Today is January 9. Today is the make or break day for resolutions. The majority of people who make resolutions fold 9 days after the year has begun. You start getting back into the swing of things at work or your routine and that resolution gets pushed back until tomorrow. That means your gyms should start showing signs of clearing and you change your mind and go from no to yes on that whole Girl Scout cookie thing and you decide it is ok to watch Jersey Shore again instead of reading a book. So, I have to ask, are you still keeping your resolutions or have you already given up? I am still on the diet and still a very grumpy fat man.
I am still on mine. I walked past a plate of cookies this morning. I didn't put creamer in my coffee. I am still working on letting things go - that is the hard one. I am also working on getting a childrens book finished and hopefully published. I have alot that I am working on. I am also a very grumpy fat woman.
ReplyDeleteI didn't make any this year - why make myself even more depressed? Good luck on your book, Bigmama!
ReplyDeleteI'm still keeping mine. However, I was on the weight loss train way before resolution-time, so it's easier to keep my resolution, I think. 20 pounds more to go before I turn 30 in March.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, next year I won't make the mistake of going to the grocery store on January 2nd. There was no broccoli, squash, zucchini, or bananas, and everything else was picked over. VERY annoying.
***LOOONG time reader, first time poster
Lol. Its funny you put it that way. I started my resolution yesterday. Started running again and went on my dietary cleanse of meal replacement shakes and Lean Cuisine meals. But I am also getting bariatric surgery in 2 weeks so my resolution is a no brainer. I've spent the last 3 weeks enjoying my "bucket list" of meals and I'm ready. Let's go 2012!
ReplyDeletemy resolution in 2009 was to not make any more new years resolutions because they always get broken. its setting yourself up to fail. why do that to yourself. if you want to better yourself it shouldnt take a date to push you to do it. you should do it anyways.
ReplyDeleteits been two years and i've kept that resolution quite well.
Resolutions are to find a full-time job and to eat healthier foods. Have done other things than look for work, I mean blatantly avoided it! Also, made cupcakes and bought ice cream on Saturday.
ReplyDeleteEnty, keep up the good work, you can do this! You have so many people cheering you on, that's gotta help. You won't be grumpy forever (nor fat!).
Enty, check out Mark'sDailyApple.com and the primal lifestyle! You can eat bacon for one, but I've never been hungry and cranky while eating correctly. Sorry about the random plug ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm doing ok on my resolutions, but they're more like habits I'm trying to make. I'm marking on a calendar when I meet my goal for the day, it's motivating.
My goals right now are - spend 15 minutes every day cleaning/picking up around the house and having at least 21 days a month that I do not consume sugar (will eventually add white flour to the goal).
The no-sugar one is the hardest because I cannot snack on sugary things, I can only attack them. So I'm literally flipping off the truffles in the breakroom to keep from eating them.
Thanks Susan! Good luck everyone!
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm still training for a half marathon coming up in Feb.
ReplyDeleteRan 8 miles this past Sat, so I hope I make it!
And good luck to all you wonderful readers and Enty!
*Waves hi to RedHeadMed* Keep posting!
I'm doing well so far. Four pounds down and 27 to go. My problem is I don't go grocery shopping often enough so I end up hitting the fast food or grocery on the way home from work and make hungry, bad choices. Ok, that and just too much beer!
ReplyDeleteI have menus planned for the next 2 weeks with the food at home to make the meals. That is, if my 9 and 12 year olds don't eat it all up before I use it!
WTG RenoBlondee!
ReplyDeleteI am still on track with my resolution to make an effort with my appearance for work. It's very easy to not care when you work in a technology environment.
I re-started WW last week - not a resolution, but a realization that I had gained back half of the weight I lost a few years ago and wasn't happy. I was grumpy and insecure for a few days this weekend, but am going to get past that this week and celebrate my healthier lifestyle.
I gave up soda, and have kept away from the stuff, amazingly. We'll see how I do on roadtrips, though.
ReplyDeleteOddly, did not think of nor did I make any resolutions.
ReplyDelete@BigMama - Good luck on your book!
@EmEyeKay - Throw me some of those delicious-looking cupcakes!
Good luck all on a healthier lifestyle! The big secret? Don't watch any commercials. They're the #1 diet breaker, specially after 7 p.m.!!
Well let's see, my husband's resolution is for me to stop spending so much money and mine is to get better about hiding my spending from him. So far it's been a success! :)
I'm doing pretty good. It's hard to stay gracious in the face of adversity, but I'm doing my best.
ReplyDeleteI am doing pretty good on mine but I also started working out and losing weight before 2012 came so that made it easier. In 2011, I was able to lose about 29 pounds and I hope to double the weight loss in 2012.
ReplyDeleteI never make resolutions until the 10th of January because my husbands birthday is Jan. 4 and he ALWAYS has to go on a vacation AND make a trip to the inlaws for his birthday. So I have to deal with one more extra week to ten days of holidays that most people don't have. Honestly, I am so sick of overindulging right now, that I know I will be eating right until at least the end of Feb. We just got back from my in-laws last night, and the first two ingredients of their cooking always includes salt and butter. I want plain, unsalted food right now. And water, lots and lots of water. I will probably make my resolutions tomorrow morning. Today, I have to undecorate the house and take down my Christmas tree!!! Having to do everything so late is why I'm such a grinch about Christmas. I'd give a small fortune (if I had a small fortune) to be able to stay home after Christmas and decompress like everyone else.
ReplyDeleteI didn't actually make any..well just one no more Lottery stratch offs....
ReplyDeleteI didn't actually make any..well just one no more Lottery stratch offs....
ReplyDeletesorry about that
ReplyDeleteI didn't actually make any..well just one no more Lottery stratch offs....
ReplyDeleteMy first 5K is next Monday and I registered for my 2nd 5K for February.
ReplyDeleteI have others planned until June so I think I'm good. :)
^Go Vicki!! The knees are holding up?
ReplyDeleteYeah, surprisingly. Granted, I, uh, haven't been consistently running since Christmas. :( Vacation and last week's schedule have really screwed me up, but I'm running tonight by god!
ReplyDeleteMy New Year's Resolution was to not set myself up for failure with a year-long program of self-improvement to deal with, but rather break it up into New Month's Resolutions, or even New Weeks's Resolutions. Giving up sugar,or booze, or fast food? I can do that for a week--then renew the resolution on Sunday. Smoking is a different problem altogether, but you can resolve to abstain for a week, and then you'll feel so much better, if you do smoke--yuck! Whatever it is, just swear it off for a month, or a week, then re-resolve. Works for me!
ReplyDeleteJanuary 12th and 13th are the best days to start new projects this spring, and that there is a lot of energy and momentum behind these days to support you, according to a friend. So this week is the week to start with resolutions.
ReplyDeleteI didn't really take the time to make any New Year Resolutions. I'm more of the making resolutions as I need to kind of person. Currently, I am working on giving up sugar. It is not going well.
ReplyDelete@Robert I like your idea of New Month or New Week Resolutions!
ReplyDelete@Vicki - best of luck then. Don't over do it!
ReplyDeleteAND DON'T CHANGE RUNNING SHOES!!! Your body has learned to adapt to those you are wearing, changing them might cause a lot of horrible pain. I've been through it!
@Seachica, I hear you on the tech environment. Add to that I usually work from home 2 days per week, I have 3 kids and a dog to walk. Am I ever getting out of my yoga pants or jeans? Not likely!
ReplyDelete@Rita, I have to! I'm way overdue for new shoes. I ordered some last week and they should be here on Thursday. They should be broken in by MLK Day.
Enjoy your first race @Vicki Cupper
ReplyDeleteI ran my first 5K a year and a half ago. I did several more and then a 10K. I am absolutely addicted to them now. Such fun.
So good luck and let us know how it went!
Oh, and also remember some will be really easy and you'll feel great, but some will suck HARD. It happens to everyone, just enjoy and be proud of yourself!
Thanks, Reno! I actually ran my first 5k on Dec. 18th and I sucked HARD. At least now I know what not to do. This next one should be no big deal.
ReplyDeleteSo many people sticking to their goals, that's fantastic! (is that as annoying as using "amazing", she wonders...)
ReplyDelete@Rita, there's only ONE left, I'd gladly give it to you if I could :) We gave most of them to neighbors, left them on their doorsteps with "cupcake delivery!" notes - we had fun!
@Vicki - DON'T! Trust me, just don't. Wait after your first 5K to break the new ones in.
ReplyDeleteI had what I think is called a bursitis.
There's a gel sack between your hip and thigh that prevents your bones from grinding together. Well, because of my new running shoes, my body weight had to dramatically re-adjust, and seeing how I go by the "no pain, no gain" motto while training, well, let's just say I didn't listen to my body and the sack slipped out. Having bones grinding together.
Worst pain ever.
Even though I had went to a specialized store, and had spent an hour trying different shoes on, to finally find the right pair; Turns out, when breaking in new running shoes, you have to break them in very slowly. You cannot run like you've been doing from the get go.
Spent 6 months rehabbing my left hip/thigh. Six months, no training, no weight lifting, no high heels, and NO BIG BAGS ON one shoulder, only a well-balanced tiny back pack was allowed. The horror!
ReplyDeleteUh, ok. I'll keep my current shoes until next Tuesday. *shudder*
@EmEyeKay - The universe is clearly telling me to keep away from sweets. So I will listen!
ReplyDeleteBut thank you so much for the kind offer, and thank goodness I was not your neighbor, for I'll be knocking on your door day and night for more of them!
am so far keeping my resolutions. there not so much resolutions as goals for the year that I want to accomplish. I write them down every jan. 1. so far, so good.
ReplyDeleteI have so far and hopefully will be able to stick with it. I'm just incorporating a few changes into my lifestyle each week. Last week I started eating breakfast everyday and added more fruits and veggies to my diet. This week I started the couch to 5K program, and am having chicken or fish at least two days a week. Also, no wine or alcohol during the week because it makes me want to snack more. This will be the most difficult.
ReplyDeleteAmy, I used Couch-to-5K and it's awesome! You should join the page on Facebook. A lot of great people on there.
ReplyDeleteI honestly didn't make any resolutions this year. But I did enter into the year knowing i needed to lose about 40 pounds. So today, I finally decided it was the right time to get started. I'm hoping I can keep it up! The only thing that stinks is the meds I take keep the weight on me, boooooo!
ReplyDeleteI actually just started mine yesterday. I'm good to go! :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck Chrissy!
ReplyDeleteDoing good on mine so far! WOOT
ReplyDeleteOops, sorry I read it as you were doing your very first 5K next week.
My first was the worst of all my races. It was awful. The next one I PR'd and it was a really good one, so here's to yours being like that!
ReplyDeleteThat is terrible you went through that! I'll also keep that in mind for my running, thanks!
I'm encouraged to see runners/joggers on here...my 2012 goal (I hate calling it a "resolution" - makes it sound like I've failed miserably until now, and must FORCE myself to accomplish) is to get in 1,000 miles this year. This, coming from someone who has had no more than mild aerobics/yoga for the past 16 months. We tried P90X, and I decided that the potential of going into cardiac arrest while trying to "Superman/Banana" was NOT worth it. My goal starts today. :)
ReplyDeleteI just don't see how people can run. I only run if there is food on the table or a nekkid man in the bedroom. And I make no resolutions. It's better just to set goals through out the year and see how well you hit them. I could stand to get my ass back to the gym but I eat very healthfully (usually). My biggest vice is beer.
ReplyDeleteOh...and mine is exercising 20-30 minutes a day and no more fast food. We'll see how it goes...I seem to do this at the beginning of every year. I lose 20-30lbs or so and then around the month of October I start slipping again. Vicious cycle!!
ReplyDeleteI always make small resolutions. This year mine was to not lug home bottled water anymore. I bought some glass drinking bottles and fill them with filtered water and I like it so much better.
ReplyDeleteLOL Which is exactly why I put off going to the gym UNTIL TODAY to avoid the hordes.
ReplyDeleteI would love to start jogging, but I think I need to take a little weight off before i try that! I'm going to start walking again, though, and I'm going to bring the kids so I can exhaust them and exercise me at the same time!
ReplyDeleteChrissy, that's what I was doing. Deffo start walking and then when you think you're ready add a little jogging to the mix.
ReplyDeleteI can see it now...I live in a tiny town, and I know I'll get people's tongues a-waggin' when I start jogging! LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteAll broken...
ReplyDeleteI'm awful...I haven't even STARTED mine! My resolution this year was to floss more, especially since at my last dentist's appointment by doc told me my gums are starting to recede, and I'm only 36. I think I've flossed once since Jan 1. Maybe?
ReplyDeleteEveryone's resolve is very impressive. In addition to weight loss, I'm trying to pay off 15k on 38k in credit card debt. I'm staying out of stores and shopping in my closet. I know the whole shopping thing was just total indulgence but I really thought of it as retail therapy. I'm replacing the shopping with volunteer work and it's really working. It's a cliche, but it rally feels amazing helping others.
ReplyDeleteEveryone's resolve is very impressive. In addition to weight loss, I'm trying to pay off 15k on 38k in credit card debt. I'm staying out of stores and shopping in my closet. I know the whole shopping thing was just total indulgence but I really thought of it as retail therapy. I'm replacing the shopping with volunteer work and it's really working. It's a cliche, but it rally feels amazing helping others.
ReplyDeletewell, strike one off for me...>I just gave in and ate a whole chocolate bear. Damn friend gave them to me for Christmas....it was the last one at least. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteyes and yes.
ReplyDeletemy 1st resolution was to (finally) weed thru my f/b friends, and block the bajillion games my friends play (this helps me not get judgy or stabby); and hide the feeds of those that rant endlessly (esp. w/ election year...god, there are angry people on fb and those political/religious/anti-political/anti-religious rants get old, regardless of party/belief/non-belief); and lastly, those that think fb is google. i wish i were more social media-friendly, since it's 1-absolutely crucial to my profession, and 2-i've got great friends on there, both personal & professional. (maybe i'll work on that next). #done
2nd, i'm running my 3rd half-marathon at the end of this month, and am in serious running and plilates mode. i skipped last year, so i'm determined to make it up this year and beat my two previous times. #iwillrockthis
Hi @ RedHeadMed.
ReplyDeleteI, foolishly it seems, said I would move and re-sort and re-store all my beading and jewelry making supplies.
Five days in and my back is killing me. I can't quit now. I have literally touched every bead I own and it's thousands and thousands!
It looks much better in it's new home and my former bead space looks large and airy and new. So I know it was a good thing, just a really hard thing to do.
Good luck to all who are still hanging in there, and for those who didn't take the dare, I understand. *mutters Oh my aching back*.
@Reno and @Vicki, I am sooooo envious that you would do those runs.
ReplyDeleteThe dog makes me walk fast, that will have to do for me. *whew*
I said I wasn't going to make any more resolutions, but I did anyway.
ReplyDeleteThe first one was to cut out the Mt. Dew. I live for the boost that stuff gives me, but I know those empty calories are a big reason why I can't lose weight. I still haven't touched the stuff, but I keep filling the craving with fruit juice. That kind of defeats the purpose, so I bought a bag of oranges on sale and have been eating them instead.
I did have a murky plan to lose weight and start exercising, but I still haven't started on that. I also had a plan to write more often, which has only resulted in a few wordy posts in various comments sections.
My last resolution-y thing was to quit playing FB games. I know those are just a replacement activity for more meaningful things (like writing), but I still haven't totally shaken my interest in them as stress-relievers. I have, however, cut out some of the more time-consuming ones. I'm still working on this one.
My goals for the new year are to finish my weight loss (34 lbs gone, 13 to go), start cross-country skiing and snowshoeing (will start the skiing this weekend! excitement!), sew some clothes, and learn a few new knitting cast-ons. I like to keep things doable.
ReplyDeleteI don't make New Year resolutions, but I am thrilled at how many of you are sticking to yours.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with all the running, dieting, cleaning up, eating well, exercising, saving etc that everyone is doing. Maybe we can check in every 3 months. How about that Enty, they have done studies that show people who have to be accountable for their goals tend to stick to them.
OT my check-up for my hysterectomy was on Thursday and I have healed beautifully. I have also put on weight even though I went back to the gym as soon as humanly possible after the op. Will let you know if it is a short term weight thing, or if it is a permanent side effect of the operation.
I'm still doing mine. I started a gratitude journal, and I write 13 (fave number) down each day. I cleaned my house, sort of, and I'm nicer to the hubs. I promised myself I would appreciate my loved ones more this year because I notice people have the tendency to take the ones they love for granted. People seem to be the cruelest to the ones closest to them. We are going to Europe next week for the first time and are excited about that. I promised myself more travel this year.
ReplyDeleteOooh, I'm so jealous! You'll have to give us a full report when you get back!!
ReplyDelete@Henriette I love that! I did one of those for about 8 months a few years ago. It was a suggestion from a very dear friend to help with my depression. SEEING what you are grateful for can really make a difference.
ReplyDeleteDidn't make any major resolutions but I have not had wheat flour or dairy since Jan 1st. It's weird.
ReplyDeleteTo continue with zumba classes and just enjoy life and say yes more.
ReplyDeleteI am still on track for mine. Unfortunately the personal trainer I spent all morning with told me If I wanted anything close to Ryan Kwanten like abs it would take 40 sessions at a cost of $6000. Yeesh! She said she might be able to work with me for half that amount. Yeah, because that's sooooo much easier for me to come up with right away.
ReplyDelete^For half that amount, buy a BowFlex! If it's good enough for Brad Pitt during Fight Club, must be good enough for everyone else!
ReplyDeleteYes...for the most part. Mine were to get fit/eat better. I started my diet (WW) last month. So far, I'm very pleased. I want to 3x a week & Pilates 2x a week. With the exception of a few bumps in the road, so far so good. My other goal was to schedule my days better. I work from home, so it's easy to SLACK. CDaN doesn't help. ;)
ReplyDelete*Should be.."I want to run 3x a week..."
ReplyDeleteMy mission to slay Goliath....yes, but I added another today and broke it within the hour. Lottery tickets!! As I Finally gathered up the nearly $50 worth of lottery tickets I have bought throughout the year (and the ones I could visually see scattered about), I promised myself I would store away the buck rather than spend it whenever I have the desire/dream/urge to buy a lottery ticket. I was done. Then, after telling the guy at the market I was DONE, retired, I used the measly $3 dollars I won (out of $50 spent mind you) AND BOUGHT 3 MEGA MILLIONS tickets!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGod help me.
I'm still on a diet but missed running yesterday. I think the hard one will be to find an apartment to finnaly leave my parents'!! Im 28 and they think I should only leave after I marry! Ahã... Thats really not happening any time soon since I want nothing with nobody right now!! Just want some space and leave my house wich is still set on the 50's!! Gosh....
ReplyDeleteI totally broke mine but I'm not giving up. I quit smoking on 1/1, but started back again on 1/7. At my worst, I've still cut my consumption by half though. I think so many people give up on their resolutions because they think they've totally failed if they slip. I'm going to treat this like I have my weight for the last 15 months and counting - if I slip up, I'm not going to beat myself up but instead climb right back on that wagon!