheating on him and he found out. Hey, it happens and probably not blind item worthy. However, it is who she was cheating on him with that caused all the drama. Lets just say the entire world would freak out if they knew this singer was having sex with this other singer. Oh yeah, this will be revealed. Don't you worry about that.

#1 - Heather Graham
#2 & #3 - Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban
#4 & #5 & #6 - Rihanna, Matt Kemp, & Chris Brown


  1. Oh Rihanna, we all knew it.

  2. Enty! I wondered if that was Rihanna! This is a good one!

    Apparently Nicole DOESN'T have sex... wasn't someone wondering about that earlier?

  3. Rihanna has to drop that really bad drug that is Chris. It's definitely ruining her life.

    Huh, Nicole and Keith DO have sex!?!

  4. #1 - DAAAANG!
    #2 - Popular guess
    #3 - Confirmed what we all thought :(

  5. Whew, I remember one time enty alluded that j Cole was the one Rihanna cheated with. Chris Brown is the only one that would make sense.

  6. She did with Beatty, EmEyeKay!

    I'm starting to think To Die For was semi-autobiographical.

  7. ^messed all those numbers up. Just pretend I was numbering the paragraphs. :P

  8. I didn't comment on Heather getting her freak on with a teenager... wow!

  9. Fantastic reveals! And I have this crazy love for Heather Mills. Forgive me.

  10. Omg. I feel bad for Nic. That must be a hard way to live!
    Rihanna, not shocking, especially given all the love she's been spewing towards him lately.

  11. @LittleMiss... I have always wondered if she really is her character in that movie, because she seems like she is.

  12. So, there is/was sex in the Urban household? I'm shocked!

    Rihanna - use your head gurl...

  13. Rihanna is a fool. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. She'll be the only one to blame if he hurts her again.

  14. Wait, you're right LMSM, so maybe Nic just has a hard time finding men who kink her way....

  15. Lovung the reveals enty

  16. No wonder Chris Brown still acts so smug :(

  17. Wait a minute... Heather Graham a B-, same as Kate Winslet.

    I'm never getting over the Kate Winslet grading.

  18. Rhianna was just tweeting love to Chris the other day...Sickening.

  19. So Nicole really is an ice queen! Loosen up girl!

    There's been all these recent stories of Rihanna and Chris on Twitter. She's a fool. I don't understand it.

  20. I pray to Jebus the you mean Heather Graham, not Heather Mills. I do love me some Felicity Shagwell.

    Rhianna just...needs to go away. Very stupid girl. Talented, yes, but I just despise her for not shutting that smug piece of shit down.

  21. Not surprised by #2, it was a popular guess. Keith would not have a problem with that. Nicole just comes off not interested.

  22. I think we all got #2 and 3.
    Not sure how I feel about #1. Huh.

  23. ahhh well there goes my idea Nicole & Keith were happy. I guess thats why they needed the surrogate for the baby no. 2.

    oh Heather you hooker, loves it!

    Rihanna, I hope your whole world crashes in on you one day for all the bad choices you make. You won't be famous forever and money goes quick.

  24. Keith could have any woman he wants if need be.

  25. Rhianna needs to get some serious therapy. I'm not kidding. Chris Brown is just trouble with a capital "T."

  26. I wonder, with all the rehab talk, if the problem is Keith not Nic.

  27. Anonymous10:42 AM

    @Rita, me neither (about the Kate Winslet thing).

    Heather Graham is such a bad actress but she's just so incredibly pretty and she seems like she'd be fun to hang out with.

    As for Nicole and Keith, not to be a downer but how can this be known?

  28. I'm a young guy myself, and I would have Heather Graham in a second. Just watch Boogie Nights, and you'd have a crush on RollerGirl too.

    As for the Rihanna & Chris Brown ordeal, I have officially lost any sympathy I have ever had for Rihanna. I still have plenty of contempt for Chris Brown, though. You just don't hit women. Ever.

  29. Rhianna is an incredibly silly girl. Firstly she has young kids dressing like sluts to copy her and now she sends the message that it's ok if your boyfriend beats you black and blue. I'm never buying anything of hers again.

  30. emeyekay - yep that was me - i just can't picture it BUT now that the kink thing has come up...hmmm maybe. Or is keith urban rumored to be gay? Or what I think - Nicole is so frigid ice cubes wouldn't melt in her hoohaa. LOL Sorry - i really can't stand her. the whole "i have 2 other kids i never see" thing just pisses me off.

    as for Riri... what an IDIOT! no wonder she wanted the protection order ended.

  31. if you only have sex once in a blue moon, why bother at all? wasn't that the case in her marriage to tom as well?

  32. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Heather Graham ! Would not have guessed that one ! Amanda Peet had come to mind for that one. These are good !!

  33. Anyone believe Ted C that Keith swings the other way?
    I had thought he loved the ladies and cheated on Nic, with women, when they were dating?

  34. Haha just checked Heather's IMDB page - " Heather has never married, although she has had romances with actors Heath Ledger, James Woods, Matt Dillon, Edward Burns, Kyle MacLachlan, Josh Lucas, Leonardo DiCaprio, Elias Koteas, and Matthew Perry, musicians Adam Ant, Elijah Allman, and Jason Falkner, and directors Stephen Hopkins, Chris Weitz, and Yaniv Raz."

    AND her personal quote: "I love telling dirty jokes. Sex is funny."

    Polar opposite of Nicole!

    Yeah so is it Nicole or Keith's problem?

  35. I knew it was Rihanna and Fist Brown!! Isn't he in violation of his probation if they see each other, or is that over? Ugh, I wish she just would have told him off and written an powerful album, a la Tina Turner.

  36. I knew it was Rihanna and Fist Brown!! Isn't he in violation of his probation if they see each other, or is that over? Ugh, I wish she just would have told him off and written an powerful album, a la Tina Turner.

  37. @msgirl - holy wow, she gets around! Thanks for looking that up!

  38. Ugh, Rihanna. You are SO stupid.

  39. Just watched Boogie Nights too (the blu ray was a Christmas gift) and Heather is indeed something to behold when she's nude in 1080p. Of course that movie was filmed almost 16 years ago.

    Rihanna an idiot. There's going to be photos of them together released soon.

  40. @Reno - Ted makes Keith out to be a victim of Nicole's manipulations. And yeah, apparently he's in the closet. But then again, aren't they all?

  41. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I just don't see how anyone can know that (about N and K). It's one thing if someone is sneaking around, there are witnesses. I'm just going to assume that one is pure gossip.

    Of course if it's true, it's probaly because of his hair. I hate his hair.

  42. ^Maybe that's how Enty negotiated their pre-nup? Once a blue moon...

  43. @Stacey Charter Yeah Nicole seems like a treat, but I don't actually blame her for the estrangement from the Cruise kids, that's all Tommy Girl's doing. As a non-Scientologist, they've been programmed to "disconnect" from her or whatever they call it. Although IIRC a few years ago Enty revealed a blind about how the reason Tom divorced her was because although she was allowed to sleep with other men, she became too close to one of them and wanted to have a baby (I think). The popular guesses were Ewan McGregor, Tom's brother (aka Suri's "real" dad), or Russell Crowe.
    Oh, gossip of yore, how I love you.

  44. Well in Nicole's defense Keith was a known coke addict. Too much coke gives you limp dick.

    Maybe he is back on the yayo.

  45. ^Didn't someone just say they saw Nicole using coke during hair and makeup?

  46. Yeah, Rihanna could use therapy. As could most girls who had the snot beaten out of them by their first love, though.

  47. I am always a bit doubtful about "bedroom" gossip. Fact is there is usually only two people who know the truth. Sometimes 3 LOL

  48. Hind sight is 20/20, but I always wondered why Rhianna was dragging her heels about prosecuting bastard. And now with all the I Love You's posted everywhere I'm willing to bet she never actually "left" him in the first place and hoped that at somepoint it would all die down and then they can be open again. Sorry Rhianna, we all saw your bashed in face so we will never forget, even though you choose to.

  49. Except Keith has been in rehab and it's entirely possible many people outside his marriage have thus heard of whatever is ailing him. And yes, then there's any contractual obligations that, say, an entertainment lawyer helped write up.

    And then there's Nicole swinging both ways.

  50. There were a lot of rumblings this year -- I think some of them not even blind items -- about Rihanna's management team throwing in the towel and leaving her in droves. They all worked so hard to get her through that p.r. nightmare and keep a career -- and she's going to tank not only her own career but everyone who is still working for her when it all goes down.

  51. ^Self destructive, is what she is, on so many levels!

  52. In that is why, Nicole Kidman was perfect for Tom Cruise. Neither of them wanted to eff each other.

    Heather Graham good for her. I totally get it not wanting to have some old balls in your face.

  53. Sad, for Nicole, whom I really like. Rhianna, get some help GF, this playing with fire, could easily put you in a box, underground. We all need to teach our young women how valued they are & how they should never be abused. I have been there & done that & am disabled, because I didnt leave, until I was beaten almost to death. Than I found the courage to finally, get out, because I wanted to live. Cadence

  54. ^That's awful Cadence! F-ck those women-beating bastards.

  55. Nicole K should have stayed w/Lenny Kravitz, she said the sex was amazing.

  56. I remember guessing Gwynnie and Chris Martin for the two who needed a quickie. I didn't think Nicole had sex at all.

  57. @WorstCompany... I can easily imagine Lenny Kravitz being the best sex to a lot of women! The man is a walking sex bomb, man purse, fake-fur coat, and all.

  58. @Renoblondee, I was given the inside scoop that Nicole has to have a line of coke during her makeup. Having written that, I spoke to someone who worked on Moulin Rouge, and Nicole was having sex with Ewan McGregor and an assistant director. He said she was nice but a bit of a tart. So Nicole likes sex, I think this is Keith's issue.
    Welcome back Rocket Queen. Don't let anyone get you down.

  59. The gossip about Nicole and Lenny is that he beat hear silly, and that's why she left. If it's true, good for her!

  60. Who dumps Matt Kemp for anyone let alone Chris Brown?! What a dingbat!

    Let's not forget that there were stories about their abusive ways long before it came out. Had people in that neighborhood not called the cops I bet it would've never come out. Oh and the violence in their relationship will only get worse because they think its an acceptable part of their "passion". Smh.

  61. @feraltart
    Thanks for the inside info! Interesting!

  62. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Oh, Rihanna. I can see Jay-Z, RocNation and her management team cutting ties with her. They're probably tired of covering for her at this point. When that happens, her career is over.

  63. Maybe everyone is jumping the gun a bit on the last "solved" blind. Rihanna was just seen with her ex Matt Kemp and Chris Brown was just with his girlfriend of a year ( both literally last night).

    Maybe something else is going on but just because some anonymous source on line says something did/ is going to happen doesn't make it so.

    And for those who think Matt Kemp is such a step up....huh?
    When he got with her , he had already been accused ( not convicted) of rape when he was is high school and an ex filed (later dropped) a restraining order against him. Then there was a video online that showed him hanging with some random chick, who was extremely affectionate...too affectionate, while he was still with Rihanna.

    Just because he's not been convicted of anything doesn't mean he's any less of a potential problem. So I'm not super concerned with her and Chris Brown because she may be playing with fire with another ex boyfriend. But who knows?

  64. Amy - thanks for that comment. I was JUST going to ask what the h**** her management was doing. Someone who cares about her needs to step in and stop her before something even worse happens. It doesnt really seem like CB has calmed down and learned how to control his temper.

  65. Thank you Rita, I am living a great life now :)

  66. @well hello!

    well said...... matt was no come up..... at best he used her shine to get some of his own.... before rihanna it was matt who and the second she got rid of him it went back to matt who...

    as far as her and cb getting it back in..... it's her life and her choice to make. and the thought of roc nation, def jam, or anyone else turning their back on rihanna that's laughable seeing as though she is their money maker. no one knows what really went on between her and cb during their relationship and while february 8th was awful that shouldn't define him, her, or their relationship.

    truth of the matter i think they both need help... and careers be damned they need to get it and then do whatever makes them happy. having types all of that i will say cb is smug as hell when he has no reason to be so but hell so is rihanna..... they are two sides of the same cloth and their every action shows it....

  67. "that shouldn't define him, her, or their relationship."

    You have got to be fucking kidding me. Yes, there was/is plenty more to their relationship, but that did, indeed, define it. It's abusive. Plain and simple.



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