I think Angelina Jolie saw this scene in about 20 movies so decided to do it at home or at least thinks it happened at home so she would have a good story to share. Yesterday, Angelina did a live video chat for Marie Claire. In her chat she related that just prior to her beginning her work as director on the movie In The Land Of Blood And Honey that she had an emotional breakdown thinking about the work and that Brad found her curled in a ball in the shower while water ran over her. Seriously? She could not think of a better place? How many times have you seen this in a movie? It has been awhile since I have seen Gia, but I bet there is a scene in there where she is doing exactly that. I feel like sometimes she plays her life in scenes or wants us to think she is or something.
Oh, I believe her Enty. Without Brad to steady her, doubt she would be able to do all that she does.
ReplyDeleteI don't like her, but at times, I feel for her, she takes on so much! Anyone else gets the feeling that she's always playing a role? Saw her Q & A yesterday night, that question from Mad was scripted, as were her facial expressions. Fascinating to say the least.
It'd be difficult to do what she does without a partner, that's for sure. I believe the story, I believe she's a huge drama queen, and I agree with you Rita, I feel she's always playing someone. Saint Angie. She's come a loooong way.
ReplyDeleteStill, I love her, and think she's incredibly beautiful, and I love that she seems to be a hands-on parent in the 1% world of nannies.
Plus, she scored Brad Pitt. Up top, Ang!
Meh. She's about as phony as one can be. Seldom do I believe anything that comes out of her mouth.
ReplyDeleteI didn't think it was scripted, Rita. At all. I saw surprise.
ReplyDeleteI have had a breakdown in the shower too. No man or Brad to pull me out at the time, though. When under extreme stress or in a depressive state, taking care of hygiene can be the hardest thing in the world.
yes, it really happens. Now let's us watch our blog blow up with Angie hate. A cheap tactic, and picking nits, IMO.
(I'm not in a fighting mood after the heather Locklear depression snark, so any responses here to me probably won't even be read, FYI. TIA.)
I don't think it was scripted either. Not everything in H-wood is a big show. Sometimes celebrities actually do REAL interviews and live chats where its not staged.
ReplyDeleteWhether or not to believe what she says is a different story, though.
@Libby - you have often felt more passionately about certain subjects, and had expressed open dislike. Everyone read your words, and commented on them. In all fairness, shouldn't they be given the same acknowledgment in return?
ReplyDeleteYou know I like you a lot Libby, and I encouraged you to come back and comment more often. But it has to go both ways. Some dislike Angie, and would state their opinion, and others love her, and would also state theirs, as forcefully. But don't they all deserve to be read, at least as much as your opinion?
I think she's totally full of shit, but I did read somewhere that Brad complained to a friend that Angie freaks when he goes out with his bud's and she's left alone because she has no friends...
ReplyDeleteI'm with y'all when it was said the other day how waxy she's been looking.
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to agree with another person's differing opinion to respect their right to have it and state it. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteHadn't she just had kids before doing the movie? Hormonal shifts and feeling overwhelmed and not wanting to cry in front of the kids or where they can hear you... I am not a mom but I know mom's who take showers to escape and to think, plus they need to take one anyways. I don't know. Regardless of how cliche it is and regardless of whether I believe her or not, my point is that when kids are little it seems like the shower is a moms only refuge. So it could have happened.
ReplyDeleteShe feels so much more deeply than the rest of us!
I have no doubt that she loves her kids and she *appears* to be a great hands on mom but we never see the staff of nannies toiling behind the scenes, just the photo ops of visits to museums and toy stores.
I can pretty much take her or leave her. I think she's probably about as genuine as anyone else as steeply embroiled in the Hollywood juggernaut. I know someone who worked with her on a film and she said Angie was professional and pleasant to work but detached and very, VERY thin.
Hate her? No. Now Goop is another story.... :P
@Nellie - I believe you. It's simply her sudden oversharing that bothers me when having a movie to promote. Not just with her, but with a lot of stars who try so hard the rest of the year to keep their lives private. It's her playing to family values, to promote her war movie.
ReplyDeleteSo true.
DeleteGeez - I don't know anyone who HASN'T had a crying breakdown in the shower. I was single and alone when I had mine. At least she had someone to find her and lean on.
ReplyDeleteUgh, this woman. She is beautiful, truly she is. But I think she did Girl Interrupted and decided being crazy in the head might be the way to go. It was kind of the thing to be in the 90's...
ReplyDeleteDon't get me wrong, I understand depression, and I'm not saying she doesn't deal with it, but she just has a sense of falseness about her. Just my opinion :)
I'm with SusanB..My breakdown was in the hallway, curled in a fetal ball with the Lucy and Ethel trying to comfort me. I wished I had seen her interview to get an idea of how she comes across. She doesn't seem like a real person anymore.
ReplyDeleteI cry in the shower. It's my only private place. In less than twelve months I lost six family members, two local students were washed away by a sneaker wave, two students committed suicide, my car was stolen on Tues---I cry in the shower and it's real.
ReplyDeleteCrumpled ball crying in the shower? Yep, been there, done that.
ReplyDelete@joymama - my condolences. So sorry for your shitty year. wish you better times on the horizon.
ReplyDeleteI've always liked Jolie...she seems open, yet reserved. Professional, yet bat-shit crazy. Kinda like myself! =)
ReplyDeleteI've said it before, but one of my gay friends used to work for a PR firm in New York (Rubenstein), back in the early 2000s. He would set up press events, and then had to attend. He said AJ is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, and he stands by that today.
ReplyDeleteHe also did an event with Madonna, and said she is the biggest, phoniest bitch on the planet.
My problem with AJ is as someone said: the oversharing. I raised three kids six years apart, with the help of my hubby, while going to college full-time, and I am glad I did it without the help of nannies and maids and all that. It was my responsibility to raise my own children, whether I could afford to hire help or not. I had plenty of crying in the shower moments, not real breakdowns, but I can understand how stress can kick someone's ass.
Breathe, Libby, breathe.
Ghost, I agree with your comment.
ReplyDeleteJoymama: My sincere condolences on your horrible losses this year. And the car too? Man, that is shitty.
ReplyDeleteMy condolences to you, I know when it rains it pours or at least it feels like that some times
I don't think I have ever cried in the shower. I don't like to weep naked. Too much. *L*
ReplyDeleteI have cried fully clothed in public places though. Went through a separation from my husband last year (we're back together now) and goddamnit, I was all sorts of cheesy movie, crying on the c-train, at work, walking down the street.
But never in the shower. The shower is a happy place!
You don't assemble an audience of children purchased all over the globe without having some issues. You don't marry a man twice your age and do major heavy drugs without having some issues. I'm just saying. Staging a meltdown in order to "be found" huddled in a shower? Again, issues.
ReplyDeleteUm, I have broken down in the shower before. Hysterical meltdowns have left me sobbing in the fetal position at the bottom of a really gross tub on more than one occasion. But, I mean, I cry anywhere, anytime. It's really weird to break down bawling on the bus and not have a single person even acknowledge your existence.
ReplyDeleteAlso, TEAM ANGIE.
Sorry, I have nothing of real substance to contribute today!
I bet Angelina knows how to have one hell of a fit! There are stories of her breaking down in screaming, crying rages at AUDITIONS earlier in her career. The smack days. I think she's come a long way, but I'm sure she can still get Brad's attention when she needs to. I think she's a good actress but I do think she's sort f living a role she's writing for herself. I think there's still a lot of the old persona in her heart.
ReplyDeleteActually I thought Angie would be more original I've cried in the shower because the water drowns out the sound, and I've read this in fiction and seen in on the screen..just saying.
ReplyDeleteRight now she is in full award mode....she'll probably win something from the press ho's at The Golden Globes...they're presentimg...so something tells me they know they're not going home empty handed...
I don't believe there's anyone more manipulative and conniving in H-Wood than Angelina Jolie. I crumple up in the shower every time I realize others don't see this about her.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Mango. Nothing unusual in what she's saying, but I can't help but feel like she's trying too hard to make it seem like she's just like any normal mother of 6. I'm just not buying it. I also agree about the too much information; I think of actresses like Meryl Strep, who isn't beautiful in the same way as AJ, but she is famous and managed to raise some pretty normal kids without always talking about what she's doing. Just my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Libby and Miranda. So over the Angie hate...she can't do enough charity, she can't be with Brad long enough, she can't be a good enough mother or a talented actress or director...everyone will still take the tiniest things (crying in the shower? seriously?) as proof of what a terrible person she is. So played.
ReplyDeleteOkay i only read a few of the top comments but am throwing in my 2 cents anyway.
ReplyDeleteI have had emotional breakdowns and curled into a ball on the kitchen floor, in the shower, anywhere you hope no one Will find you while hoping someone can help you. No one picked me up and made it all better but me.
I am a mom and i could not do half of what she does. I have so much to do just in family and school obligations i still have the stupid christmas tree up!
I hope she is real because i am that f-ed up and that dark sometimes but am raising loving well rounded kids.
She is one of the few I really hope is real. I, in some ways, empathize with her, or so i think.
Not in the shower, (I sometimes do some really good thinking in there, though) but have definitely cried in a bathtub.
ReplyDeleteOT: I really wish Brad would cut his hair.
RQ -I completely agree! There is no way for her to redeem herself, it seems like.
ReplyDeleteCome on! Crying in the shower? Heck yeah I have done that, and once I was even found there by a boyfriends - manipulative? I dont think so.
Nope, I've never cried in the shower or the bath, probably never in the bathroom to my knowledge. I usually end up doing it in the car for some reason - not curling up in a ball but crying.
ReplyDeleteThe car is an awesome crying space. Songs can get me started, or one of those smarmy Delilah interviews. I can believe the crying in the shower thing, too. I'm just kind of on the fence about why she would share that (seemingly personal) moment for such a fluff piece with Marie Claire. It does seem like it might be for effect only.
ReplyDeleteWith that said, I would believe Angelina Jolie has some pretty big demons that she battles, and that can break anyone down.
As a mom, I find the shower to be a great place to cry. My kids are old enough to worry, but young enough to still remain sheltered from some things.....that goes for my husband too......and we don't need him trying to" fix" anything......
ReplyDeleteLike many of you, I've had breakdowns in many places (shower, car, home). I don't find it hard to believe AJ had a breakdown in the shower.