Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Big Brother Roommate Raped Live On Television

Big Brother in Rio just got really scary. The Brazilian version of the popular show is under attack because of what happened early Sunday morning. Viewers saw a 31 year old male contestant force himself on a 23 year old female contestant who had passed out drunk. It appears from the video that he has having sex with her while the woman was unconscious the entire time. No one did anything about it until the next morning. Producers did nothing but watch until the next day when she was asked about it and said she had no idea what happened. Maybe you should have asked that question after you stopped it from happening in the first place. There is no excuse for it to happen because everyone is monitored 24 hours a day. Police finally arrived and then questioned the woman for three hours before taking her to a hospital and a rape examination. Again, why so long?

The show did kick off the alleged rapist BUT only after police said they would shut the whole show down if the producers did not. Then the producers only said that his behavior was inadequate. Are you kidding me? There is video of the incident available on YouTube which you cannot really see that well because it is dark and both people are under the covers, but I am not going to show a video of a rape.

You can find the woman's face everywhere if you look, but I thought I would just show the alleged rapist.


  1. This is vile and disgusting. The producers should be ashamed of themselves and also brought upon charges as accessory to the rape.

  2. What's this world coming to?

  3. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I wholeheartedly agree Rose. They were accessories.

  4. I read your blog all of the time and this is my first comment. Thank you for sharing this story. I am beside myself. I just called RAINN about taking legal action against the producers. This calls to mind a quote by the great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

    No one should sit by while something like this happens.

  5. This disgusting, why on earth did the film crew or anybody for that matter not stop this from happening, somebody is obviously monitoring these people 24/7 and they saw it happening and let it happen, whoever that asshole is they deserve jail time too.

  6. I don't watch BB, but I'm wondering if the cameras are stationary cameras set up in their rooms and no one actually watches the overnight feed until the next day? I don't have much faith in reality tv producers, but I believe that's how Bunim Murray does it.

  7. Wow. What is wrong with people?

  8. Sick. Nothing else to say.

  9. Whoa, this is absolutely disgusting. I can't believe ANYONE sat and watched that without doing anything about it.

  10. At what point, as consumers of entertainment media, do people say "It's gone too far"? At some point will we be watching live murders and executions? Where exactly, as a society, will we draw the line?

    I'd like to think that if something occurred like that here in the US, it would have been stopped immediately & the guy would have been arrested & charged. But would it have? How many reality shows supply cases of liquor to contestants in the hopes of getting bad, "good-for-ratings" behavior in return?

    Sorry for the rant; this just really struck a nerve.

  11. Not surprised. Welcome to the reality TV culture our society has created. This is exactly why I don't watch ANY of that crap.

  12. I wonder if they have live streaming online. If that's the case, there is absolutely no excuse.

    Does anyone know what the public reaction in Brazil has been?

  13. Absolutely speechless!

  14. Horrible. I wonder, as @LeeLee does, if someone was actually watching it as it happened. If so, they should be fired and charged with accessory to rape, if there is such a thing. What morons. You can't sit back and watch something like this happening and not do something!

  15. @ JC and Carrie L - I agree with both of your comments.

    And I also agree with Rose - if the producers were watching this as it occurred and did nothing, they should absolutely be charged as accessories. Unfortunately, I don't think that will happen. Even here in the US, look what is happening at Penn State with McCreary and the others who did little to nothing to stop the abuse of children. Sorry for opening that can of worms, but this story reminds me of that.

  16. unfortunately not suprising of reality show producers. they are whores, and as is shown here, have no morals.

  17. Reality tv is the modern day Roman Coliseum. Let's hope for a bloodbath and get it on film. This is too tragic and disgusting for words.

  18. KLM - you make a great point. Just recently the alum at Penn State had a meeting where they said what happened was a "Sandusky problem" not a "Penn State problem." At what point do we call people out for their inaction? I always loved Joe P but I have lost so much respect because he knew nothing happened to Sandusky and he dropped it, as did various other administrators. Being in a position to stop a violent act and doing nothing is horrible.

  19. Here in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, not so much has happened. I've seen people on the street and in the local markets. No one said a word to me. On yahoo brasil, hardly anything. Just that there was "maybe" a rape. Here is a cartoon:


    Policeman: Mam, what happened?
    Older Woman: The raped my intelligence.

    Globo TV just took him off and total lock-down on any reporting.


  20. I wondered why so many people enjoy reality tv. I loathe it more than Madonna loathes hydrangeas.

    But there must be something psycological that happens to people who actually witness a sexual crime that causes them to not believe they are seeing what they are actually seeing. There is just no way to descibe why people act like it did not happen. It makes no sense that people walk by like nothing happened and yet they do.

    But if any good does come of this maybe it will be the end of reality tv. Oh please, oh please oh please!

  21. Hey, i'm a brazilian and a lawyer. Unfortunately the producer's will not (probably) be held responsible for anything since we don't have their actions typified in our penal code. I looked into it and there is nothing there we could charge them with regarding the rape. The producers did worse than not doing anything, they defended the guy saying it was racism and if the guy had blond hair, nothing would be going on. Ridiculous. We saw what we saw and it was not pretty. I don't watch it but that video is everywhere.
    The repercussions here are huge not only on social networks but sites and newspapers as well. I don't know why Aly, above, said no one is commenting on it on the freaking supermarket, but maybe its because people don't normally go to the God damn supermarket and start talking to strangers about shit like this one. Maybe Aly should integrate more the society he/she is in and ready more... Newspapers!!!!

  22. This is mind boggling to me. OMG

  23. Anonymous11:16 AM

    wow. none of this is suprising unfortunately

  24. Anonymous11:44 AM

    O.M.G. This is so sick and sad. I hope he gets everything he deserves, fucking pig. That poor girl.

  25. How absolutely tragic that other human beings felt they should let a rape happen. There is no excuse for this having occurred. I will NOT be looking for the footage and commend you Enty for not posting it. Thank you for posting the photo of the accused. Normally I say innocent until proven guilty and keep their identity a secret, but in this instance, when it was caught on camera, he deserves to be outed. Good on the police for threatening to shut everything down if they didn't kick this guy out of the house. If the producers consider it racist to kick him out of the house when he has raped someone, do they not consider it sexist to let him stay there when he has raped a woman? Unfortunately I think women have a long way to go to gain equality. We really don't have it and I am sick to death of people acting like we do. Hope he goes to jail for a very long time and I think the producers should too.

  26. LuMay, thanks for your input. Would the woman have any recourse for a civil case against the producers or is it a lost cause if they aren't criminally charged with anything?

    1. Hey Rose! Yes, she would've if the rape is proved. If not, than no. I should remind you guys that this is an ongoing investigation and forensics took their underwear for analysis. Both denied having sex during interrogation at police headquarters y-day. She did not allow a rape test. At this point, and if nothing is found on their clothing, the most that could happen is a sexual assault suit (he carressed her while uncontious).
      She declared early today that she does remember everything (I believe they showed her the tape) and wanted to "do things" even more than he did. He was trown out and now knows what is going on, but she has no idea of the repercussions... Big brother bull*, as always... She saus during the show that she ie worried about her "image".
      I can confidently tell you guys right now, that nothing is going to happen. Speccially after what she declared to the police.

  27. I just think that reality TV has ruined civilization. Seriously. These shows just bring out the worst behavior in everyone involved in them, I think. The lying, cheating, the whole deal. Now this poor girl has been violated .. just horrific.

    I have only ever watched one "reality" game show ala "Big Brother" or "Survivor" .. it was on A&E in the nascent days of their going to hell in a programming basket. It was a show with George Wendt and the object was to win a house in some swamp in the Orlando area. I don't recall the real name .. but I used to call it "House of Games." It was just awful to watch. Groups of people aligning themselves against others and in some cases one person. People getting into relationships for no other reason than to stab that person in the back eventually. I twas just like seeing the decline of the Roman Empire played out on my TV. Horrible.

    I realize these shows are cheap as hell to put together and the "train wreck/accident in slow motion" watch factor is really high making for good ratings.. but sometimes I wish the programmers would save us from our prurient selves and just not put this crap on the air. We should be .. and I actually think are .. better than this when given half a chance.

  28. I'd also like to know what cold hearted SOB put her RAPE on YOUTUBE. It's now there for millions to watch. It's a rape. Does she really need that? Where the hell is society going that rape becomes entertainment??

  29. Ive seen some of the tape and can understand why they didn't stop it. Its not rape the way we are all programmed to expect it. She is on her side and sometimes appears to be moving. If I were watching this, I wouldn't think rape either unless he pushed a clearly limp woman onto her back and spread her legs. It was only after the fact that it became clear that she wasn't aware of what was going on. From the part that I saw its still questionable that she wasn't aware at the time but so drunk she didn't remember in the morning.
