Sunday, January 01, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

July 8, 2011

#1 & #2 - Which former almost A list singer threatened to walk off the show for which she was recently hired, unless she got a raise and top billing. She did this because of a new hire to the show she cannot stand.

#3 & 4 - When this couple started dating she was still A list to much of the world even though her talent has probably dropped. But hey, you don't get to be a one worder unless you are great. Anyway, at dinner she told her boyfriend that she was going to suck him raw and then proceeded to crawl under the table and do just that. I wonder if he imagined it was a guy

#1 & #2 - Jessica Simpson & Nicole Richie
#3 & #4 - Liza Minelli & David Gest


  1. oh Lucille! gross.

  2. ewwwww! Who would go down on a David Gest. iiik.

  3. OMFG I now have to bleach my brain!

  4. Ewwwwwww to Liza.

    Not surprised about Jessica and Nicole.


    we all guessed 1/2

  6. Anonymous9:31 AM


  7. #1 - not shocking.

    #2 - "How Grand!" (EW!)

  8. Liza?? A list, really?? Sorry, but unless we're suddenly in 1980 I don't see it.

  9. @Dixie Happy NY!

  10. EWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As I remember, most thought it was Madonna?

    With regard to the first one, I'm not surprised, but I remember Nicole and Ashlee being BFFs, and never heard of a falling out. It makes me wonder what Ashlee and Jessica's relationship is REALLY like.

  11. OMG! NO! I do not want to know about Liza Minelli's sex life! NO!

  12. I was sure that #2 was Madonna. Ick.

  13. I could have done without hearing about #3/4.

    But thanks ENTY for the reveals!!


  15. Wait, wasn't Lisa doing it with Baryshnikov in the closet at some party?

  16. This morning I've said "ewwwwwwww" many times, but not as loud as I just did thinking about Liza & David and a table and a penis. EWWWWWWWW.

  17. Ewwww. David Gest makes my skin crawl. Thank God I haven't had lunch yet.

  18. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Eww I now have to burn the image of Liza doing anything like that out of my head.

  19. @Rita - Happy New Scandalous Year to you and all the other CDAN-ers!

  20. 1&2---eh, figures.

    Liza---no words to describe how my coffee just gurgled in my stomach.

    PS Thank you, Enty! You're the best you bacon loving bastard!

  21. @DixieTheNoble - I just got your "how grand" comment - thanks for that, now I have audio to go with the video...

  22. And everyone thinks Jessica is soo nice because????? Playing and/or being dumb does not equate to niceness.

    So far so good on the reveals. Boy, this is going to be a long day waiting for the next one, and next one. Need to find something to occupy my time.

  23. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Jessica was almost A list as a reality star, I doubt she even cracked the B list as a singer. Her sister had a better music career than JS. Sigh, it's not a good world in which we live.

  24. @Vicki - hold the bleach!!! i'm betting some sicker things are coming our way soon enough. You'll have to dry spin your brains at the end!

  25. Liza was born onto the A list and will be there long after she dies.

  26. @Patty - I plan on cooking all day to help occupy time between reveals.

    Yikes on 3/4...

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Jessica had one hit album when her reality show was #1 on Mtv. But we are talking 2002/03.

    Just for the fact we still know her name she sorta falls under almost A list.

    poor Liza, like mother like daughter.

  29. Liza, the horror! The horror!

  30. Chestica was never almost A list as a singer. That part I disagree with.

  31. I would never has guessed that Jessica is/was almost A list.

    And eeewwww Liza! yuck, yuck, yuck.

  32. @Rickatoo: how are you born onto the A list? Does that mean Rumor Willis and Eva Amurri are A list? Nope.

  33. I was sure #3 & #4 were Madonna and some Brazilian youngster, but Liza? Whoa!

  34. Did that show actually air somewhere with Jessica and Nicole?

    And btw, Nicole, however she tries to dress it up, she always was a bully. She taught Paris her tricks. Just my opinion.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I can't say that I blame Jessica -- love her or hate her, she's actually DONE something (recorded, acted, the clothing and shoe lines) to warrant fame. Nicole Richie seems to have turned her life around, but she's basically famous for being famous, nothing more.

  37. I think Nicole is a bully, too! Liza, just Yuck! Need bleach for my brain, too! Love Reveal Day! Cadence

  38. I say, way to go Liza! Just because we don't think he's attractive, doesn't mean it's objectively gross. I love that she has spunk and is adventurous.

  39. Jessica is A list only in recognition. Her career is B at the MOST.

  40. This is going to be an epic day based on the great start so far!

  41. I will never be able to erase the image of Liza & David from my mind and will now feel emotionally scarred for the rest of 2012!

  42. LoL @EmEyeKay - Before P&R came along, that was the best show ever.

  43. Jessica was definitely close to A list back in the day...before she married Nick. But never quite made it because she couldn't maintain the hits. Whatever, Team Jess on this one. Nicole's a piece of work - I'd hate to work with her, too.

    As for Liza...oh dear god.

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  46. Rita, I love the Barishnikov story - and that's far easier to take than the reveal. Which, OMG! Pass the bleach!

  47. Anonymous10:17 AM

    YIKES ! Blowing David Gest ? IN Public ? Under a Table ? I think my breakfast is coming up...

  48. @Kelley - hold the bleach. Things are about to get nastier.

  49. Nicole and Paris HATED Jessica Simpson. That one unfortunate time when Paris hosted SNL they asked her at the beginning of the week if there was a particular sketch she wanted written. She asked if they could make fun of Jessica Simpson. They asked her why and she just said "Because I hate her."

  50. Nicole has a very sharp tounge. Jessica doesn't have the mental fortitude to keep up with her.

    She could goof on her pretty easily on the show and Jessica wouldn't know what to say back unless something is written for her.

  51. @Jason - didn't Paris date Lachey in highschool or something, and he publicly called her out for badmouthing his then wife Jessica?

  52. @Jason I remember that story, and the karma is Paris is by far the most hated guest host by the SNL team.

    Darryl Hammond told a story that every guest host goes to the writers rooms the night before the show, its an honor to do it. Paris was with her assistant and her purse dog bitching and moaning about having to do it. They all heard her.

    She is such a useless piece of trash.

  53. Liza has a long history of alcoholism. The behavior was most likely booze-fueled.

  54. I would never had thought of Liza. Vadge was my guess.

  55. I think the biggest reveal of the day here will be confirmations on how Enty "lists" people. I always agreed that JS as almost A, if not former A list, as well. Sure her singing was under par compared to her competition at the time and the reality show is was gained her popularity but she wasn't a reality star. She was and will always be a singer. She wouldn't have gotten the show if she weren't a famous singer. Just like Molly Sims has a reality show but she is and will always be described as a model. Reality stars to me are pepole like Speidi, Lauren Conrad, Jersey Shore kids, Kendra. People whose claim to fame is the reality where otherwise they wouldn't be famous. People like Jessica, Tori Spelling, Carmen Electra, Donald Trump etc may have reality shows, but that's not how they got famous. The shows came later and are secondary to their primary career. HOW JS got to almost A is neither here nor there.

    This kind of makes me miss back in the day when there was a CDAN forum. Because you could have a master list of celebs and how Enty ranks them as per reveals. Then these list arguments could at least have some kind of reference point since the "list" thing is so subjective.

  56. Anonymous10:39 AM

    The fact that Nicole and Paris hate Jessica Simpson makes me like her more. I loathe both of those wastes of space ... they are the original mean girls.

  57. All I can think about is that the poor people who ate after at the table where Liza orally fixated on Mr. Gest. ICK NAST!!!

  58. All I can think about is that the poor people who ate after at the table where Liza orally fixated on Mr. Gest. ICK NAST!!!

  59. Good post, bnl!

    And Texshan too. :-)

  60. @ecua - when your parents are Judy garland and Vincent minelli, then you win an Oscar for cabaret, you are permanently A list. neither of the offspring you mentioned have the caliber of celebrity parents as Liza (but i love me some Susan sarandon )

  61. That reveal made me lightheaded. I need to lie down for a while.


    No one should ever say that. Ever.

  63. I remember a few years ago being in Philly at the Ritz Carlton for drinks with a few girlfriends and this odd looking but familiar guy leering at us about 20 feet away. About an hour later, I placed the face - it was David Gest. He didn't look quite as freakish in person, but I was mostly shocked by the fact he was checking out a bunch of women!

  64. Anonymous2:53 PM


    *passes out bleach tablets to fellow CDANers*

    Ooh, I'm going to be sick! Nasty Liza. And wasting a blow job on David? WTF?



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