Thursday, January 19, 2012

Beyonce Was A No Show At Club Launch Last Night

Jay-Z had a grand re-opening of his nightclub last night and it was billed in advance as the debut of a post baby Beyonce, but she was a no show. Maybe they are trying to figure out how this whole post baby body thing should work? Hide a little longer and then just say it "fell off." So, Jay was out by himself although as you can see above, one of the richest men in the world, Warren Buffett stopped by to show Jay-Z the stain in his tie. Dairy Queen will do that to you everyday. He should know that by now though since he owns it.


  1. well, she DID just have a baby.


  2. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose, but after I popped out a baby, the LAST place in the whole entire world I wanted to be was a club. Especially since it was a c section. Shit. You're not even supposed to go up steps, so how the eff would Beyonce be able to go to this thing??

    I don't know if I buy the whole faking pregnancy theory. But either way, not suprised she was a no-show.

    Having a baby forces you to take a chill pill. Seriously.

  3. there you have it, two of the richest men in the world.

  4. all I know is my friends who have had babies naturally, that tum take a while to go down...they still looked pregnant weeks after the baby came.

  5. Maybe she'll wear a small postpartum pillow for a while.

  6. I had a baby 22 months ago and I still look pregnant.

    seriously though, she might actually be at home bonding with the baby and didn't want to leave it. It took months before I was willing to leave the house without my girls.

  7. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Enty - do you really, truly believe that Beyonce's baby carrying was fake? I kind of believe that she could have had a surrogate, but then I think, nah, no way.
    Which is true ??

  8. If she had been there, people would have given her shit for not being home with the baby... I don't think Beyonce can win at the moment *L*.

  9. I would stay home forever with my kid if I could - or at least until I have somehow healed!

  10. maja I agree, she can't win so she should do what she wants.

  11. I love Warren B., esp. now that I know he owns DQ!

  12. @linnea - did you just have a baby? congrats if you did :)

  13. My "baby" is now 7 years old, and I still don't feel like hanging out in nightclubs, which I used to love.

    Being a parent just changes your focus.

  14. Absolutely, Bey would be pilloried for leaving her child. Also, as she just had a c section she would be in no shape to be dressing up and putting on a public face. Plus she'd have to wear something that would make it look like she just gave birth. However she got Blue Ivy (kinda sounds like an agricultural problem doesn't it?) she is probably enjoying her time with her.

  15. She was probably either polishing the Swarovski crystals on her baby's $10,000 high chair or on the phone with Paltrow getting parenting tips.

  16. @Sherry -- Oh no. Bey made sure to tell people she had a ''natural'' birth, remember?

  17. Ok, so let's just go along with Beyonce's pregnancy and 'natural' birth story for a moment.

    I remember when I had both my babies naturally, and I certainly remember how bruised and beaten my peakachoo was for what seemed like forever afterwards. I can't imagine wanting to hike up some Spanks, slap on some lipstick and strut my stuff in 5 inch heals at a club afterwards. Let's not even speak of my milk 'coming in'. I was a MESS. There was no cleaning me up and rolling me out in public for a while.

    My appologies for the visualization, but that's the fun of childbirth.

  18. ashanti was there to help jay z 'relax' or whatever the earlier blind alluded to. not for nothing, i dont believe beyonce was pregnant, being a narcissistic fame whore, if she had a belly full o'baby, her naked azz would have been on the cover of every magazine up until birth. anyway however she got the baby, she has her now and it was a good decision to not go club opening imo

  19. Damn, Warren Buffett owns Dairy Queen? The more you know...

  20. I gave birth naturally and as they made a new quilt out of my peakachoo I didn't know the next day I could have something for pain, I was walking holding on to walls as it felt as all the muscles in my thighs and hips had been cut. A real nice new mom said Nurse get her something for pain, now. I could not see dressing up in anything other then sweat pants, easy open shirt with nursing bra. Then for the next 5 weeks I never had time to even brush my hair. All I wanted was some sleep. No Nights out. When you have kids for some that stuff is over.

  21. @Ida: silly me! I forgot her "natural" birth. Never having had babies I wouldn't know but from what friends and folks say here going out to trip the light fantastic seems like the last thing a new mother wants.

  22. I know Warren Buffet climbed over a lot of bodies to get where he is, but at least he's doing some good with it now. And damn it, Enty, why did you have to mention DQ? All the ones in Minnesota are closed until mid-February when they have to reopen for the Valentine's Day ice cream cakes. I could really go for a Mr. Misty float right about now.

  23. (Even though it is 3 degrees out. Damn you, Canadians, take your arctic air back - we don't want it!!!)

  24. My respect and admiration for Warren Buffett went down tremendously once he decided to embrace Jay Z.

  25. BM: Re-reading my comment, I can see why you would think that! But no, not yet... Hopefully some day!

  26. I don't think Beyonce gave birth to anything, but if she did she isn't sitting home like the rest of us. She has a full staff of nannies, housekeepers, cooks, make-up artists, hair stylists...she could pump herself up with pain relievers and get out. I had an emergency C-section after being hospitalized flat on my back for over a week, and still managed to go back and forth to the hospital dragging a two year old to visit my son in the neonatel ward. Somehow you find the strength to do what you have to do.

  27. I went out all the time before I had a child. After having him, I didn't go out again until he was six weeks old, and I looked horrible. Everything was saggy and weird, my clothes fit me funny. It took three months before I looked like I had before pregnancy.
