Saturday, January 28, 2012

Amber Portwood Needs A Better Lawyer

Amber Portwood should spend some of that Teen Mom money on a better lawyer. Yesterday she struck a deal with prosecutors which will have her serve no jail time if she completes rehab. That part sounds great right? It is. But, as you can see with Lindsay Lohan and other troubled people who abuse drugs, sometimes completion can be difficult. With Lindsay if she did not complete things, her punishment would be about a year in jail, which given the LA jail system turns into house arrest for a month. If Amber screws up she goes to jail for five years. For one count of drug possession. There would be no one left to act in movies or on television if such a sentence existed here.


  1. The LA jail system is such a joke. Why do they even bother going through the motion of arresting some of these people and taking them to jail, only to be released in a matter of hours? Seems like a boat load of paperwork for nothing.

    Hey, there are plenty of out of work, talented AND clean people in LA. If some of the blatent abusers got more jail time, maybe these folks could get a shot at movie/tv success.

  2. Well, if she ends up in the clinker, at least her chances of getting knocked up again will be lessened.

    I truly have no compassion for anyone associated with that show -- except for the poor children who have these cretins as parents. The fact that Teen Mom even exists is enraging.

  3. What Amber really needs is a brain and morals transplant.

    There is something seriously wrong with a viewing public that finds this or any show like this entertaining.

  4. But isn't Indiana really harsh when it comes to drug charges? Maybe the difference has something to do with that too (among all the other things, like her not being a movie star...).

  5. she's in Indiana.

    enough said.

  6. sorry I just saw what ^^^Reticulation said. Obviously, I concur.

  7. She does not need a better lawyer-she needs to GROW THE HELL UP. Her rehab needs to be inpatient, not outpatient. Family therapy is a MUST for her family, baby daddy and at the very least, his parents-why baby daddy and his folks you ask? Because of the child/grandchild.
    I swear to sweet Baby Jesus this one gets on my damn nerves. MTV and all of them need to STOP with these shows. Do a yearly check in with them-fine. But the constant media attention that these girls get is doing more harm than good.

  8. I wish the money for these shows would be kept in a trust for the children of the teen moms.

  9. Good when she goes to jail for 5 years at least that will be 5 years when she can't get knocked up again. The world will be a better place if she doesn't spawn again.
